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ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

3990 839645
13,657 posts

Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
1,304 posts

the L86 and the RPG are the best LMGs

I believe you mean RPK?
RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade
181 posts

Modern Warfare 2 is a good game if you like variety. Black ops isn't IMO.
In MW2, I can kick butt using any weapon given to me. Heck I love messing around with attachments on the guns such as Acog and Thermal sight. Black ops, only few guns will get you kills. The LMG's on that game blow chunks and can barely get kills besides spraying the living crap out of them. I can win a Free for all using MP5K with Acog on MW2. Therefor, I get more enjoyment out of that game instead of Black Ops. Games like Black Ops where you can only kill with limited weapons gets boring REALLY fast. Which I don't like. The alternative gametypes on Black Ops is nice, but not enough. That is my opinion of course

1,304 posts

The LMG's on that game blow chunks and can barely get a kill

I don't seem to have that problem. M60 is a great MG on BO
35 posts

CoD MW 2 is the best for me. Ever since, i joined a tournament at a gaming computer shop. Me and my friends were kicking ***. Too bad we lost to a bunch of hillbilly. At least we managed to get 4th place. xD

1,017 posts

Call of Duty Elite is the biggest joke I have ever seen. Pay a monthly fee to see heat maps and leader boards. More useless states that are already available IN BLACK OPS SERVICE RECORD!!! This just proves how sh*tty of a publisher Avtivision is. They are so greedy and money hungry that not only do they need 2 studios to produce 1 brand, but they give each 1 year! In my opinion, Infinity Ward should be the ONLY CoD maker and they have a great game under the wrong publisher.

6,800 posts

Call of Duty Elite is the biggest joke I have ever seen. Pay a monthly fee to see heat maps and leader boards.

Actually, those are free. They haven't even released what they'll make you pay fore.
3,025 posts

hence the youtube commentators who provide useful information are better than trying to figure things out on your own.

Doesn't matter to me, I'd rather become independently better rather than carrying the same traits of another guy. Of course, I can learn from the commentators and properly implement it, but doing it by myself is half the fun, and I think I do a relatively good job at it :P

"The effect of commentators and watching alot of matches, you recognize the play and mistakes on both sides."
Mostly through my own observation, granted, TB has pointed out several possible mistakes, especially when he was casting with Emperor, who helped a large deal as well.

Yea but IW and treyarch needed to make a good game to get money in their greedy ways and proceeded to make money out of DLCs,

This is where I disagree. The possible quality of games is VERY high, and CoD does not come close to it. It's a brainless adrenline rushing shooter which often brings in a lot of people who just want to relax and have fun.
Am I fine with that? People having fun? Of course.

But it hurts the game industry.
... Homefront, anyone?

but profit out of it speaks a whole different story.

Many pages ago I tried expressing how sales do not equate to quality.

Frictional was dedicated to make a great game as much as they could, but if they were big, I don't think they would change much, maybe it would have differences related to money but not the game

The attitude in which the game was made could change, based on the money.
I am not going to delve into hypothetical situations on Frictional - they're a great developer. But WHY are top-developers so... corrupt? Wtf else can I say, really?

but I see why you wouldn't like the fact people need to buy the game early to get stuff you couldn't get in any other way.

And the point that people who bought it after didn't get everything prior to the actual release.

but not all games/DLCs are like that, but unfortunately same are.

No DLC's were like that before, which is why I don't see how the standard should have dropped.
Bad Company 2, those map packs are free, from what I understand (considering I have them).

Will it really effect the whole game if you don't preorder?

Realize it doesn't even need to be about the game at this point. I don't give a shaz about the gameplay, I give a shaz at what they're doing with whats in it.

It's not like you need to preorder, they are just throwing that out there, even though it is kind of stupid to get stuff only by preordering.

They're not throwing anything out, they're taking things away and putting it on a limited window of oppurtunity.

That is what's going on though, because it should be the content we buy at release given to us, not held back because we didn't preorder.

I cannot convince you, you cannot convince me; so let's put this behind us.

You say this directly after saying "If I love the game and I will definitely buy it, why not preorder, get extra stuff,", it makes me think you don't understand what I actually mean :/

Modding is 95% fun in the game :P it's always something new and fun, and like you said, it needs to be in any game you can manage to shove it in. Bad move by blizzard in my opinion.

Especially in a game like Diablo 3 which I hear its prequel relied a great deal on modding for its longevity.

Something like back in the day infinity ward removed modding and dedicated servers for PC players for MW2, which was a great shock. A definiton of backstabbing.

