ForumsWEPRSmoking around children =/= child abuse?

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130 posts

In the state of California, it is illegal to smoke in a vehicle in the presence of persons under the age of 18. Some people have argued that if the minors are one's own kids, than such action should be allowed. However, it is proven that smoking causes a number of health problems, athsma and lung cancer to name a few.

However, it has also been said that physical disciplinary action is considered child abuse. Now, why would a self-imposed punishment, which leaves no permanent damage be considered abuse, when an unprovoked ride in a smoke-filled car, which causes permanent, often serious damage be allowed?

  • 99 Replies
113 posts

So are you saying that the smoke is the child abuse or Smoking in front of your children is child abuse because it seems like you have experience in the matter.

5,552 posts

So are you saying that the smoke is the child abuse

What i'm saying is, I don't care if you smoke, but you shouldn't do it around people who don't. You shouldn't do it in public areas either, or indoors where it stays and clings to walls/clothes/furniture. I think if you knowingly smoke around a child who doesn't know better than to get away from you, then you're needlessly endangering that child. It's not going to imminently kill them, but it CAN cause health issues, and it's definitely not pleaseant to be around.

because it seems like you have experience in the matter.

Not so much as passerby. The worst case was when I was around 9 and we went to a hotel during a trip, and there was no rule against smoking in the hotel. That, and friends houses where the parents smoked. It isn't a very nice expereience.
113 posts

What i'm saying is, I don't care if you smoke, but you shouldn't do it around people who don't. You shouldn't do it in public areas either, or indoors where it stays and clings to walls/clothes/furniture. I think if you knowingly smoke around a child who doesn't know better than to get away from you, then you're needlessly endangering that child. It's not going to imminently kill them, but it CAN cause health issues, and it's definitely not pleaseant to be around.

first of all people like you have made it so there are very few places smokers can smoke.

The worst case was when I was around 9 and we went to a hotel during a trip, and there was no rule against smoking in the hotel. That, and friends houses where the parents smoked. It isn't a very nice expereience.

My entire family smokes and I don't give a flying **** when someone is smoking.

Man up!
4,206 posts

It's not child abuse because a lot of the idiotic parents don't even know it's bad for their kids, I mean if you are hurting your child without knowing, there isn't the abuse spirit right?

Smoking should just be banned

No it shouldn't. It won't work. Just look at all the other drugs.

It does nothing but harms you

Well if it only does that no one would be smoking it, right?
113 posts

loloynage2 you are a smart man

5,552 posts

I mean if you are hurting your child without knowing, there isn't the abuse spirit right?

In the case you don't know it's bad for them, that's negligence.

No it shouldn't. It won't work. Just look at all the other drugs.

Well if it only does that no one would be smoking it, right?

I don't care if people do it - so long as it's not around me.
4,206 posts

I don't care if people do it - so long as it's not around me.

I agree.

loloynage2 you are a smart man

Why thank you my good sir.
1,322 posts

researchers and the media do nothing but show life's risks but never the good things that come from them.

Tell that to the Marlboro Men.

These guys were all over the commercials in their day and era... glamorizing smoking. Do you want to know why they don't really do that anymore????? BECAUSE MOST OF THEM DIED OF LUNG CANCER!!!!!! ...and suffered from other respiratory (and maybe other systems) complications throughout their life. From the source, you'll see that one of them even did a 180 and advocated anti smoking legislation.

It's not child abuse because a lot of the idiotic parents don't even know it's bad for their kids, I mean if you are hurting your child without knowing, there isn't the abuse spirit right?

If you are the proper/legal age to be smoking in this day and era, you have to have lived under a rock your whole life for you not to know that smoking kills you and harms those around you. It is on the box.

What about the parents that beat their children into submission because they think that's the way to go? They're not really in the "spirit" of "abusing" their children because they don't think its abuse. They think it actually very constructive.

What about these tiger mothers that are so harsh on their children? To anyone looking in it would be psychological and/or physical abuse... but if they think they're just helping their child... then it isn't really abuse.

With your mindset, the only thing that is abuse is when an individual is like "Imma abuse me a little kid today"

If you're the kind of parent that is more concerned with your fix than you are about making sure what you're doing isn't going to hurt your child... then you probably don't need a kid.

For example, WWII The USA turned into the largest working machine and everybody smoked. second hand smoke can't kill you as fast as being depressed because everything fun in this world has risks.

hmmmmmmm......... yea... I'm really liking my ~11 more years on average than them (or 4,015 days) alive. It's either we're just growing super babies... or we know what to avoid in our environment now. I can't imagine which would be the greater contributor. If you wanna check it out then you can compare places on the earth with 1940s conditions to modern nowaday US conditions... You might just find that the more modernized nations are living longer...and that it isn't just evolution. ...unless you want to view being able to comprehend the concept of how your smoke has an AOE that isn't just limited to you as us being more intelligent. It is publicized in the media that second hand smoke is dangerous. If you don't know that it is dangerous to other people... then you probably don't even know it's going to give you COPD, Emphyzema, and/or cancer if you continue to do it.

