To avoid so many duplicate threads, please place your ideas and thoughts on a live chat system here.
Initially, we weren't going to do a live chat, but enough users asked for it that Dan has agreed, and we'll add a live chat to the system AFTER we launch AG3. It will NOT be part of the AG3 launch.
Ideas that others have suggested: - custom channels - password-protected channels - kick/ban controls - moderation controls - report a user
We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.
Well, twenty doesn't mean i have to stop loving games and chatting ;o.
I thought about the chat app and i think it would be pretty hard to do.
It would be intense on a normal phone server i think, and like facebook a separate app would need to be created: this would be a lot of work >.>. The reason it worked for facebook is because fb chat is only those online on your contact list and not everybody has 100,000+ people on their fb account. If you take into consideration the people who are active on here and the people who just want to come on AG to spam, mixed in with numerous chat rooms.. a chat app would probably eat all your MB allowance on your phone, crash repeatedly and be way too much work for the admins to put together (Not saying you guys aren't capable, just saying is it really worth the fuss)
Well, a phone gives me an idea.... Well an android(droid) and iphone, ipad etc have the ability to have apps... and have internet... I was wondering if armorgames could make an app so that instead of going onto the internet and searching it, it would be there right on ur apps.... good idea?
Well, a phone gives me an idea.... Well an android(droid) and iphone, ipad etc have the ability to have apps... and have internet... I was wondering if armorgames could make an app so that instead of going onto the internet and searching it, it would be there right on ur apps.... good idea?
The app idea has been put forward before in terms of the whole site. However i don't think a mobile app could incorporate a chat app all in one, even facebook can't seem to get that one.
I think that would probably cause the page to lag. I think up on the bar by community, we should just put a link that says "chat" that redirects you to different chat rooms.
I think that would probably cause the page to lag. I think up on the bar by community, we should just put a link that says "chat" that redirects you to different chat rooms.
Mmm, do you mean an in-site page like the community or a redirection to a new window. I think the latter could help with lagging.
I'd love for this site to adopt a Kongregate styled Chat feature. If it did this, I'd leave that site and join this community. Hopefully the administrators will realise the full Market potential of a public chat integrated to the site. The only downside is that the forums will become less active, with a lot of users focusing on the chat. I saw it happened to Kong, and it'd happen here.
Well they are making a live chat, so keep your promise ;]
Also, please don;t compare Kong and AG as i may just go out of my mind. From what i believe, the admins are focusing on making a great chat system - incomparable to Kongs disaster (I hope).
The chat (if i remember correctly) will not be topic based (Unless this has since changed) so therefore i don't think this will affect the forums.
From what i believe, the admins are focusing on making a great chat system - incomparable to Kongs disaster (I hope).
I see no issue with their chat system. There is no topic based chats. It's all revolved around rooms, and game rooms created for multiplayer games (Yes. There are topics there ). However, for purposes of this site's best interest, i'll avoid mentioning that site as much... From the looks of it you're all not big fans of it.
The problem with kongs system is it is too chaotic. One of the issues a few users have here too, the fear of a chaotic chat room. The admins have talked about capping chat rooms and users have recommended chat mods.
We won't know until we see it, but i'm hoping it is good.
A question though, Will the chat rooms have a silence feature? Where you can silence/ignore certain users? That might be a feature to consider if chat mods is totally out of the window - if everyone silences a spammer, they won't do much damage.
I'd love for this site to adopt a Kongregate styled Chat feature.
I don't really want it to be like theirs, and I don't think Cormyn does either. I believe he's mentioned that it'll be on a page on its own, rather than having to load up a game for it.
From the looks of it you're all not big fans of it.
I'm a fan of it - I even frequent that site often. I've tried suggesting things similar to Kong's system, such as chat mods, but Cormyn (an administrator) has said no to it.
If you're talking about silences, I suggest making Chat Moderators individual to the Forum Moderator system. Seriously... Don't marry them together... It causes a mess... Believe me, I know. Chat silences should remain chat silences, and forum silences (Do they do those here?) should remain forum silences. Bans should be universal, restricting access to both features. But, Unfortunately, yes. The chat system will be messy until it has a healthy amount of chat mods. To start off the system, I suggest looking at your current moderators. Those that prove themselves most capable should be offered chat moderator positions. This should allow a steady flow of moderators until you can make some more.