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ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
1,608 posts

We know you are all excited about cod and bf3 but don't forget THE game
Skyrim it will be more awesome than the epicest moments in CoD x 10

3,025 posts

Sorry about not posting this sooner, that's because I replied to nearly ALL of your post and then bam.
My Internet Explorer crashes.

Now THAT is something to rage about. :P

The only reason I'm occasionally playing Black Ops is because of friends to have fun.

One of the reasons I feel CoD is so popular - the ability to play with friends.

Agreeing, to make it simple.

I think "I agree" or what you've posted later in your post "*nods head*" would have been easier xD

well duh, who would play a game they hate or make them rage all the time? Would I be surprised by the answer to that one?

The answer of course being CoD players xD
No, you shouldn't be surprised

But the people who played CoD generally hate the game now, because of many, many reasons

I know a fair amount of people who still retain a liking for CoD even though they've played CoD4, 6 and 7.
Pretty dull, really.

Although I can say that they do not like CoD7 as much as 6.

Whereas in the case of James Bond, I think we all like 7 instead of 6.

Well, I meant age as in maturity mostly

I thought as much, it's just that (as shown in the example) I dislike how people have generalized maturity based on age. When people take this too far and act according to my age I feel insulted more or less.
The generalization? Not necessary, and when people begin to believe that because I'm a fourteen year old I'm not mature enough to understand, I sense hypocricy.

I said younger community because the majority act like spoiled brats, and unfortunately this isn't just me saying that, it's true

It may be the majority or the vocal minority. Based on what I've seen I think it could be the majority but I wouldn't be surprised if a fair amount of the playerbase aren't rude and disruptive idiots.

If a 22 year old is acting like a spoiled brat, then he is as bad as the rest who act like him, he probably isn't as mature as, you for example, even though you're fourteen.

The bolded text hints another discussion for another time, but yeah really - that (to me) mostly stands to perfect reason.

Nope. Thank treyarch for the mute button so I don't listen to that crap some random character says in rage mode.

How is it that Modern Warfare 2 didn't have an auto-mute-all function whereas in Crysis 2 it does?
Crysis 2 has no hearable rage, and it has been a very rare occurence to see typed rage in the chat.

Oh, and I can't hear it not because I have the mute on (because I do actually forget to use it) but because there actually isn't any. I don't hear any rage, and thus I don't remember to switch on the mute.

True, but it is highly annoying hearing somebody shouting, insulting, screaming, insulting again

I wasn't saying that form of behaviour was justified, by the way. I generally find that the type of rage towards the game, and not somebody else (including somebody else playing the same game) is justified IF it lets anger out, not generate more.
I went indepth with nearly all of this post before it deleted itself, because, well yeah, stuff happens, but these are essentially the same points.

But the fact that kids are making this one particular game their life is what shocks me.

Worst more is that it's the most recognised game because of kids. It's a terrible thing to have on the frontier representing gaming.

and this proves how much our generation is going downhill.

That is... again another discussion for another time, but to summarize what I think of this general topic (regarding this quote):
A lot of other generations have probably thought the same. As it stands, technological and dare I say moral growth is going up - not down. Whilst it does appear that it is a low, it is probably actually rising...
My argument towards this is that the moral growth in particular is not growing as fast as it should be ("as it should be", in this case, to me, is as fast as possible).

Where was the time games were played for fun without the rage? Getting caught up a llitle, sorry.

This is one of the things I went quite indepth on, and I'll do the same here. In the case of CoD, I agree completely, although I must point out that at a young age I learnt a HUGE deal of positive things from fiction.
A HUGE extension of morality and consequences arised when I played Fable 1, another large extension of morality arised when I watched Stargate SG-1 (which I still continue to watch today... because hey, it's awesome). Educational benefits have also been present, History from Age of Empires II or tidbits of Science from before-mentioned Stargate.
And I even learnt or grew on my oration skills after playing Mass Effect II.

Yes, I go more in depth than is required when I play my games. :P

But you still enjoy starcraft 2, right, even though you're not as good as some people?

I try to get better although I don't play that much and I feel that holds me back a decent bit. The 2 best things about having people better than me in the case of Starcraft II is:
1) I can learn from well over 200 sources of information (AKA professional matches in SCII) because of professional players (who are quite simply the highest tier of player you can get).
2) The matchmaking system in Starcraft II is not perfect, but it almost completely guarantees that I will be going up in a 1v1 against someone of roughly the same skill-level.

