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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
111 posts

Okay, more seriously, this is very important as it indicates the possibility of reporting bias due to demographic slant.

My main problem with the paper (though I have all of the same problems in general that you do) right there. I've heard that similar studies have been done since, one apparently in recent years, but have, thus far, not found a paper on the topic published in peer reviewed journals.

Also of interest on this topic are several recent studies on family sizes (and demographics) and homosexuality. The studies themselves are cited (but not linked to, google is your friend) in this [url=;jsessionid=LmvGgZZH36FvM55M46GkKY69lMW2hxjqkk7S3bjfDj4RzkL0rLnd!524338412?docId=5009143819]brief article /url] on the topic. The article I link to is actually longer if you're a subscriber (I'm not) I just used it since it pulled stats and referenced both cases I was thinking of.

For me, the one referencing family size is of particular interest since, generally speaking, social groups that have large famlies (therby apparently increasing their likelihood of producing gay offspring) are usually very socially conservative and often very much against homosexuality (think large fundamentalist Christian families for example).

There's a certain irony in that that I, as a pro-gay rights person, find positively delicious.
111 posts

Attempting to fix borked link tag.

And another interesting one I'd forgotten I'd bookmarked (very dry read).

Sadly, most of these studies focus on men only.

204 posts

Yeah always men are interested in this topic

101 posts

No not always. And for you to say that can be offensive. I think anyone is aloud to choose, actually in this case not even choose. Their brains are developed differently which i think there is no problem to. And if it involves somone else why do we care?

10,816 posts

Yeah always men are interested in this topic

Yes and no- the studies concern men because male homosexuality appears to be the much bigger issue for a whole range of reasons. Also because it appears to be reported more commonly for another set of reasons.

It is further said that &quotaraphilias" and other "deviant sexual attractions" are attributed disproportionately to males and I think this is moreso a reflection on how sexual behavior is defined. I wouldn't deny that there is probably, as a trend, some concrete difference between an archetypal male and female sexual response/behavior but that ways with which to examine and explore the female side of things are presently rather deficient.
111 posts

THere are also some studies (no links handy sorry) that suggest that women's sexuality is more fluid in general. THe last time I read up on this, perhaps a year ago, the inference being made was that the mechanism in the brain my be fundamentally different than in men. I don't know if any conclusions have been reached from that line of reasoning, but for purely anecdotal reasons, I see merit to the concept.

9,434 posts

Either males are just more open about it, or they do have more of a general interest in sex... Somehow it's always the gay guys arguments concern. Though some straight women find gay porn (m/m) hot, the guy-on-guy is labeled as gay porn - while because men find f/f action hot, that ends up under the label straight porn. I think I've mentioned this before...

I also think male homosexual couples have a larger "risk" of being noticed in public... Males walking hand in hand, hugging or sitting cuddly together are a somewhat unusual sight, whereas some females who are no more than friends do just those things...

*random now* My girlfriend and me have been guessed to be siblings...
And have ended up in a pile on the ground in public. I think someone asked if we were hurt. . .

10,816 posts

THere are also some studies (no links handy sorry) that suggest that women's sexuality is more fluid in general.

I wouldn't disagree, but then again I also wouldn't know. Seems to be compatible with current observations. I'd love to see any literature from this angle.

Though some straight women find gay porn (m/m) hot, the guy-on-guy is labeled as gay porn - while because men find f/f action hot, that ends up under the label straight porn.

I thought that if it was guys looking at m/m, it's gay because it's a guy looking at m stuff. Where I'm at, we derisively call f/f stuff "uber-straight" porn because it's like, got no m in it hahahahaha.

I think the female audience tends to be ignored because porn isn't associated with female activity. Also, females watching m/m stuff goes under yaoi :P
1,973 posts

And keep this in mind. Most men are horn-dogs. Looking at porn is for the pleasure of the viewer, while most women are conservative with themselves, and don't always look for pleasure. Their hormones work differently...

Of course there are those few women out there that tend to like that I guess.

111 posts

Well traditionally, women have a preference for written erotica over visual; novels and stories versus movies. And they also have a preference for style over gratuity (again generally speaking). So the anatomically impossible under the balls angles in "standard porn" don't usually do anything for us (except in my case make me laugh and laugh and laugh). Porn that oriented FOR women tends to have more focus on facial and body reactions than the acutal entry shots (still laughing). Like you said, different working of hormones.

SO it's not so much that we chick types are just as interested in fictional stimulation so much as our tastes tend to vary greatly from our male counterparts. Exceptions to everything, of course.

5,642 posts

random now* My girlfriend and me have been guessed to be siblings...

That sounds so much like star wars it's ridiculous!
13,657 posts

Well traditionally, women have a preference for written erotica over visual; novels and stories versus movies

There is actually made industy of making female porn, "specially made" for women. As I know of it, it is made to picture the woman enjoying it, more than the man.

Funny thing is that it is not only guys being really afraid of homosexuals, one of my female classmates in high school told me, she would hate to kiss another female. She just thought it would be gross. She doe not mind other kissing, but she would never do it.
On the other hand, I have seen many perfectly straight guys kissing and being fun about it.
9,434 posts

Funny thing is that it is not only guys being really afraid of homosexuals, one of my female classmates in high school told me, she would hate to kiss another female. She just thought it would be gross. She doe not mind other kissing, but she would never do it.
On the other hand, I have seen many perfectly straight guys kissing and being fun about it.

Well, many straights who aren't homophobic but just very straight are probably like that... They don't mind others doing so, they'd just NEVAR do it themselves?
And I second that on the other hand statement. Straight guys snogging, always a fun sight. ^^ Drinking and odd spin the bottle games are fun...
105 posts

If you think about being gay is a loose-loose situation. If a person turns gay then that person can't turn strait again they can turn bisuexual, but not strait. So yea its a loose-loose situation.

13,657 posts

Why is that?
Okay, you are a teenager, filled up with hormones. Every little thing seems to turn you on. Also naked *insert same sex here*. So, for a peiod of time, you think you are homosexual.
But with time you find out that you are actually straight. *same sex* does not turn you on anymore.

This does happen to grown ups too.

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