Well if it only does that no one would be smoking it, right?

yea... it feels good. and all the while it's snowballing the ill effects on you till eventually the damage gets on the macroscopic scale and debilitates you more and more. If you don't know that cigarettes are bad for you and those around you, then you probably don't even know what cigarettes are. I grew up seeing multiple people with tracheotomies and electronic voice boxes... scared the hell out of me when they'd start talking. You start noticing old people hacking, coughing, (and them telling you never to smoke) and hacking up all kinds of crap as a kid. Upon query of what was wrong with those people, I always got, "they were probably a smoker."

Whenever someone lights a fire around a child and the smoke blows on them, they're probably going to tell the kid to move b/c the smoke is bad for them.

People think filters take all the crap out of what you're inhaling....... yea.... so why are you breathing out smoke again if it caught all the smoke? But it's more diluted right so its safer right? It's more like it is less of a hazard, but still a hazard.

Children also breathe more times a minute than adults. They can breathe anywhere from 30-60 times a minute depending on their age/size. yea... your slow breathing as an adult may not be putting as much crap down your wind pipe... but they're constantly cycling the new and old in and out. Real small children can't even move away if they're stuck in a crib (or can't walk/crawl).

You're also pre-disposing kids to the concept of sucking ash being ok. There are people that say that they'll never do it b/c of their parents... well either they're the outliers or someone did the research wrong b/c studies say they're more likely to smoke later in life because of their parents.
88 posts

well i have astma and im only in my teens and i would say the i have recently quit and i think yes it is i wouldnt smoke around people that did smoke and i dont appreciate people that smoke around me anymore its smells and tastes i think it is child abuse

113 posts

Look close at the pic and tell me the surgeon general quote isn't hysterical

1,322 posts

I believe one of the sites cited give a list of the warnings and the time frames used by each one. It also said that as of like now'ish cigarette companies have to have warnings that take up at least half of both the front and back of their boxes/packages.

I also think making it illegal would be an amazing idea. There would be reason to remove children from the parents doing the illegal activity, plus to do it they'd have to hide it... and thus they wouldn't be just out and about in public filthy'ing up the air.

You have the right to do whatever you want in my opinion... until other people actually start suffering for and having to clean up your crap. If it is a necessary evil... like automobiles... then there's nothing we can do about it till we all start driving water/solar powered vehicles. Your not smoking isn't going to bring our society to a halt.

I'd say the detriments far outweigh the positives for smoking. ...especially since the people around you don't even really get a contact high (or just get high if that was the wrong thing to say)... and yet you increase their chances of getting lung cancer ~20-30%. Something about that just makes me against smokers smoking around people who don't want to smoke...

If you're aware of the ill effects and those around you aren't, then the responsibility of someone moving away is yours.

My college is actually banning smoking on campus starting this upcoming fall semester. It's going to be great to be able to walk around building entrances and not have to pass through a wall of smoke that comes from all of the people getting their fixes before class. (and i mean every class)

349 posts

Not abuse but its bad for the child

888 posts

Not abuse but its bad for the child

I agree. How is this abuse??? All I understand about it being abuse is it might hurt the childs lungs. I do not understand what the adult is doing that will put the child in the hospital immediately
1,322 posts

I agree. How is this abuse??? All I understand about it being abuse is it might hurt the childs lungs. I do not understand what the adult is doing that will put the child in the hospital immediately

So are you saying that if and when I have kids... I could lace their food with heavy metals so that over time enough of it will accumulate in their body so as to effect health problems and growth problems... and what I will have done won't be abuse? They won't be put in the hospital "immediately"... but I'm still knowingly harming/killing them slowly. This was for the sake of a point. I won't be doing this.

It isn't "might"... It "DOES" hurt their lungs. It just isn't always symptomatic.
3,139 posts

I'd say the detriments far outweigh the positives for smoking. ...especially since the people around you don't even really get a contact high (or just get high if that was the wrong thing to say)... and yet you increase their chances of getting lung cancer ~20-30%. Something about that just makes me against smokers smoking around people who don't want to smoke...

People should know better, sure. I was telling Sonatavarius the other night that i don't believe smoking around people is abusive, so i can't consider it to be child abuse - i do consider it idiotic and rude though.

I always ask if i can smoke around whoever company i'm in, and i never smoke around a baby/child because they don't understand the risks.
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