The person with slightly more skill? Probably would win, although slip ups and lack of capabilities from a certain player given that we're not as good at some things as a professional player would be could get in the way.
It's made for eSports, so I'm alright with that and my general philosophy when playing is to do it all like a pro, and grow from there.

It's working out well, thus far.

Black ops is really making it impossible to enjoy the game.

I remember missing this part on my previous post. Haha.

I CHOOSE to dislike Black Ops for its hideous and unnecessary flaws. If I wanted I could, perhaps find it fun but to push the quality of games there needs to be a limit as to how much crap you can take. I have the right to want a better quality game, as long as I'm willing to accept the consequences (which is generally nothing, although logically it should be "a higher price&quot.
With rights come responsibilities is a common phrase.
The responsibility that I've taken is not to allow things like the preorder bonuses from Battlefield 3 or the general poor quality from CoD to come through via not buying them. I can safely say that by most chances I would absolutely LOVE Battlefield 3.

But no, to me it's morally wrong so to hell with that.

Battlefield 3; tactical gameplay with teammates. I simply cannot wait! *nostalgia kicks in*

In Bad Company 2 being a lone wolf was okay if you managed to do it right (given that being a Recon I got the highest score... I think I hit the nail pretty well), but I can safely say that having an organized Squad of 4 in Bad Company 2 you would have such an advantage over (and could probably beat) a full team of people who lack such organization (the level of organization you'd expect when you join a Bad Company 2 Server, for instance).

Well, when people nowadays mention rage I can't help but think about black ops. I wonder why? *facepalm*. Black ops, lets be frank, is a fail game which causes rage, you cannot deny that. The biggest game in history ( I believe) which makes people angry at everything (as a bonus, you can hear that anger if they have a microphone) =/

People continue to play it, and get annoyed from it - it's pretty childish really but I can't really say that in this case it is Black Ops' fault.
For the most part.
I can get annoyed from Black Ops with good reason. My paragraph there was directed towards the people who continue to play when already annoyed or expect more from a game after having enough experience with it (and if you don't have enough experience... whom are you to judge?).

Yes, many games have the opposite effect when you lose, that being; think of how to improve.

Being a Zerg player in Starcraft II I've learnt the hard way to always maintain scouting.

Call of duty however makes people say it's a ton of crap because in most cases it is,

I wouldn't overestimate the intelligence of some CoD players out there. *Chuckle*, I know I sound like an insulting fool right now but I have witnessed people getting upset with the game simply because they are losing.

Whereas, anyone smart enough to hate on the game with good reason but not smart enough to decide not to play it? I question their sanity.

I'm starting to think I actually do hate treyarch...with good reason, of course.

Funnily enough I hate both them and Infinity Ward for being content with making a game for the money - or being unable to show otherwise and getting what they appear to have wanted.

Exactly. I mean, most game developers are in it for the money.

Sadly. This becomes ever-more apparent by companies like Blizzard Entertainment, who has now not included modding in Diablo 3 (where it's prequel had modding as an integral part), and instead included the ability to buy items from other players with real-life money (which, from what I know, completely defeats the purpose of the rest of the series).

There's mixed views on this, a person like Totalbiscuit disagrees with this, and another like Athene agrees with this. I personally agree (and disagree) with both of them. Should this form of online marketing be allowed in games? Definitely.
In Diablo 3?
Certainly not.

A perfect example of where I think this would be justified is with Starcraft II's modding. Whilst I don't think modding is the primary focus of Starcraft II (the primary focus being eSports) I still think modding provides a huge amount of longevity and catering towards more... "casual" players (I use that term LOOSELY).
The modding marketplace that will be present in Heart of the Swarm will allow modders to make money from their mods, I can easily see this being abused, as has the video game market for so long, but I can also see it as a good motivational tool for modders who care more for quality than money.

Modding can easily be seen as a huge aspect when you consider that one mod (Defense of the Ancients) eventually split off into a whole new sub-genre (DotA), two examples of this sub-genre are:
1) League of Legends
2) Heroes of Newerth

And let's not forget that Valve is bringing out DotA 2.

My point being is that this marketplace gives modders what they hopefully deserve, and that the Diablo marketplace... defeats the spirit of its predecessors.

some will learn from their mistakes while others will do the same to get alot of money, or as you said, money whoring.

