The children of g.ay couples have a bright future, I think - assuming they're not around bigots like cheater. The parents certainly would want the kid, so no accidental child syndrome. And very often, g.ay couples have a lot of disposable income (that's why you see more and more marketing towards g.ay couples now in shows and stuff). But some people are just jerks and so you certainly need to be aware of the area in which you live, at least for the child's sake. Until, that is, people learn to grow up.
Meh, won't happen. G.ay people's children have no bright future.
I'm rather sure someone finding out you have 2 dads or 2 moms would scare alot of people. Not to say where you live, but I have a REALLY strong feeling people would be socially afraid of that. Also, another thing thats been noted, not to be stereotyping -- but G.ay parents can't seem to get the time to educate there childs on any religion. Mainly it'd end up Christian, which would pluff down into having no church. Only like 1 G.ay church I know of, caz it was on the news. Its not the fact of bigotry [For some, cheater is one], but If I knew someone that had black and green hair and VERY emo, chances are I'd probably hear a joke about him before I want to talk to him. Its not about personality, its simply who you are. And if you are the child of a g.ay couple, theres something else that comes to mind, what if that child doesn't wanna be g.ay? I dunno, but with little differences you've got alot of issues.
Just to make it clearer, not neccesarilly me, but with jerks these days the kid wouldn't have a good time. Depending on where they live I guess.
And to make it clearest, if I did know someone who was the child of homosexual parents it'd be harder to communicate with them, anyway. So I could be nice to the person, for sure, but would you REALLY like the fact that you're parents are SO different that if your school found out about it even some of your teachers may be afraid? Don't know, accounts of children of homosexual parental suicides has never been low.
Dude, would you SHUT UP? I'm not a homosexual, I don't agree with the topic, but seriously keep your mouth shut unless you want to actually say something. You don't know anything about being retarded other than the fact that its a fun word to use when someones acting like an idiot. Which it is, but seriously, putting it in a hateful context makes you just as stupid as the next dead squirrel.
I'll delete all of the hateful comments. But I think your assumptions about the life that g.ay couples could lead is perhaps formed out of many stereotypes. I think that couples who want to have children have decided on a responsible outlook on life, and they certainly wouldn't force a certain sexuality on their child. You could say many of the same things about heterosexual couples - what if the child didn't want to be heterosexual? Good parents are good parents, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. A couple that would adopt or to through other means of having children I think would have to logically consider many things - but all people should really weigh their options before having kids. I think people will get picked on regardless - that just happens to some kids - and if the ramifications of having children are that severe for g.ay couples then I think it makes them even better parents because again, they would have considered these things and made a choice to have a child.
And now it's fashionable to be a bleeding-heart liberal. Which kind of disgusts me... I swing left on this issue, but for the most part I'm heavily conservative.