ForumsWEPRSmoking around children =/= child abuse?

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130 posts

In the state of California, it is illegal to smoke in a vehicle in the presence of persons under the age of 18. Some people have argued that if the minors are one's own kids, than such action should be allowed. However, it is proven that smoking causes a number of health problems, athsma and lung cancer to name a few.

However, it has also been said that physical disciplinary action is considered child abuse. Now, why would a self-imposed punishment, which leaves no permanent damage be considered abuse, when an unprovoked ride in a smoke-filled car, which causes permanent, often serious damage be allowed?

  • 99 Replies
13 posts

Smoking around children should not be done.

It is a bad in fluence to them and kids usually copy what they see. They will end up smoking themselves if they see adults smoke

Have you had this situation in your life to prove you are right?
5,552 posts

It is a bad in fluence to them and kids usually copy what they see. They will end up smoking themselves if they see adults smoke

Only if the kid has no independent thoughts...although, I can't say that's exactly uncommon...
2,124 posts

It is a bad in fluence to them and kids usually copy what they see. They will end up smoking themselves if they see adults smoke

[quote]Have you had this situation in your life to prove you are right?

Technically, she doesn't need to have had that situation to prove she is right. From the source I posted previously...

The level of secondhand smoke a child is exposed to is directly proportional to the likelihood of the child becoming a smoker as an adolescent or an adult.
13 posts

Your source wasn't even close because they didn't have a control group.

2,124 posts

Your source wasn't even close because they didn't have a control group.
Bring in your argument besides shooting down my sources, what are you opinions on the subject? More than a single sentence please. What you are reading are facts combined from the references at the bottom of the page.
13 posts

I'm not saying smoking is bad. Nor am I saying that the child is not effected. But to say that the child will later die of lung cancer is preposterous. My dad smoked for 20 years then quit and died in his sleep. Now to say that my children will die if I smoke is just unreasonable.

2,124 posts

I'm not saying smoking is bad. Nor am I saying that the child is not effected. But to say that the child will later die of lung cancer is preposterous. My dad smoked for 20 years then quit and died in his sleep. Now to say that my children will die if I smoke is just unreasonable.
That's a very good point and I agree that it is preposterous to say that children will die due to people smoking around the child, but the chemicals released and thus, inhaled by the child can effect the child later on.
1,322 posts

and i'm saying the quality of life of the child will degrade with the introduction of 2nd hand smoke. ...and it is known to exacerbate and worsen pre-existing conditions. It may even cause some of the conditions. You don't have to die from something for it to be abuse. What if I have a kid one day and every time I see him I take a thumb tack and prod him with it? it damages him just slightly... but its not significant and he won't ever die from it. depending on where it occurs it may not even degrade his quality of life... therefore its not child abuse. I'm not saying that they will in fact die from it. I'm saying that if you are chronically exposed to smoke then you will inevitably develop problems with it... and the sooner you start a person with chronic administrations of smoke the sooner they'll have problems (if they don't die of unnatural causes first)

when dealing with smoke its not "oh its a sad stroke of luck that I developed problems from smoking..." its "Its a miracle that I didn't." any time that your lungs produce trypsin the protein doesn't discriminate... it just breaks down everything till it breaks down and can no longer break stuff down. which means that emphyzema is always in progress. whether you make it there or not is decided by many factors. just because you may not die from the stuff doesn't mean it wasn't killing you

1,573 posts

Since I don't have ANY lung problems, I could deduce that it was probably all of the second-hand smoke that I have ingested over the years.

Or your just unfit :P
10 posts

i hate smoking, my mum smokes, my dad stopped smoking and my grandpa... i watch this on youtube , how smoking damages your health

113 posts

Smoking around children IS abuse because they have no control over it, and over time smoking gives you all sorts of cancers and destroys your lungs. I know a person that is a family friend and is very old and extremely frail. Actually she is not really old she is 35 and her parents smoked around her all the time when she was a kid she thought that smoking was ok. So she started early. Now she is in an induced coma and is likely to DIE. In the beginning she did not like the smoke in made her gag and cough. Smoking caused complications throughout her life and now she is nearly dead. So yes IT IS ABUSE.

8 posts

Smoking around children IS abuse because they have no control over it, and over time smoking gives you all sorts of cancers and destroys your lungs. I know a person that is a family friend and is very old and extremely frail. Actually she is not really old she is 35 and her parents smoked around her all the time when she was a kid she thought that smoking was ok. So she started early. Now she is in an induced coma and is likely to DIE. In the beginning she did not like the smoke in made her gag and cough. Smoking caused complications throughout her life and now she is nearly dead. So yes IT IS ABUSE.

No, it's not abuse at all. While what's happened to her is unfortunate, she was the one who decided to smoke. It's her freedom to smoke if she wants to. Everyone by now knows the risks of cigarette smoking and many people still smoke anyway because they do not care. If you're uncomfortable around a smoker, that's too bad. It's their freedom to smoke. If they want to be moral somehow and care more about the health of their children than they do smoking, that's their decision. Smoking is difficult to just give up. My mother has been smoking ever since I was born. I run and lift weights daily. I think smoking is an absolutely disgusting habit and wish she'd just try to break her addiction already. But, you know what? Her freedom to smoke is ultimately more important that my comfort. It's more important than your comfort. It's more important than ANYONE's comfort.

Also, if you want to call second hand smoke around children abuse, is feeding them McDonald's abuse? Is eating McDonald's around them abuse? Should parents be stigmatized for eating a big mac because it could might cause their children to become addicted to fast food and weight 300 pounds at 4'11? That would be ridiculous. My freedom to eat a Big Mac and my children's freedom to eat big macs when they're older is more important than anyone's comfort level.
5,129 posts

Smoking around children =/= child abuse?

in the early 1900's and decades after ww2 smoking was part of sociolizing. and smoking around children was just as normale as smoking anywhere els.
do you realy think 80% (if not more) of all humans in the 1900 till 1980's abused their kids and made their life so much worse? xD
5,129 posts

ow wait i forgot on this forum people take evrything literally...

80% of the western world. and yea maybe also a bit less then 80%. but still waaayyyyyy more then now. it was generaly considered a good thing.

2,157 posts

Yes, smoking around children is abuse.
From this site:

Child Abuse has been defined as an act, or failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Sexual Abuse, or exploitation of a child, or which places the child in an imminent risk of serious harm...

Smoking can cause series illnesses like cancers, and can cause lifelong damage to a child. I think it's wrong. However, flat out banning it won't work either. There will always be people that ignore it. This isn't like Harry Potter, where every time he illegally uses a spell the Ministry is notified; no, there's no way to know...
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