I really couldn't consider it less than money-whoring if someone is basing their game off another after seeing its success.
It takes away the originality and furthermore it shows that they'd be content with not furthering the game industry.

It will be remembered, that's for sure. as a mistake or as a great game; everybody's opinion will be different.

Meanwhile other games like Section 8: Prejudice will be layed down in the dust.
That's pretty annoying.

Thankfully Battlefield 3 will take a step further in the right direction, and I'm anxious, to say the least.

I would agree but the preorder bonuses take a step in the wrong direction if you ask me.

We know you are all excited about cod and bf3 but don't forget THE game
Skyrim it will be more awesome than the epicest moments in CoD x 10

Not only is this not backed up and irrelevant to the common discussion but...
All excited about CoD?
Because I've shown that thus far? :P

- H
3,025 posts

The SAME thing happened to me, but before all of it got lost, I copied it as fast as I could.

Mine just... completely crashed, only the IE... So I was very upset :<

*nods head*

Hehe, I see wut you did thar.

And it is not with bad reason that they generalize maturity based on age, now is it? Of course, being patronized has a certain limit, but this isn't the place to be debating about this.

When people take it too far and treat me as if I'm immature or just not trusting me with something simple because of my age... that's when I get annoyed.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the first line. Either way, lets not start an irrelevant discussion here.

That was pretty much my point.

I feel like you made some sort of smart argument and it got deleted xD remember, ctrl+C is your friend.

I had 4 tabs. One was music, the other was music (both on YouTube), the third was this thread, the fourth was Hotmail.

I open a fifth one to dredge up a rant by Totalbiscuit concerning Diablo 3, and my IE crashes, I couldn't go back to this thread, Copy and Paste, then Alt-F4 out.
Hell, I couldn't even Alt-F4 out, I had to go into task manager (which also stopped responding several times) to shut this down :<

Well, I actually didn't made myself quite clear; I meant not the whole generation, but it is making kids more aggressive, violent, disobeying, selfish and/or withdrawn to the life of video games. This applies to some kids, not all.

The standard is rising if I remember correctly. It is, for the most part, for another disucssion and it's difficult to be a good judge of this anyway, considering we've so little knowledge of the past and not even deep knowledge of the present.

You said it all, old school games are a must play.

Not my point but... yep.
I played Super Mario on the Nintendo DS earlier today, because it's that awesome :P

likewise. Some people need to go in-depth because in some games there is a message that can be helpful and educational, alot of games taught me alot of different things; but I won't go over them here, in a CoD thread :P

Examples of messages that can be helpful / educational are the games I've mentioned. :>
It would help if people decided to take influence in a positive fashion from games.

But even if you lose alot of games, you still enjoy each of those games, being a great match, unlike some games *hint, hint*

Definitely, it's really nice losing a 30 minute match to a guy, saying "gg wp", leaving, then looking at what I done wrong and being in a familiar situation to win.
Or, just losing and not being in that situation again, it's nice to see that the guy won because it was a tense game on both sides (if it's thirty minutes, that's almost always the case).

I have learned quite a bit from WhiteRa; but I'm nowhere near his level

I've learnt a LOT from Day9, also in one of his Day[9] Dailies he had ROOTSlush's replay which I integrated into my playstyle, and it works very effectively.
I also learnt a good deal (as did nearly every Zerg) about ROOTDestiny

ROOT is disbanded now, by the way, a darn shame :<

Actually, I don't know why people go back to black ops each and every day, it is beyond my comprehension.

It is brainless fun, really. I can't say I haven't dedicated time towards getting better in Starcraft II. The theorycraft, the strategies and practice (which is basically playing) has been very VERY fun to me but I can understand how others wouldn't like it as much.

And you will end up enjoying them, one way or the other.

I also used to put quite a lot of analysis on my replays and before when I used to do it a lot the Terran became very predictable to me for a short time, knowing the timings is very helpful. And knowing what to expect given small signs at the start (I scout at 9, but I know if he doesn't throw a Refinary up by the time my Drone is dead he is going something weird and I need to slam up a couple spine crawlers, for instance), can be crucial.

Learn to play better, learn from your mistakes and learn from your enemy.

One key thing to understand is how the RACE works, not the player. As long as I scout (which I'm getting MUCH better at) I know how the player will twitch and what makes them snap.

Being a Zerg I know Air makes me snap if I can't react in time, generally however that is not the case - although I have only been practicing against one Terran who uses the same strategy, I've still got quite the learning curve to go through.

