ForumsThe TavernSleeping problems

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I've been having sleeping problems recently. I just can't fall asleep at night, even when I'm tired it's hard to fall asleep. I've tried several things to get to sleep, which includes taking sleeping pills and doing a lot of activities throughout the day to get me tired, but nothing's working. And since two days ago I've been having this pain on the left side of my left knee. But that's only when I'm standing up and walking around, I don't think that could affect my sleeping habits much. Any advise on what I could do to get to sleep?
Like right now, I've been trying to go to sleep for the past four hours, but I can't. I just lie there. I've been up for about twenty-four hours now too.

  • 61 Replies
15,595 posts

I didn't suggest any because it depends on the person and you have to find out what works for you. You could start off with focused breathing and meditation to get your mind off things.

Thank you for the advise, Gantic. I'll definitely try it later.
were you ok before that?

i think that that is exactly what cause it.

I don't think it did, I could get to sleep early when I wanted to back then, but now I can't. Back then I chose to stay up late a few nights out of the week.
i really think you should go to see a prefsional help

If I can't get to sleep after doing some things that were suggested in this thread, then I'll go see a doctor about it.

Well, since I took a nap a few hours ago, I won't be able to get to sleep tonight. I'm going to have to stay up until tomorrow night, so that I can get back on a regular schedule.
5,340 posts

i hope everything will be ok. good luck

606 posts

They have some medicine that will also help you out. But it's really strong.

464 posts

I've had the same problem a few months ago. The sleepless problem has a few solutions. #1 you can stare blankly at a wall, listen to some old christmas music or the hardest of all torture yourself to stay awake until it's nighttime. As for the leg pain once again it happened to me but it was problably because at the time I was drinking 5 or 6 energy drinks a day. I don't have a solution to that though.

15,595 posts

They have some medicine that will also help you out.

I know of medications that'll help me get to sleep quickly, but I don't want to have to rely on them.

About the leg pain, I think I strained myself. I work out six days out of the week. The pain is almost all gone now, though. I've been applying some pain cream(forgot the name of it and I don't want to walk to the bathroom to get the name) to the spot.
4,104 posts

I finally remembered the name of this disorder, check out delayed sleep phase syndrome. It is mildly common in teenagers and usually results in them having trouble falling asleep until very late no matter how little sleep they had the previous night. It basically means your sleep pattern is screwed up and your body feels like it is time to work at night and time to sleep during the day.

608 posts

Do you attempt to fall asleep at the same time each night? If you don't I know that that might cause it because the brain releases a chemical that makes you sleepy and if you don't go to sleep at the same time it doesn't work as well.

370 posts

Try going to sleep at the same time every night.
Don't use the computer, TV or any other electronic device an hour before bed. I may make you "feel tired but, the light stimulates your brain and keeps you up.
Sleep in a completely dark room. I helps "shut down" your brain". Light from a lamp or other source also stimulate the brain.
If after about a half hour you do not fall asleep read a book or do something relaxing. DO NOT use electronics.
Try doing something relaxing before you go to bed. Drink hot tea, take a bath, meditate ect.

15,595 posts

I don't have what's in that page.

It's summer, and I go out often. So no, I don't have a certain time when I go to sleep.

I'd try that, but it's summer. Which means it's fun-fun time. I don't use the computer, television, etc., when I'm going to sleep. Everything in my room is off except for my air conditioner when I go try to sleep. However, when I get to thinking about certain things in my life I can't go to sleep, which makes it difficult for me.

Something I'd like to mention here. I woke up from a eighteen-twenty hour sleep about an hour ago. The dream I had was VERY vivid. When I woke up I could feel what has happening in the dream. Well, I don't remember going to sleep. The last thing I remember before this was I was sitting on my bed watching Married With Children. I had plans to do that day and I just fell asleep. Anyone know what could've caused that?