The same way I think Blizz is backstabbing Diablo players, really :P

You never know, but highly unlikely.

I know I just ripped into WoW players a little, the ones on the forum, in any case but there have been very big mathematical and theoretical threads concerning balance or simple game issues in WoW.
Blizz was more interested in putting the Red Shirt Guy into the game, it seemed.
Look at the Top Rated Comment concerning him being an NPC - that actually happened.

I see these days are spoiled little brats who trash every game and CoD seems to be their main game to buy, i don't know why.

Brainless, violent and easy.

By brainless I mean it isn't really something you need to focus on.

Whatever the reason, those "kids" don't understand or appreciate games and should never be categorized with "majority of people", since their understanding of games is very little.

It's an influence (and I think a bad one) on the game industry, though. Yeah, CoD is fun and maybe what your kid wants but it does poorly effect the industry. What can I say to "combat" this? I can only throw the suggestion that you try and convince him not to like it - which would be kind of pathetic, on some levels.

Unless you want to carry this point of discussion on we could make this part of the post about why exactly the kids are still allowed to play when using very bad language / attitudes etc?

Define "valid argument".

One I haven't reasonably gone against.

People mostly post here what they think of the game, not reasonable arguments and undenying facts that will prove as all wrong.

Which is why this opinion is open to discussion. :P

Not what you said. Miracles happen, even in games. when you die is game over, not before that. Well, sometimes thats the case.

If I know I've no way of getting out of it, say a big army in my base and no real alternative (expanding to another part of the map doesn't solve anything), then hell no, I'm not doing that :P

That puts you in an advantage, use it efficiently and wisely and you will win. Of course, advantage cannot replace tactics, so even if you have the upper hand, never lose your guard.

I don't keep in mind what level of play the enemy might be, but only what they could be, which of course is a very high standard. I don't leave anything in the off-chance that this guy doesn't scout.
It would be like 6-pooling against a Terran in Bronze League - a chance he walls up, a chance he doesn't.

See? You should listen to me more often ;D

lol :P
I'm Zerg now, by the way, Ling Baneling Muta is the strategy I usually go against Terran, although I'm thinking of going Infestor for its simple versatility against most units the Terran has to offer. :P

Average matches are approximately 25 minutes long, but I cannot stand to play 6 matches in a row -.-'.

I saw Day[9] Daily 269 - How to get into Starcraft II today, so I felt motivated and had a few games. New to Platinum though and I was kind of "cheesed" twice in the few games I had.
I had 4 to 7 games, although one of them lasted 4 seconds long, the guy just exited lol :P

And it's still our choice to buy or not.

But the influence if this works can effect other game developers to do the same thing. It's the same industry, and in each industry, ideas are stolen - very clearly.

That Homefront video may elaborate on what I mean, to an extent.

I don't know, I gave you his account, go ask him yourself lol.

Right, Satan666, right?
Darn, forgot the price, alright, I'll go to his eBay account tomorrow and see if I can cut a deal.

Well, the first trailer was fail, fail, fail and fail imo, but they released a second trailer/survival trailer, this explains it all.

Jericho never ceases to amaze me :P
I've seen other parodies he's made, pretty awesome xD

- H
1,304 posts

They haven't even released what they'll make you pay fore.

Actually they have released a little bit of what they will release such as tracking your friends KDR. (Who would even use that)
231 posts

I know one thing about CoD......Black Ops is the opinion...

482 posts

But it hurts the game industry.
... Homefront, anyone?
Homefront was good, it would have been great had they done the campaign better, but the multiplayer itself was worth the sixty bucks, it's unique and refreshing.
10 posts

I like xbox a little better

3,025 posts

Homefront was good, it would have been great had they done the campaign better, but the multiplayer itself was worth the sixty bucks, it's unique and refreshing.

I can easily argue that Crysis 2 for £30 was worth more, you know, the gameplay was more than unique.
Or simply argue that Battlefield rules over them all. That's kind of true, in its own way.

1. Do not stalk an enemy and try to take shots at him.

In CoD he would usually die fast enough.
If not, then it's reasonable to assume that he doesn't have any sense and wouldn't do what you said he would do, given the time I've played CoD, that seems to be true for the most part.

2. Don't take a shot unless you are sure to get a hit marker, unless you're using an LMG or are desperate. You'll blow your cover immediately, and it's best to have a full magazine.

It doesn't take that many shots to kill someone (meaning you don't need a full magazine), and suppressive fire always does the trick.