Many hacked FPS games now if you have skill you are immediately called a hacker.

Oh god I hate that. It's happened to me on some occasions in shooters, especially when I was playing MW2 doing quickscope noscope (when I put focus into doing it, I had more than 95% accuracy with no exaggeration, and I had NO IDEA why people couldn't hit so accurate when my first day of actually trying to do it was so easy and also... overpowered) fast enough that the guy had to consider me a hacker because he was of course that arrogant know-it-all you come across every now and again.

It's annoying, to say the least.

Well, they ain't making the DLCs because for the fun of it. Since they make so much profit from it, they decide to make more and more; with MW3 I expect, if the game successful as BO and MW2, to make at least 3 DLCs. Why? Because of the money. Simple as that.

The first map pack for Modern Warfare 2 was made prior to it being released, which is bloody disgusting.
If you buy a game you should be allowed to own everything up until the release of the game, and then if DLC's come out they should not be the price of the map packs on CoD is right now, what? 5 Maps for that much?
I got like 7 maps FOR FREE that are more than 5x the size of those CoD maps on Bad Company 2.

I do not agree with this idea seeing as you need to buy stuff even after you bought to game to fully experience it. I mean, if I bought the game, I expect the full deal, not buying more stuff -.-'

I must've put my words wrongly.
You can get the items through simple grinding - which was kind of the essence of Diablo's one and two, but in Diablo 3 you can simply buy your way there with real money if someone else is willing to sell it.

Well, seeing as diablo 3 will be made into an MMORPG

It's being made into an MMORPG?

it will be kind of like "to experience the full game, buy more stuff" which is complete BS designed to bring more money.

I wouldn't say it's like that. It is kind of comparable to Team Fortress 2's man-conomy which makes way for people who don't want to spend the time on RNG getting the item, but what would be the idea of Diablo then? It would become as brainless as Call of Duty's Multiplayer.

You know, I mention that because we have to stay on topic.

I see what you mean. did we get to starcraft 2 and diablo? xD

They're 2 examples... simply put.

I dislike the idea of buying DLC to begin with, I don't know why, exactly, but I just... meh.

Don't ask, I find it acceptable but I don't do it myself. Then again, I haven't found the need too considering Starcraft II is awesome enough to give us new maps per season.

Ya gotta admit, that's awesome.

Will it lead to profit depends on how well the game will be.

Not necessarily. It's weird because in the case of CoD, what makes it good is what makes it bad - it's brainless and its cheap (in terms of how good it's made out to be as to what you're actually buying), really. Being a triple A it is beheld as an example to developers and even gamers to a small extent, and as such, the fact that it does not push the boundaries of a good game as... oh I don't know, Battlefield 3 does is terrible.
For an indie title I expect better than CoD, for example:
1) Magicka
2) Frozen Synapse (granted the best of this game is the idea that you're up against different players with different strategies, although the random map generator is very unique)
3) Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Best horror game I know, so much infact that I'm going to download it from my Steam now... I bought it for £6.50 on a 50% sale -- HOW GREAT IS THAT?! Yes... Caps are required).

Simply put, CoD should not be this brainless, adrenline rushing shooter, it should be revolutionary.
But it isn't.

I'm alright with games catering to people who are alright with that kind of fun - hell, in a way Magicka is the same thing (although killing your friends on it is horrendously funny and dare I say part of the game), but it is a leader in terms of the gaming industry, and as such lowers the bar.

Remember, this is on a money ***** game developer industries point of view, not the gamers.

Shall I change that to be more accurate in my eyes?
Remember, this is on a modern money ***** game developer industries point of view, not the gamers.

That wasn't the state of it a while ago, and that was kind of obvious.

These days, since the gaming world is more and more popular, gaming industries are being blinded by money.

A stupid backfire. In an attempt by a lot of people to spread the idea of gaming as a culturally accepted thing (like football?), the essence of it is lost for money.

Many games do it? why? I'll let you figure that one for yourself >.>

It's morally wrong.
To me anyways. But hell, it doesn't take much as to see why the idea that a guy who gets bonuses from preordering (thus beating a guy without preorder bonuses) is wrong.

Anyways. I'm 25% downloaded for Amnesia: The Dark Descent (no joke - I started the download when I mentioned the game) and as such will probabbly be ttyping like thiaas from shakaing so amuch.