574 posts
Grand Duke

i have trouble sleeping to i dont have a set time i can stay awake for 30 hr periods easy. i only sleep when i have to and sometimes i try and cant. not sure why i am like that but i am very energetic and such.

yeah you crash out at when you really need to sleep and you dont know that you have its good that your getting a sleep but it can be inconvenient. when i do sleep i sleep for like 15 hrs sometimes and wake up more tired?

but i learn to accept that i fall asleep when i am tired.

try watching a show that has adverts in them i usually turn away for like 2 mins to get more comfortable til my show if on but i miss it and fell asleep

4 posts

i had sleeping problems once, just bought a new bed and now i sleep in after 10 seconds. the bed did cost a lot but it's totaly worth it.

15,595 posts

try watching a show that has adverts in them i usually turn away for like 2 mins to get more comfortable til my show if on but i miss it and fell asleep

Television usually keeps me awake.
just bought a new bed and now i sleep in after 10 seconds

I have a new mattress. It's comfortable, but it doesn't rid away the problem.
15,595 posts

Is anyone can, please answer my question on this page. Scroll down for it. If you're curious about the dream, then I guess I'll post it.

The dream started off with my friends and I at a party somewhere. A man in a dark robe/cloak thing comes when the party was ending with a very large blade thing and tries to kill us.

We were the only ones in the home. I think it was only about eight-ten people. A few were guys, and the other few were women. I remember there being more women than men, though. We start running and running to escape him, and the scenery was very weird.

It was this large house that Iâve never been in, then we got to the outside in this neighborhood Iâve never seen. I could feel the pain in my legs from running. That dream ended soon, I couldnât remember what happened next.

Then it transitioned to a part where I was in an airplane and it crash landed. I was in the hospital for about a week or two because I was badly injured. I donât remember why I was in an airplane or where the destination was.

After I was released from the hospital I went home and there were natural disasters happening. Such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes. I woke up after that, then I could feel the pain. It was a very vivid dream.

There are some other parts of the dream I left out, but Iâd rather not share them.

15,595 posts

I've been having problems with notepad, dunno why it keeps putting those symbols when I type out longer things in there.

The dream started off with my friends and I at a party somewhere. A man in a dark robe/cloak thing comes when the party was ending with a very large blade thing and tries to kill us.

We were the only ones in the home. I think it was only about eight-ten people. A few were guys, and the other few were women. I remember there being more women than men, though. We start running and running to escape him, and the scenery was very weird.

It was this large house that I've never been in, then we got to the outside in this neighborhood I've never seen. I could feel the pain in my legs from running. That dream ended soon, I couldn't remember what happened next.

Then it transitioned to a part where I was in an airplane and it crash landed. I was in the hospital for about a week or two because I was badly injured. I don't remember why I was in an airplane or where the destination was.

After I was released from the hospital I went home and there were natural disasters happening. Such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes. I woke up after that, then I could feel the pain. It was a very vivid dream.

There are some other parts of the dream I left out, but I'd rather not share them.

10,816 posts

I don't know your age, but I expect quite a few people to volunteer experiences in this thread because adolescence is the time for sleeping patterns to go out the window. The two main reasons for this are:

1) puberty
2) shocking sleep hygiene

Keyara's post on page 4 largely sums up the common practices of "sleep hygiene" i.e. keep a regular schedule and don't do stuff that prevents you from sleeping from an hour before you sleep onwards (then again I don't practice what I preach because I'm on the computer until about 10 minutes before I sleep, but then again I'm also a working ma- I mean horse, and much older to boot, so I made it such that my body's sleep was both programmable and flexible.)

The puberty thing largely applies to the age group between 13-19, thereabouts, and in a single word can be described as the effect of "hormones". However as mentioned earlier this sleep hygiene thing is now a confounder as now it's somehow fashionable for youth to stay up all hours of the night on Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Twitter etc. which causes pediatricians the world around all kinds of headaches lol. On a more general note, it being summer break might also have something to do with it: with the loss of a structured day-to-day life may also come the loss of a regular sleep cycle, the reasons for that being multifactorial.

At any rate, breathing exercises as part of meditation which empties one's mind is a good idea regardless of whether it actually helps you sleep, so that's a good starting point. Other things to consider are how comfortable you are, the temperature, what time you take a shower (if any) etc.

Try keeping the benzos/rohypnol and all that crap for a last resort, or for situations where you know that your patterns are going to be messed up due to massive and sudden changes in circumstance e.g. travel to the other side of the world.

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