ForumsWEPRshould there be just one religion or hundreds of religion

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tell me what you think

  • 152 Replies
358 posts

People are going to disagree on something, and if its about faith, its going to be gaurenteed. You need various faiths to accomodate spiritual beliefs. Do I beleive in any of it? No. Does religion hinder the progression of free thinking? Not really. If we as a global society hinder the practice of religion then were just being hypocrites.

Just let things be as they are for now. People adapt and times change, things flow. Not much really changes politically since the same situations happen in a different context. In short, it's human nature for us to have hundreds of ideals and faiths and to be aggressive about it.

3,817 posts

You need various faiths to accomodate spiritual beliefs.

Or we could just have no "Spiritual beliefs". That would work a lot better.

Does religion hinder the progression of free thinking? Not really.

Galileo ring a bell? What about the stunting of science in recent years and doing things like giving tax brakes to "Museums" to build giant arks? It does hinder the process of free thinking by making "Goddit" to be a viable answer. Hell, in some countries witches are still burned. It hinders the process of freethinking as well as being violent.

If we as a global society hinder the practice of religion then were just being hypocrites.

This is a metaphorical situation, where no one would have a religion, it wouldn't hinder anyone. But of course freedom of religion is a good thing, religion isn't.

Just let things be as they are for now.

With homosexuals being persecuted? With Islamic extremists running planes into buildings? With Christian extremist shooting up planned parenthood? Violence and ignorance go hand in hand with religion.

People adapt and times change, things flow. Not much really changes politically since the same situations happen in a different context. In short, it's human nature for us to have hundreds of ideals and faiths and to be aggressive about it.

But without religion, you have to justify your actions using actual logic. "Why do you hate homosexuals" you could ask someone, and most of the religious people would say "Because god hates ***s" or something to that degree. Ask the same to a person without religion and its hard to justify.
9,462 posts

But without religion, you have to justify your actions using actual logic. "Why do you hate homosexuals" you could ask someone, and most of the religious people would say "Because god hates ***s" or something to that degree. Ask the same to a person without religion and its hard to justify.

The use of religion to justify ones bigotry was one of the biggest things that got on my nerves even before I became an atheist. It wasn't even just a select few I saw this from, it seemed to be very prevalent.
13 posts

Why are we even discussing if there even should a be a religion. It's terrible things humans have created and now it's just caused major wars through time.

5,552 posts

When you were born and was a kid, you didn't knew anything about these discriminatory things. You were enjoying your life more.

Kinda reminds me of when we were taught about slavery in school. Before that, I didn't think anything of different skin colors, but after that for a good 2 years or so, I was always very self concious around anyone different than me.
13 posts

Kinda reminds me of when we were taught about slavery in school. Before that, I didn't think anything of different skin colors, but after that for a good 2 years or so, I was always very self concious around anyone different than me.

AS in notice or as in you are rascist because you got me kinda confused especially with the "I was always very self concious around anyone different than me."
9,462 posts

Why are we even discussing if there even should a be a religion. It's terrible things humans have created and now it's just caused major wars through time.

Not everyone sees it that way, thus room for discussion.
5,552 posts

AS in notice or as in you are rascist because you got me kinda confused especially with the "I was always very self concious around anyone different than me."

Lol no, i'm not a racist or anything. What I meant was, after learning all the terrible things that were done in the past, just every time I saw someone different I was reminded of it, and tried to not do anything that could possibly be construed as offensive or anything like that. I was just uncomfortable because I felt like I would get blamed, even though I knew I hadn't done anything and they knew that also. After a bit I just grew out of that self conciousness.
554 posts

Kinda reminds me of when we were taught about slavery in school. Before that, I didn't think anything of different skin colors, but after that for a good 2 years or so, I was always very self concious around anyone different than me.

Why? I always felt that if you want to combat racism the best way to do it is to just treat everyone the same regardless of skin colour. You wouldn't act like that around similar to you so why make an exception for people who aren't?
5,552 posts

I always felt that if you want to combat racism the best way to do it is to just treat everyone the same regardless of skin colour.

I did that before and and I do that now, just during that time it was sort of awkward. Kind of like Sex Ed in middle school, just a different subject, you are more aware of exactly who is around you

You wouldn't act like that around similar to you so why make an exception for people who aren't?

I didn't act that different really, it was more just me being uncomfortable because of all that in the back of my head.


Why are we even discussing if there even should a be a religion. It's terrible things humans have created and now it's just caused major wars through time.

The two most common arguments in this thread that i've seen that defend religion existing, is that a, you derive morals from it, but when pressed I never receive an answer as to what morals are provided with religion alone, and the argument of, "You don't know what the world would be like without religion" or, "There would be just as much wrong as now."
315 posts

is that a, you derive morals from it, but when pressed I never receive an answer as to what morals are provided with religion alone
I have a list.... Love your family, do not kill, do not steal, no adultery, respect your elders, and many others that I am too lazy to list
5,552 posts

Love your family

This does not come from religion alone.

do not kill

Nor this.

do not steal,

Nor this.

no adultery

Most cultures have this, although some do not.

respect your elders

Already was present.

In other words, you just listed things that we would have regardless of whether religion was around or not. Meaning.
9,462 posts

Love your family

Unless you want to be a disciple.

Luke 14:25-26 (NIV)
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple.

do not kill

We can practically close our eyes and point anywhere in Leviticus to find a contradiction on this one.

do not steal

So long as your doing it fro God it's okay.

Luke 19:28-31(NIV)
After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.
As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them,
"Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.
If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it.'"

no adultery

Yep this one seems to be in agreement not to do this. But really if all parties involved are fine with it, it's a rather harmless one.

respect your elders

I can again point back to the love your family one.

Getting your father drunk to have sex with his sounds pretty disrespectful to me, but God doesn't seem to say anything about this one way or the other.

Genesis 19:30-33 (NIV)
Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave.
One day the older daughter said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth.
Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father."
That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and lay with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

So out of your list from the top of your head we are left with just one (that under certain circumstances isn't a big deal) that isn't contradicted in some way. Add to this what Kasic pointed out your left with a pretty weak argument.
You could try to say these verses are in some way out of context.But given how ambiguous and open for interpretation the Bible is often treated even by those who follow it, this to is a weak argument.
50 posts

ok im catholic and there is something called free will. That means that people can believe in what they believe in. And my friend's parents are starting some (Cristian) religion. And I know some catholics are really really mad how ,like, 2000 years ago people started to believe in other things! Well sometimes I'm one of them! But bottom line, religion is religion. So anyways me and my best friend have even gotten in a fight over Baptist and Catholic (wich are the most different of Lutherans,Catholics,and Baptist)! But my other friend is Lutheran and I've brought up my religion and we've NEVER gotten in a fight over religion. And personally I think that means because Baptists and Catholics are so different they would fight more and Lutherans and Catholics are way more alike they wouldn't fight as often. Oh and above:The world must rely on religion! So don't go off saying "da da da da no religion da da to good for that!"

9,462 posts

So anyways me and my best friend have even gotten in a fight over Baptist and Catholic (wich are the most different of Lutherans,Catholics,and Baptist)!

Your fighting over different way to worship the same imaginary being. Get over it and live your life.

Oh and above:The world must rely on religion!

For what?
Showing 121-135 of 152