Translation: I will probably be typing like this from shaking so much (incase being up at 2 in the morning is too difficult for your eyes It's 10 past 2 here, so it's going to be silent).

- H
1,434 posts

DADADA DUUM! Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist is here to... eh.

You guys seem busy.

Go Highfire!

*retreats into garbage can fortress*


3,025 posts

Put your stuff in a notepad, that way you don't have to worry about losing it.

Generally I would, but I got more annoyed from IE crashing because there was no reason for it too as far as I know. If it crashed constantly then yeah I kind of would prepare and not worry.

I just don't worry anyway :<
I'm not going to have 5 tabs open at once :P

You should watch some Youtube videos to improve and get another tactic in your arsenal

Did I not mention I've seen over 200 professional games?
No life or eSports fan
You choose. :P

While I haven't heard much about him, I did watch some matches with him, he was very good.

His unorthodox Bro-Festor play done well. Although SlayerSBoxeR was able to defeat it with... well, Battlecruisers lol.

Didn't you yourself mention raging? So I find hard to believe that shouting at a screen is fun in any way.

When I was young, yea, but once I broke out of that I did enjoy CoD4, MW2 and for a small SMALL while Black Ops after that.

You seem dedicated enough to learn to play starcraft 2, like I mentioned watch Youtube matches to improve and learn some tactics too.

I know this is completely off-topic but these are the builds I use in matchups (remember I'm Z):
vP: 14 Gas Speed
vT: 15 Hatch 14 Pool
vZ: 15 Hatch 14 Pool
I can fall back on 15 Pool 14 Gas for vT if I wanted although I think I can destroy a bunker rush from Terran if I just make 2 packs of ling, a queen at my main and pull 5-7 drones to do what they can against the bunker rush as I wait.
And then they can mine at the natural :P

Those are my tactics, simply, and I usually go ROOTSlush style early game and once I heat 70 drones (nearly always on 3 base) I have a good economy to counter the enemy with (Drone scouts at 9, a sacrificial overlord scouts from 6:00 to 7:30, I try to scout as much as often from there).

Happened on several occasions to me aswell, as soon as I got a good killstreak people thought it was impossible to get such a good score, so they immediately called me a hacker. It's better to ignore what they say and play the game.

It's the people who act very good on it and then get shot by you in a straight up fight that inherits that kind of attitude.
Funny, in a way.

In their view, it's fast money. It's not necessary to buy DLC but you don't get to experience the other maps, so you end up buying them.

Yes but it's absurdly pigish of them.
From a business standpoint? Good money.
From a moral standpoint? Disgusting?

If I buy a game I should be given everything made on it prior to its release, with DLC's being a possibility to be spent on later along the line. Not pulling out a piece of the game during development to sell it a few months after release.

So you're saying that if a player obtains some kind of rare item, he could sell it for real money?


That doesn't make much sense...that means that the players are getting rich, not blizzard.

Blizzard gets a small percent. I'm not too sure of whats going on with it but there are videos by different people on it that you can watch on YouTube (almost definitely you will also get their opinions as well).

After all, it is our own choice if we wan't to buy something with real money in-game, so I see no problem with this idea.

Yes, but the shop defeats the point of Diablo, and I don't think a diablo fan would still by No.3 if it shows he is supporting this act via handing them money.
Also, they removed modding. >.>

I thought it was some kind of shop or something were you buy stuff with paypal or a credit card to get items faster, which is pointless but I see people doing it.

It's a player-run auction house that you can put things in worth gold and real money.

Well, something like Dead space 2 DLC or Amnesia DLC is something I don't mind to buy, they bring more story to it and it shows it was hard work to create those DLCs. Call of duty brings some maps, horrible or ok, and that's that. lame >.>

*Nods head*
Also, what Amnesia DLC's are there?
Are these ones made by players or ones made by Frictional Games (the developer)?

And yes, new maps would be great to have, to bad they don't give it per season

Yes they do O.o
I think.
Season 2 they introduced new maps, I think, and in this new season (3 of course) they introduced Searing Crater, Nezarim Crypt and some other ones.

Also, did you know that black ops, game everybody hates, recieved a positive critic?

