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ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

3990 839698
13,657 posts

Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
1,608 posts

Ok highfire.
I looked through the posts and at page 27 you kind of say screw you to fps and rather play eta. Ok good for you.
But why the hell are you on a cod fora whilst cod is one of the most popular (not the best) fps games nowadays.
And dont worry, one day you will find a real friend and a life

3,025 posts

But why the hell are you on a cod fora whilst cod is one of the most popular (not the best) fps games nowadays.

Because I have valid points on it. You already asked this before, so quit travelling a loop hole and admit you're wrong or give me a solid argument / question which I haven't already answered - one related to this.

And dont worry, one day you will find a real friend and a life

Perhaps you'll grow up some day?
Who knows.

34 Pages long and it's a disaster, I would lol if it got locked *hint hint* *nudge nudge*.

- H
482 posts

You know xNightwish, as much as I disagree with Highfire, I still respect his opinion, you should too. You should also mimic me by speaking coherent English.

1,608 posts

Well I would respect his opinion I'f he wasn't such a jerk and such.
If anyone says A he says B and says A is wrong.
And I would speak coherent English if I was better in it and my iPad doesn't try to create Dutch words for me.

3,025 posts

as much as I disagree with Highfire

There hasn't been a great deal of disagreeing between me and you during the late part of our debates, why haven't you been posting on here by the way?

You should also mimic me by speaking coherent English.

That always helps

Well I would respect his opinion I'f he wasn't such a jerk and such.

I can stop reading here, if you wish.
Have you been listening to me? You have not replied to much of what I said and quite frankly it shows that you haven't read or bothered taking it in like a sore thumb.

Also "If he wasn't such a jerk and such." - says the one trolling?

Lovin' the hypocricy - if you wanna continue, do it on my profile, but I plan on getting this back on the right track.

How about we try finding ways to prevent noobtubes being effective against you?
Without using perks etc to stop it, unless of course you guys wanna make a class that is reliable in one way and prevents explosions.
For instance:
RPK - Extended Magazine
*Insert Secondary Here*
Flak Jacket
Sleight of Hand (It's a red perk right?)
*Insert a perk here* (I can't remember a great deal of them)

It's a simple one, and is made for maps where there are valuable positions you can control and use good suppressive fire - it probably won't do much on the scoreboard but expect being a large influence on the enemy team with good suppressive fire.

- H
1,434 posts

But why the hell are you on a cod fora whilst cod is one of the most popular (not the best) fps games nowadays.
And dont worry, one day you will find a real friend and a life

*raises hand* I consider Highfire my friend.

When the forum asks one to put everything CoD related, that also means anti-Call of Duty arguments, to counteract the pro-Call of Duty arguments. And Call of Duty is most certainly NOT the best FPS series of all time.

And then we delve into the ever-present, Popularity =/= Quality battle. just because a game gets a lot of hype and a lot of people play it, doesn't necessarily mean its of good quality. Call of Duty does something called "The Skinner Box" technique, an underhanded move used in many low-grade FPS' and MMO's today.

Half Life, Halo, Crysis, Fallout 3, Battlefield, Doom, Wolfenstein, Bioshock, Quake, even the original Duke Nukem, all better FPS' than the Call of Duty franchise (excluding the original Modern Warfare, but then again, that one was shadowed by the massive Bioshock in 2007), but my guess is that you only played Halo and Fallout, because of their popularity.

I mean, Homefront was one of the most hyped-up games of this year, and then what? It was an exact clone of Call of Duty with a hold-your-hand approach to gameplay, and nearly caused a standstill in the shooter market had Crysis 2 not come out of nowhere, kicked Kaos Studios into oblivion, and then strutted its nanosuit for all to enjoy.

482 posts

There hasn't been a great deal of disagreeing between me and you during the late part of our debates,
The only part we disagree on is weather or not we like the game, I personally love it, while you... don't.
why haven't you been posting on here by the way?
I don't know... board of discussing I guess. I've been mingling in my other forum, mainly because I'm a veteran on it.

