Okay, I am rather ill at the moment, so since I am not awake in the middle of the night, my rant is comming now.
This whole discussion is nothing more than repeats for the most parts, repeats and mockeries and anger.
Could we just go down to the basics once again, please?
We know that:
The Christian part of the discussion is heavily against the homosexuals. It is against their religion, and therefore they quote the bible to make their point. Basically the Old Testament, which is a bit odd, since they are Christians and base their believes on the resurrection of Jesus, and the New Testament, but peace with that. There is no reason in trying to convert them, because they know they are right in their believes.
Conclusion: Homosexuality is wrong.
So do the Islamic and Jewish religions believe, but there is some difference between their Heaven/Hell, but they agree, and are the Christians friends.
Other religions like Buddihism and Hinduism have more weight on the actual religious parts of their religion, and are not against anything that does not interfere with the religion.
Scientists say that homosexuality is a difference in hormones/how the brain is/whatever (sorry, cannot remember all the different reasons). A little like a disease, but something no one can control (yet).
Does anyone remember that examination that said that criminals had a different shape of skull than 'normal' people? This field of science is not fully tested, and like everything in science, it is only true for a short period of time.
In science truth is temporary.
Conclusion: Homosexuals are different from nomal people.
And Geniuses are crazy people. They are.
Those who refuse to see anything good in homosexuality have different reasons for this. A nice example from earlier in this discussion was that "I am afraid they will hit on me". If that is a reason to not like homosexuals, I can think of many women that do not like men. If they go into a bar, and look somewhat womanly, the chance of getting hit on is nearly 100%. Still, do they hate men? No. If a gay person hits on you, then do like every decent woman would do, and tell them you are really not interested/not into that kind of thing/you have a GIRLfriend or something.
Anyway. The gay bashers are either afraid of homosexuals, and hate them because of that, or just hate them, because they have no reason not to.
Conclusion: Homosexuality is WRONG!!
Those who see only good things in homosexuality are the people, who feel with the homosexuals. They come up with a long list of "Why we all should love homosexuals, but not be in love with them, because I am straight". They may have gay friends, and hang out with them (a gay guy and his female straight friends?). Those are the people that yell at the bashers, because they are WRONG.
Conclusion: Homosexuality is good, as long as I can have my straight-ness intact.
The "I do not care"-people are mainly the ones that think homosexuality is a choice. They ignore the Christians, the Scientists, the bashers and the lovers, and come with their own reason for this to happen. "Gay people have chosen not to be straight, and that was stupid".
Mind you, this group can be merged with any of the upper groups in any way that might fit.
Conclusion: Homosexuality is a choice. Whatever.
The last of these groups are the homosexuals. They know what is wrong with being a homosexual, and what is not. They get to meet the bashers, often by getting beaten up or yelled at, they meet the lovers, mainly the ones that want to go to a gay bar to have some fun (the girls) or to meet some nice straight girls (the boys). They know some of the theories from the scientists, but do not really care, and are stared at by the religious people.
Some religious gays have to forget all about the love of their life, because they know it is wrong, the bible (or any other religious book) says so. Some cannot forget entirely, but keeps up the facade, but does not want to have sex with their partner. Other chose the love before the religion, which is just as hard and evil as the opposite.
Conclusion: Homosexuality is about loving someone.
I think this sums up what this discussion is about. I might have forgotten some groups, some might disagree in the way I have put this up. I apologize for anything rude said in this wall of text, but as I said, I am ill, and my head is not working the way it should.
With this said I hope to get this discussion out of the mud and let it transform into a civilized discussion, where people can discuss with an open mind.
Remember: a discussion is not made to put your own view over the head of others, and choke them with it. A discussion is may to share your oppinion, and hear what others have to say. You do not have to agree, you only have to listen.