Critics and reviewers mean very little to me, you know, the big head ones who like to hype everything up ever.

but the fact is with MW2 it brought something interesting at the time, so it actually deserved what they the time

People didn't know what was in MW2, when I look at the trailers for Modern Warfare III I see nothing - what, 4 countries and little bits of gameplay in the campaign?
Compare that to Battlefield 3.
What MW2 introduced was worse than CoD4 and also removed Dedicated Servers which obliterated the hopes of eSports like what was present in Call of Duty 4.

got to agree if you didn't know what MW2 was at the time, and you heard it mentioned everywhere and there was nothing but good stuff mentioned about it you would probably still buy it.

I doubt it, but considering that's a hypothetical situation I won't need to answer it anyways

Actually it should be a brainless, adrenaline rushing shooter because I see that they made money because of that element,

What about the eSports elements?

All good (and skilled) eSports montages by the way.

I'm just saying that it wasn't much of an element present in CoD4, as far as I know, there was a shot on the map Crash that hit a guy on the third level that was what brought in the idea of Quickscope Noscope, and all the other crap like bounces etc (even though bounces are sometimes used in professional CoD4 play).

I thought you understood we are talking about the present, not the past.
Like I said: These days, since the gaming world is more and more popular, gaming industries are being blinded by money. so I didn't meant like the gaming developers were always like this.

<-- Brain fart?
Is that what I did? I fail :/

And one more thing is being revolved around money. What you gonna do?

What can I do? I don't accept the money grabbing schemes as I've pointed out but being a 0.01% on the pie chart doesn't count for much.

It's profitable. wrong, but good for money. Sad, but true.

I'm aware of what it is and why it's there, but I don't want it there and I can't necessarily do something by myself now can't I? XD

long download I believe, But at least you're taking a break from call of duty into something more fun in my opinion.

I've already stopped playing Call of Duty, I believe I mentioned. The games I play now are League of Legends, Starcraft II and now when I find the time (AKA middle of the night) Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

You could always raise a point so we could debate about it :3

I agree :P

Also, I forgot to mention this, but I actually watch alot of youtube videos about black ops with commentary, something like seananners, hutch, xcal, sp00n and other black ops commentators and I find it very enjoyable. More enjoyable than actually playing black ops actually.

Are any of those guys the ones who does the hour-or-so long podcast? FPS Russia, and 2 other guys do a podcast talking about mostly random stuff but they're quite funny about it. :P

- H
8 posts

hey guys i play cod black ops a bunch so want 2 chalenge me heres my name on xbox live: ripclaw007 i will be on today at 7:30-8:30

2,917 posts

Anyone wanna play Objective Barebones Pro? It's really exclusive. Only sixty people ever play at a time.

3,025 posts

You shouldn't only take tactics from him, but other zerg players aswell.

I know that :P The general idea that I only build combat units when I need it (or when I've got my 70 drones) and doing well with that sounds very good to me

Here's a random match I came across, I hear it's good, watch it if you haven't already :]

I haven't come across Psy, so I'm gonna try him out

Nothing you can do about that :P

Just doing what I can which is hopefully to convince people that CoD may not be the game they want xD

Wow, that's pretty awesome. I mean, you can make money off of a game? Nice.

Is that sarcasm? I mean you know about quite a few professional players and I would think you would know why it's called professional? XD

a win-win situation in other words.

I did mention that true Diablo fans could easily see this as a backstab to the essence of the franchise.
Sadly :<

They can't make all players happy with their game.

True, but I say they should stay loyal to the Diablo fanbase.

but I think there will be complaints about it.

*Raises hand* Hello?!
*Points to self* there already are complaints!

Yes, Frictional made it, The Justine DLC and it's free! Many people, including myself were surprised it was out free, I was actually prepared to buy it. It's kind of short, but it's worth the download.

Frictional is amazing.
I would say their work is a labour of love but it's so scary I am inclined to call it a labour of hate XD

An exceptional horror game :>


... I don't know, I'm not sure what I was replying to. :P

Can't wait?

Season 3 is already out
Another map I remember they released is Abyssal Cavern which looks... pretty darn interesing.

True, but some critics were very thorough with the game, and it still came out positive. Many people actually keep forgeting about the black ops campaign, which wasn't bad in my opinion.

Were they not aware of the poor hit registration which should never be present in a Triple A?
Or how nerfed and useless the Grenade Launcher is? (Not that I use it, but when I wore Flak Jacket and a guy shot me with a Nade Launcher 15 yards away it both DIRECTLY HIT ME and exploded - and I lived).

Although I will say that the campaign felt very streamlined with small scripted bits tieing it together quite well.