One thing I've been thinking about though is the whole Popularity and Quality are different things, and I think I came up with a good analogy. Let's say you bought a blender and it left your food chunky, would you buy that brand again? Probably not. Now lets say that the blender was top notch and blended your food smooth, you'd keep buying that brand when you need a new blender, right? I'd say that's a pretty convincing Quality=Popularity example, and I personally think that if the COD brand blender's were crappy that people would start buying the... let's say... the Elder Scrolls brand blender instead, they're both big games/blenders and both sell well, hence my thinking of a link between the two.
566 posts

Call of Duty does something called "The Skinner Box" technique, an underhanded move used in many low-grade FPS' and MMO's today.

In this topic, Skinner Boxes are eeeeeeeeeeevil. Look I can somewhat see your point, but it really isn't helping that argument of yours when most of the "better" games on that list use the general idea behind the Skinner Box too. And I say "most" because I haven't played all the other ones, so I'm sure some of those have them too.

Basically EVERY Blizzard RPG has them. Is WoW a "low-grade" MMO then?

Not to mention calling a Psychology theory an "underhanded move" is kind of weird to begin with.

One thing I've been thinking about though is the whole Popularity and Quality are different things, and I think I came up with a good analogy. Let's say you bought a blender and it left your food chunky, would you buy that brand again? Probably not. Now lets say that the blender was top notch and blended your food smooth, you'd keep buying that brand when you need a new blender, right? I'd say that's a pretty convincing Quality=Popularity example, and I personally think that if the COD brand blender's were crappy that people would start buying the... let's say... the Elder Scrolls brand blender instead, they're both big games/blenders and both sell well, hence my thinking of a link between the two.

I say it is. But of course, you should consider the danger of being a franchise to begin with. There'll be a small part of your customers buying the blenders simply because of brand recognition alone.

At the same time, if CoD is really as terrible as everyone says, then it will ultimately destroy itself. Just like it happened with Guitar Hero once they just basically made the same game with different songs and released one every year. Final Fantasy is another excellent example.
482 posts

Just like it happened with Guitar Hero once they just basically made the same game with different songs and released one every year
Guitar Hero would have been fine if Activision hadn't pushed them too far with their "one game a year" plan, COD would be in the same boat if there weren't multiple developers.
618 posts

I don't know why but I hate black ops but i keep going back to it.

1,608 posts

Yeah well but what would be guitar hero if it took them 3 years to create a game with only new songs.

3,025 posts

Yeah well but what would be guitar hero if it took them 3 years to create a game with only new songs.

Better, for one. And that's the point - 1 year = can't add much, it'll take too long refining little parts in the older Guitar Hero with different songs.

Doesn't FIFA have this problem?

I say it is. But of course, you should consider the danger of being a franchise to begin with. There'll be a small part of your customers buying the blenders simply because of brand recognition alone.

How everyone buys Nike. That's annoying. :P

Guitar Hero would have been fine if Activision hadn't pushed them too far with their "one game a year" plan, COD would be in the same boat if there weren't multiple developers.

Bare in mind that CoD doesn't introduce much new stuff in it per game, and that's one of the reasons I don't think its worth its cost nor its praise.

- H
1,608 posts

No i mean to say. It would suck if took them 3 years to add new songs. There aren't much improvements which I can come up for guitar hero. Only new songs better graphics and that is it.

3,025 posts

There aren't much improvements which I can come up for guitar hero. Only new songs better graphics and that is it.

Adding a new instrument = new format of play. Of course it wouldn't be Guitar Hero but nonetheless it's a big and cool addition.

- H
1,608 posts

Yeah well, some kind of band expansion, but back to topic.
Just imagine you are the head of IW and someone saYs : what if we make new improvements in cod but it takes 4 years and we will make less money. That sounds as a bad idea for the head of IW cuz everything is about money.

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