ForumsWEPRif god is all forgiving, why is there hell

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im an athiest and never understood why if god forgives everyone then why dose he send people to hell

  • 266 Replies
1,608 posts

I think that hell isn't created by God to punish humans but to punish the devil and his fallen angels. So if you don't life by Gods rules you life by Satans rules so u won't go to God but to Satan.
Just thinking, probably wrong I don't think about this stuff allot.

5,129 posts

if you don't life by Gods rules you life by Satans rules

i don't believe in satan either so i can't say i lived by satans rules.
i think that satan will be much worse then me. more something like hitler or alike.

and it's kinda the same thing as saying. "you don't like jazz so you do like country"
843 posts

There is no such thing as god, believe what you will but you will have to face the facts some time

3,896 posts

There is no such thing as god, believe what you will but you will have to face the facts some time

Even if this is what you think then there is still something called respecting other people's beliefs.
5,552 posts

Even if this is what you think then there is still something called respecting other people's beliefs.

Yes...because we believe you're simply wrong we deserve to be tortured eternally...seems fair.
9,462 posts

Even if this is what you think then there is still something called respecting other people's beliefs.

What in these beliefs has earned it respect?
1,608 posts

and it's kinda the same thing as saying. "you don't like jazz so you do like country"

Actually it is not the same, because in the Christian religion there are 2 choices, believe in god or don't believe (choose for Satan) but in music there are multiple choices (Jazz, country, rock, pop etc.).

But as I said it is just a stupid thunking thing from me.
879 posts

Even if this is what you think then there is still something called respecting other people's beliefs.

1) I don't know why you said that. He just said that there is no God. But if you say that God exists and that non-believers will go to hell then it's okay?
2) Why should I respect your beliefs? I can criticise anything but if it's about someone's religion then I should shut up? Why should religion be immune to criticism?

Actually it is not the same, because in the Christian religion there are 2 choices, believe in god or don't believe (choose for Satan)

What? If I don't believe in God then I don't believe in Satan. I'm not worshipping Satan or anything like this. So what has this to do with choosing Satan?
3,371 posts

Yes...because we believe you're simply wrong we deserve to be tortured eternally...seems fair.

So if these arn't someone else's belifes then would you respect them?

What in these beliefs has earned it respect?

Well its like when you have someone tell you about how their child is soo amazing. They can talk, and dance, ect... You could tell them that its compleatly normal for a child of that age and then give supporting evidence. Or you could sit there and nod your head with surpised expression and the occasional wow. You don't have to beat up someones personal belifes if they don't immedintly effect you. Not saying that you have already. It's like if I meet a santanist. Would I tell he/her that they're religion is wrong? Nope. They have as much right to belive in satan being divine as I have god being divine. You can still do it. It's just not very nice.

Actually it is not the same, because in the Christian religion there are 2 choices, believe in god or don't believe (choose for Satan) but in music there are multiple choices (Jazz, country, rock, pop etc.).

No. I think his point was that you can belive in multiple things. There are many many religons. But just because you belive in the giant floating pasta doesn't mean you belive in satan.

2) Why should I respect your beliefs? I can criticise anything but if it's about someone's religion then I should shut up? Why should religion be immune to criticism?

It's a life style. And if it doesn't hurt you then why criticise it? You can, it's just not very nice.

What? If I don't believe in God then I don't believe in Satan. I'm not worshipping Satan or anything like this. So what has this to do with choosing Satan?

I think you're right here. Done with really long post now.
9,462 posts

Well its like when you have someone tell you about how their child is soo amazing. They can talk, and dance, ect... You could tell them that its compleatly normal for a child of that age and then give supporting evidence. Or you could sit there and nod your head with surpised expression and the occasional wow.

Given that story with me I would likely tell them it's completely normal. So being disrespectful by the standards of this story would be telling someone the facts?

You don't have to beat up someones personal belifes if they don't immedintly effect you.

There is a difference between respecting someones beliefs and simply acting civil. (I am admittedly crude at times.)

