//this is stupid.why should you talk about homosexuality here in armorgames.com//
Why talk about Abortion in armorgames? Why talk about Christianity in schools in armorgames? We have a section to do it in, that's why. Better we use it than lose it.
DirkPitt, you're here. But I'm not making assumptions on you. I'm suscribed to a few sites, but.. I've got one heckofalife.
Anyway, The reason we talk is because its good to interact with the community. As long as its not some be-ragged evil community. [Thank god Armor Games isn't xP]
It's a spectrum. Everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum and I just cannot believe that anyone is 100% one way or the other. I am g.ay, but there are still a few guys that I find very attractive.
I doubt any guy on here will admit that they are not 100% heterosexual. I firmly believe it doesn't exist. I've read numerous articles and studies that show a large percentage of people have had homosexual dreams. This does not mean one would classify themselves as homosexual or ever act on the impulse. I also read this study done on phone sex operators and the women report that a large number of men request ana.l play and other things of that nature.
It's obvious that the way our society is built that a lot of people are never going to express their true sexual colors. Men are pushed to be macho.
If going with the spectrum, then I would be somewhere in the neighborhood of roughly 85-90% straight. Why? Well, it is simple. I have fun wandering around areas with my lady friends. Thus, they drag me into rating random guys that walk by which they think are good looking. Not that it takes much to see a good looking person of either gender and being able to tell if they are good looking or not.