In the state of California, it is illegal to smoke in a vehicle in the presence of persons under the age of 18. Some people have argued that if the minors are one's own kids, than such action should be allowed. However, it is proven that smoking causes a number of health problems, athsma and lung cancer to name a few.
However, it has also been said that physical disciplinary action is considered child abuse. Now, why would a self-imposed punishment, which leaves no permanent damage be considered abuse, when an unprovoked ride in a smoke-filled car, which causes permanent, often serious damage be allowed?
I know I'm not a kid and all, but I still don't see it as abuse. More like an... environmental hazard. Yes, I find chemical workers sueing for chemical burns just as ridiculous. They have their free will to work in that environment, right?
Forgive my potential double... you hadn't posted prior to my last post.
Unless it is illegal to smoke outside, then you should probably reciprocate who is staying and who is leaving the room during the time where the smoking is occurring. ...but I don't know your circumstances... so I won't go further than that w/ regard to that.
as for the chemical burns... you are going to have to cite specific instances where such cases happened. It is a case to case thing. A lot of things like this have to do with the company they're working for telling them that they will not get hurt if they wear specific clothing in the proper fashion... only to find out later on that all of the workers got cancer and chemical burns in their lungs. They were told they would be safe, and their trust was betrayed. in instances like that, they are justified in needing compensation for their medical bills. They agreed to work under conditions that weren't really the conditions present in the work place.
first off, you shouldn't be smoking in the car at all. something goes wrong, you could end up dead. secondly, if you're going to smoke, do it where there aren't going to be kids
first off, you shouldn't be smoking in the car at all.
I saw a car with two old people in the front seat and two small children in the back seat. all the windows were closed, and grandpa in the passenger seat decided it would be a good idea to light a cigarette. is there anything right about that?
Actually America will never ban smoking. My teacher said that because a lot of America's income is by sending it places. I am totally against smoking but that's the truth. =c
It's ridiculous that this would be considered child abuse. My parents both smoke and I have no lung problems or any other effects of second hand smoke what so ever.
Stockholm syndrome is a psychologically defined issue where you defend your captor/abuser because of their "good qualities." (might just be captor... but I'm applying the phenomena and its likeness to the here and now.) I doubt that many children would condemn their parents or other adult loved ones b/c of something like this. ...then again, not many kids would condemn theses people for anything less than mercilessly beating them every night.
Is it only abuse if the damage is significant (macroscale... like complete tissue damage as opposed to just a few cells), immediately viewable (bruises for instance), and/or permanent?
The whole reason behind the probabilities stated is to show that some people aren't afflicted at all by this, some are mildy afflicted, and some have severe health conditions b/c of it. Of course, the people that aren't influenced by shs as much still have some of the same conditions brought on by those who are around shs all of the time. ...but the statistics show that the numbers for the former group are skewed heavily to the possibly damaged side while the latter group is more skewed towards the healthier side. it's only a serious issue if and when the child actually becomes afflicted with something? If the point in stopping abuse is to help the child, then what's the point in only caring when the damage has already been done? There's not much reason to stop it once the kid's already acquired the life long afflictions that shs creates and exacerbates.
It's a lot like someone who beats their kid... I mean what if all they ever do is just bruise the child? The bruises heal and there are no other physical side effects. inb4 psychological problems... read the sources on the other pages. Shs effects psychological problems.
I see knowing that shs has a high potential to harm the second hand smoker and not caring as neglecting that person's health. I view neglection as just another form of child abuse. It might be light years away from beating them if you were to scale their significance, but I still see it as a form of abuse.
It isn't a secret that inhaling smoke acts in a negative fashion on your health. If you're not exhaling normal clear air, then it has to be the smoke you just inhaled yourself.
It's ridiculous that this would be considered child abuse. My parents both smoke and I have no lung problems or any other effects of second hand smoke what so ever.
If something later in your life does in fact happen, I doubt that we'll be able to definitively say that it was your parents' fault. ...but statistically, shs children have a higher rate of developing cancer than those who weren't subjected to that... they also have a much higher chance of getting ear infections. I wonder what people will say if and when something severe happens to them and they're told it was b/c of the second hand smoking as a child. I wonder if their opinions would change any.
Smoking is bad. Period. Children- especially young children- shouldn't be exposed to it at all! No matter if it's in a wide open space or a confined space like a car. I'm 13 and at my softball games the parents smoke. RIGHT NEXT TO THE DUG-OUT!!!!! If you have kids, or are around kids, quit. Just quit. Don't set a bad example, don't harm them polluting the air!
purple73198 is right, children don't have to suffer from adults smoke. It's really important not to expose them to it. My nephew has been exposed. His 2 parents smoked. He suffers now from asthma.
In this way, there's an important step to do at work too. In Europe so many workers died because smoke at work. There's a nice video about it : - and a game : .
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