No. I think his point was that you can belive in multiple things. There are many many religons. But just because you belive in the giant floating pasta doesn't mean you belive in satan.

Your right, though there are Christians that don't see it that way. It's a black and white view of the world.

It's a life style. And if it doesn't hurt you then why criticise it? You can, it's just not very nice.

There are many times when such religious views do end up effecting atheists.
3,371 posts

Given that story with me I would likely tell them it's completely normal. So being disrespectful by the standards of this story would be telling someone the facts?

It's not disrespectful. You can tell them that their child isn't as amazing as they thought, or leave it alone. Either is fine. One is just nicer.

There are many times when such religious views do end up effecting atheists.

Then it is perfectly fine to critiicise the belifes. As long as you know that there are other people with that religion, and slightly different belifes. They may not understand what you mean, or why you dislike their belife. Of course by explaining why then they'll most likly be fine with it.
5,129 posts

[quote] It's a life style. And if it doesn't hurt you then why criticise it? You can, it's just not very nice.

There are many times when such religious views do end up effecting atheists.[/quote]

whitout religions: abortions wasn't that big of a deal, stamcell research wold be allowed.

just 2 things that can make the world a better place stoped by religions (namely christians)

As long as you know that there are other people with that religion, and slightly different belifes.

why must we remember that all the time if some other christians think that all not god believers (atheists) have choosen for satan?
it's just stupid.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

whitout religions: abortions wasn't that big of a deal, stamcell research wold be allowed.

just 2 things that can make the world a better place stoped by religions (namely christians)

Sigh. Have you ever thought how religion is good? It gives people faith, even if it's irrational. It helps breed kindness, care, harmony. Whenever you shoot religion down, remember that there's always a flipside to things.

Abortion is contentious. Some religions don't even care for it. Stem cell research is allowed in many ''religious'' countries.

Also, I find it funny how people attack the Abrahamic religions mostly...

why must we remember that all the time if some other christians think that all not god believers (atheists) have choosen for satan?
it's just stupid.

Just because some believe so, does not mean we should slap on generalizations. I know many Christians who are happy to coexist with people of other religions, or atheists.

Remember, you may be an atheism, and I may be too. But to try and force it on others is the same obnoxious thing zealots do too.
3,371 posts

why must we remember that all the time if some other christians think that all not god believers (atheists) have choosen for satan?

You're asking me why you shouldn't generalize all Christians into one group of atheist haters? I'm Christain, and I don't belive atheist are satan worshipers who will end up in hell. I also hate bad generalizations of groups of people. It would be nice if you could remember that for the next time we talk.

Just because some believe so, does not mean we should slap on generalizations. I know many Christians who are happy to coexist with people of other religions, or atheists.

I agree.
5,129 posts

Sigh. Have you ever thought how religion is good?

yes i have, religion is good for the people that need a guide to go on whit their life.

It gives people faith

i don't see faith as good instandly. faith can just be as bad as good. for example some1 whit a serius disease doesn't go to the docter because the person has faith in psychic healer. and in the end they die because of the disease.

It helps breed kindness

so every atheist is hatefull?
kindness is a moral thing not a religius thing.


care? care what?
i care, i just don't care about religion


sports are just as able to create harmony then religion does.

Whenever you shoot religion down, remember that there's always a flipside to things

i know. =)

I find it funny how people attack the Abrahamic religions mostly...

because the abrahamic religions have grown big over most of the western world in history and so we know most of it to see the contradictions see how bad it can be at times etc.
bhuddists for example never cared for what sientists are doing or what governments are doing. so they also never become a problem for scientists or the government. so they never hit the news because they are against this or that again. also are they not pedo like some christian priests or terrorists like some islamic imams.

abrahamic religions are causing more and more problems on society so they hit the tv more often and therefor get critisised more often.

does not mean we should slap on generalizations

i understand by now that other peoples view of generalizations is different from mine.
i know that there are always lots of exceptions when a general term is used. i use general terms to shorten sentences. if i have to discribe the precies person i ment then my posts will become 3 times as long as they are already.
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