Thankfully, when Battlefield 3 was announced it brought the same thing as MW2 but hopefully with less dissapointment when it comes out

I'm sure that will be the case, although I hope there is disappointment in the preorder bonuses because I do disagree with it.
I wish the preorder bonuses weren't there in the first place, but I don't want people turning a blind eye to it. :/

Btw, thanks for showing me the montages, they were awesome xD

No problem, I agree (I'm going to watch them now )

It would make the game better, but infinity ward is dumb, so what can we do? I said it would be better that way because it attracts the younger crowd somehow, because it's a brainless, adrenaline rushing shooter, I'm not saying it made the game better in any way, it actually made it worse. But I was saying it was better because of the profit they made by that element.

/agree ?

Can happen to anyone, I mean, look at page 41, 42 and especially 43, so many text it's sometimes hard to keep track of it all xD

It is kind of difficult although I'm used to it now after posting for... a couple years now.

I need to get a life :P

Does eBay sell any?

It's definitely more than 0.01%, but yea, there is nothing we can do about it.

Er... I meant me as the 0.01% (in which case I would be less), not everyone who thinks the same. :P

I don't know how many people agree with me, but I don't know what we can do, sadly :/

I meant discussion wise, since we are not always talking about call of duty here now are we?

... Not sure I understand you :P
Discussion wise? I don't play CoD so it doesn't apply to me - are you talking about other people then?

I meant discussion wise, since we are not always talking about call of duty here now are we?

Right, different people then.

FPS russia? Does he play black ops? I thought he only shoots guns on his channel...

He is on the podcast I am sure, I think it's called Painkiller.
Yes, I just checked, it's called Painkiller Already, it features Woody, FPS Russia and Wings of Redemption.
Here's Painkiller Already 54.

.... They're very strange by the way :P

- H
3 posts

Well black ops is getting overrated so i switched back to mw2... best thing i ever did

3,025 posts

Well black ops is getting overrated so i switched back to mw2... best thing i ever did

I could easily say MW2 is overrated.

Check out the 40 pages of debate to see why.

- H
1,608 posts

Every modern cod game is overrated.

3,025 posts

He is a very good commentator and has alot of matches you can watch from, he explains the match very well.

The one you linked was pretty good, although I still prefer TB for the hype and generally I don't have a problem observing my own matches etc.

Although, nearly all gameplay statistics I've had have been improved by Day9, and a few of them by Totalbiscuit (prior to even buying the game).

Best way to convince them that black ops isn't a game for them is to bring facts about the game and its faults were there are many to choose from, that should convince them not to buy the game.

Another really good way is to offer a viable alternative. I couldn't say Battlefield is alike to CoD enough to entertain the same audience, although I think Crysis 2 does suit a criteria of fast paced awesomesauce.

But from my standpoint, players can make money from a game, which seems nice to do. It may ruin the game and what it was

Sadly it does ruin games, it makes me wonder how good a game like Amnesia would be if Frictional was large, etc.

Although I do have hope that people will be able to see past their fame and glory, still humbly doing what they can - which is what I got when I saw a DICE interview with one of the leaders, happily (but emotionally) looking back at Battlefield 1 etc.

And then the preorder bonuses. :/

but I'm not the biggest diablo fan so I don't know.

I'm not either, but it essentially shows the Blizz does not care about the spirit of the game which seems to be the working for the good gear, not simply getting it if you've the money etc.

They also took out modding, which is incredibly stupid. This kind of makes me wonder what the heck is going on within the studios, Starcraft II was incredibly balanced, fun and amazing for eSports (with Blizzard actively supporting it). World of Warcraft is essentially a cash-cow with incredibly good lore (prior to that it was a hardcore grind game, familiar to Diablo).

I think Starcraft II takes the cake over the 3 franchises right now, simply because there's been no major slip ups with the exception of a lack of LAN, which has caused problems in tournaments but not as much as I would have thought.

- H
3,025 posts

Sorry for double post, I didn't even accidentally click submit.
I clicked it, then I realized I still wasn't done.
<-- Idiot.

You know I've shown that quite a few too many times when speaking with you, fantasy. :P

But change is something we should expect, no? It may be hard to get use to, but people will come around and eventually accept this auction house.

Of course change is to be expected. But the negative is the lack of modding which is, from what I hear, what made Diablo 2 have such longevity.