Unless it's CoD, in which case I suggest not even shooting if you haven't a chance of actually killing him, it's faster to move on and / or intercept him.

People miss a lot of kills by emptying the magazine on a single target. Fire in 2-4 round bursts, it will get the job done every time.

Battlefield has accuracy issues with the AR, this is a CoD thread and that isn't true, though.

5. Keep moving! Jump, crouch, whatever, because you can take out a target after being spotted.

This applies to CoD where you can easily maintain aim, but for a game like Battlefield it would be the bane of you.

And depending on the situation it could be the bane of a Crysis 2 player.

6. Always watch your back and escape routes when sniping.

If it's long distance sniping, you can use Motion Mines as a self-defense mechanism on Battlefield.

Watch your back and escape routes at the right moments on CoD, have an ear for footsteps and maintain map awareness - that's something you need for every game.

7. Don't take a shotgun to a rifle fight. You may take a guy with you, but you'll get picked off pretty fast.

In CoD that doesn't matter :P
Pick the fights you can win, is what you could say for 7, given as winning could be defined as a 1:1 ratio of trade.

8. If you're getting demolished, DON'T swap over to a grenade underbarrel attachment.

That applies to CoD only, really.
You might as well lose with some dignity.

It's an FPS, what dignity? O.o

If you're particularly desperate, grab an LMG and take out strays, but no tubes.

These aren't really tips, being as they're not gonna help you win when you're met with the situation.

9. DO NOT follow a sniper with a sniper rifle. You will be in his way and in his zone, and you double the chances of you getting spotted.

Being spotted doesn't matter if you can shoot your way out of it.
If you absolutely have to, get a battle rifle and take out the close-range enemies who might be camping.

Pistols work well too.

10. Accept losing, because you will. Screaming into your microphone does nothing.

That doesn't mean you accept losing.
Dealing with it would be more accurate, and I agree with not screaming into the microphone.

I have actually made friends and started new rooms with people from the other team that lost and laughed it off.

People often interpret enemies in a game as enemies in real life, if they say anything that could be considered sarcastically offensive, whereas really they're just being nice :/

Any others?

Previously mentioned - Map awareness. Not knowing specific spots on the map, but knowing where your allies and enemies are. In CoD this can be essential for spotting weak points in an enemy defense or simply having a good point of defense if you're on the retreat.

In a game like Battlefield it defines how well you could or will do, picking the best strategic spot to maintain it by being a Medic or picking the right spawn to flank the enemy is very useful in scenarios.
That, and don't fight for points in Battlefield, if an enemy sniper is killing people then suppress him and keep spotting him until he goes down, you should either get a clear shot or be able to maneuver and kill him in short time.

Unless he's a sniper whom's very far away, in which case... he probably won't get you any time soon :P

- H
1,304 posts

[quote]You might as well lose with some dignity.
It's an FPS, what dignity? O.o[/quote]

Dignity of not being known as the noob who fires noob tubes everywhere.
1,434 posts

Homefront was good,

And there's the joke of the century.

it would have been great had they done the campaign better,

Anything else to add to the Obvious report? Oh there's more?

but the multiplayer itself was worth the sixty bucks

For sixty dollars you can buy a lot of Monster. For sixty dollars you can get a copy of Elder Scrolls and Bioshock, TOGETHER, for sixty dollars you can buy a pizza, Mass Effect 2, and maybe the original Gears of War.

FOR FREE you can get the only game that's pure multiplayer and does it well, Team Fortress 2.

Soooo, is Homefront's multiplayer as a standalone disc REALLY worth 60 dollars?

it's unique and refreshing.

Subjective statement, but I'll run with it.

Homefront is a Call of Duty clone to the core. Save premise, the game is a copy-paste-cash paycheck game. It took no steps towards innovation, and the multiplayer pales in comparison to Halo's, Modern Warfare 2's, Battlefield: Bad Company 2's, and it's biggest rival, Crysis 2.

Crysis 2 attempted to change stuff up in the FPS, much like Bioshock back in 2007. It did so with flying colors.

Save the Homefront. It sucked, didn't push the medium, and should wallow in the trash alongside Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.

3,025 posts

Dignity of not being known as the noob who fires noob tubes everywhere.

You mean the ones who get all the attention from the rage of other gamers and don't actually care using what's in the game to win?

There is no dignity in high-level play.

FOR FREE you can get the only game that's pure multiplayer and does it well, Team Fortress 2.

Or League of Legends.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.

I wander how much research you put in whenever you say a name of a game I've NEVER heard before, dude. :P

- H
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