just a question i've always had, and just so we are clear, this is not a question pertaining to any specific religion, it is simply a hypothetical. please don't cite religious texts, i'd like to hear your personal opinions from purely rational viewpoints
He's been "alive" since the start of time, and it took 7 days to make the earth apparently. That excuse is dull and evil.
Won't change anything in the long run? Hey - who's the people bettering themselves and learning for themselves? Those who do not devote their life to a book with its own WRONG rules.
How does any of that contradict my position? It was just stuff I already knew, save the etymology, which was interesting.
Man up and realize it's an expression.
Yes. An expression that implies women lack mental fortitude. Don't you see what's wrong with that?
No, but it did kill several thousand gay kids a year.
Do you really believe that? Do you honestly think that it is religion, not human nature?
Xzeno, do you even have an argument, or are you just going to keep insulting everyone?
Not anymore. If you want to corrupt this thread into yet another platform for you all to spout nihilism, I don't want to play. I see no value in arguing whether or not God exists, because these threads have yet to present arguments of intellectual merit in opposition to my views.
Man up is a idiomatic saying, which clearly has gone over your head.
An idiomatic saying that implies women lack mental fortitude. Being an idiomatic saying in no way invalidates the above point. In fact, it's exactly why it's wrong.
Third, arguments have been presented, it's just you, not the arguements, lack the intellectual merits required to debate such matters.
This isn't a debate. There aren't any debates on AG anymore; the Great Debate was closed. It's a polemic argument.
"a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."
Ignore it and let's get back to the topic of the thread.
I will agree with the Mage. The point that i was asking about from the beginning was whether or not it made logical sense for a benign god to create evil. Nothing is to say that god must be logical of course. However, i thank Xzeno for playing devil's advocate throughout the majority of the thread, i am sorry if you have been insulted to the point of not returning to the conversation, but know that without the things that you have been just as much a continuation of this thread as any other person. Anyway, back to the original question please guys
wow that was bad, without what you have said we would be having a much more boring conversation, you are as large a part as anyone in continuing the conversation
The point that i was asking about from the beginning was whether or not it made logical sense for a benign god to create evil.
There would have to be evil to be conflict. Without conflict there would be nothing. Life would be boring if there were no obstacles to overcome, boundaries to leap, or evils to overcome. Humans can't exist without it.
The whole idea of religion is so convoluted, contradictory, and just plain absurd that based off the merit of the idea alone it's impossible. Add that to the fact that no religious person can actually demonstrate any proof whatsoever in their respective god and you end up with it simply being that there is no god, or afterlife, or whatever.
So indie are you saying that evil is something that humans added as a facet to religion to explain part of their nature? And i think that to someone who is religious Kasic, the stardard of proof may be lower than your own. To someone who is religious, maybe they don't need incontrovertible proof but instead just a story that may have happened, i couldn't tell you.
There would have to be evil to be conflict. Without conflict there would be nothing. Life would be boring if there were no obstacles to overcome, boundaries to leap, or evils to overcome. Humans can't exist without it.
I prefer boredom over conflict. Life is nicer when I'm not fighting. Obstacles and boundaries are OK but why evil? And I can exist fine without it. Are you saying the world wars were good? Because a lot of people would have something to say about that.
There would have to be evil to be conflict. Without conflict there would be nothing. Life would be boring if there were no obstacles to overcome, boundaries to leap, or evils to overcome. Humans can't exist without it.
Could we not have been created to be content and fine great enjoyment in such a boring life instead of being wires to seek obstacles to over come?