This is basically the same game as the one that has been running for quite a while, but it will be all official material, no house rules or non-rulebook sources of any kind, and I may enforce mandatory characters if things get too far out of hand (TRF has said that things were getting carried away in the other game). I also want chracter and OOC dialouge to be better managed, in other words don't fill this game up with a bunch of meaningless chatter (If all you want to do is talk about something, do it in the other game). New players are always welcome, and in fact encouraged, even if you don't own any of the books or know any of the rules. If any new players want to join, see the other game for rules, give me a race and class, and I will take care of the rest. As soon as at least 4 characters are made, this game will begin. The module I am using is a DCC, known as "The Black Pearl" (and I don't mean the ship from Pirates of the Caribbean)
Chardath and dire wolfeh are planning to give the rogue $$$, a place to stay, and ask for nothing in return. It's like I said, Chardath is Chaotic Good towards half-elves.
Lion's Shield. Would it count as an extension of yourself?
Run after the Rogue. Should note that he is treated for movement as if wearing no armor because of the Mithral making FP a medium armor and Armor Mastery (medium) from Knight.
i run after her "Come on if you keep running you know what will happen? the situation with your family will only get worse" i have my mohrg go around see if he can cut her off
Grun will never catch her, the tainted Knight will have a very hard time and the wolfeh might catch her before she gets into the open. Any other strategies?
We'll just have to convince her to run back towards the group...say, by shooting a few arrows in the direction that she's running towards? Chardath does that, but is careful not to hit her.
Oh, nevermind. I was ninja'd. So the wolfeh catches up and tackles the rogue. Once the rogue is on the ground, the wolfeh sits down on her chest to prevent das rogue from trying to run away.
Alright, Grun uses Ray of Exhaustion and she slows to the point anybody could catch her, but she's still trying her best to get away.
grun gets up to her a bit impatient "listen, i was thinking of killing you but you looked like a nice girl whose skills i could use with our objective, so you really have two choices, i must say i'm sorry it had to come to this"