But the addition of this shop, whilst not a huge strike to anyone who wants to stay with the core of the game, obviously shows that Blizz doesn't and takes out the essence of competition as well when you have Bonegrinders Skinned Fist, when another guy has Draconic Chestplate, only to find out that he bought it.

2 Entirely made up names by the way.

Don't we all? Unfortunately, game developers don't share the same opinion we do.

Or the mindset.
Let me just put their mind set into audio.


Then you are a start of a revolution against this proposition of this auction house

I'm a 14 year old on a thread with Taekwon-do and the new year of School to worry about. I don't have the power nor the effort (considering the circumstances) to "raise a rebellion". Luckily, I happily follow Totalbiscuit, who dislikes the Auction House in Diablo 3 as well.

Maybe they'll listen.

I don't think they would listen, and I can't exactly say I really blame them for that.
I do, but I don't, the reason they don't listen (at least the WoW) team is because the people they deal with can be incredibly immature and even stupid.

Although if presented with good debate it should not matter about the source, only the strength of the point.

I mean, it can't effect the game that much, can it?

No, but this is my point - buying it shows you either support this new feature, or don't care about it, whilst you may not care about, it can only continue to go the other way in that case.

It may be not what people intended, but that doesn't mean diablo 3 is any less of a good game.

It kind of does.
Where the point of the game is to raise your peasant into a mind blasting hero, it's now taken out where the description is about slaying monsters, dungeon exploring and looting, it's now about testing for the best gear and spending tens of pounds / dollars trying to maximize efficiency.

If not the best. Their original way made the game unique, and the feeling of helplessness made it that much scarier and frightening. And a great story too.

The human mind often likes to trick ourselves into thinking we have power over things whereas realistically, we kind of don't.

When it's simply that we do not have it, and to the point where we can easily see that, heads are gron' roll.

I actually do get quite a rush in Starcraft II if I go up against enemies and I know I've just lost control, generally maintaining a calm standpoint and cool mindset really helps play the game, but when I know its beyond saving... I really don't care :P

Maybe they were, who knows? Like I said the logic in black ops is non-existent, so expect weird stuff and unexplainable things in black ops.

I was simply elaborating on your point.

Many people forget that there is a campaign in black ops; one, if not the only, good point about Black ops in my opinion.

It wasn't too bad but it was too normal for a CoD campaign, nothing was really new.
And you know what really got on my nerves? Throughout the ENTIRE campaign I had a guess on who exactly was the guy questioning you, but seeing as how in the interviews etc they said "you only know what's truely going on at the very end", I figured it actually wasn't.
Hyping up a poor storyline to the point where the hype was the good part >.>

You seem very dissapointed with the pre-ordering, they're just putting that out there, we don't have to buy it. Well, I don't see it as a bad thing.

The bonuses from pre-ordering are absurd, and even if they're not gamebreaking, they're a big advantage (being as it's an option) to anyone who has it.

yes, from a user named satan666, he can sell you another life. The price is your soul, though.

Well, I don't believe in souls, being as our consciousness are nearly proven to be housed inside our brains.
So, I have to give him nothing for a life?

Also, I see nothing wrong with going in the forums to give your opinion on stuff, even if it's been a couple of years :P

When based on CoD it generally has not been well received, although this sticky'd CoD threads may have turned some heads and certainly might have given the lack of responses.

And no, we can't do anything about it.

Darn :*(

Nevermind, you got me confused too.

Haha, sorry about that :/

I didn't know that, I'll check it out sometime.

Good for you, they're a cool bunch if you ask me, I don't generally listen to them but that doesn't mean I dislike them etc.
The same way I haven't played Diablo but I call out on its Auction House functions. Maybe I'm on a dull argument here but another argument which does have some basis is the INTENT of this Auction House.
If you ask me it's another money-grabbing scheme by Blizzard... sadly.
I just can't see any good sides to this Auction House idea, apart from more income... :/

MW2 has hackers, just sayin'.

That reminds me.
Punkbuster = best thing ever. Present on Battlefield 2 (NOT Bad Company 2), Call of Duty 4 and I think Black Ops too, it does keep 'dem hackers out.

- H
842 posts

Cant wait for MW3! Black Ops was a total bust, there is alot of pressure on Infinity Ward for this game

482 posts

Cant wait for MW3! Black Ops was a total bust, there is alot of pressure on Infinity Ward for this game
IMO, Black Ops was better than MW2, it actually had mp balance, and the pressure isn't on IW, it's on Sledgehammer who's the lead developer for the game.
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