It seems most of the Christians I know and Christians in general seem to have abandoned Jewish traditions. Even more disturbing is that I find many denounce the Old Testament in whole. I have even been told that a Bible quote I was using in a religious debate didn't count because it was from the Old Testament. Why do Christians so readily abandon their Jewish origins?
Isn't it obvious? Christians don't really like changing their lives to suit the word of their God or their religion so they change their religion or the word of their God to suit them. They snip and chop parts from the Bible to use in support of what they believe but denounce parts that clash with the things they want to believe.
OH GOOD! Finally, I have been long awaiting the day someone would tell me that the old testament is falling into disrepute, I am an avid believer that the old testament is of no value, to anyone, anywhere, it is mostly the tales of a hateful barbaric desert tribe killing and pillaging in the name of a god, which seems to me mainly an excuse to do what they want, not an actual belief of a deity; and the picture they paint is pretty grim, slaughtering homosexuals, allowing slaves, destroying cities for the sins of the minority, sound like a lovely fella!
Yes, as Avorne said, Christians will pick and choose what they want to include in their religion, the Catholic church makes up new stuff all the time, and the Apocrypha, thirteen books of the bible that have been omitted because they didn't like the content, a Christian may use the old testament as evidence one minute and discount it the next.
Christians only believe that blasphemous swears are wrong, and it says in the ten commandments not to use the lords name in vein, which heavily implies not to use swears like god jesus ect
whatever you know him by, whatever you call him, using his name in vain is still technically wrong, although I am sure that Christians can find some way to twist even that simple meaning
YHWH is his true name. Every time you see He, Him, God, the Lord and all of that in the Bible, that is what they put in there. The original texts use YHWH in each of those instances.
What's your point? My point is that even if you aren't using his true name, it's still what you call him, a nme you have given him, which is still using his name in vain
I think he means that it's like saying poop instead of ****. But the problem is that you're using his name in an inapproprate way, not that like curse words that are purposly bad on their own.
but as I said, most guys don't want their foreskin cut off and back then, such actions could cause death due to infection.
To start with, nobody remembers what happens to their genitals when they are 8 days old, it's not a traumatizing event. Also, i have never heard of anyone getting infected from circumcision. If they did get infected, medical technology today usually can solve this.
Christians don't really like changing their lives to suit the word of their God or their religion so they change their religion or the word of their God to suit them. They snip and chop parts from the Bible to use in support of what they believe but denounce parts that clash with the things they want to believe.
Considering how contradictory it is, i don't see how anyone could follow the Bible without cherry picking it.
If you want to talk about profanity, talk about the fact that Christians say that those words are wrong, despite the Bible never once stating that.
Originally curse words were blasphemous words against God. (Cursed Words)
YHWH is his true name. Every time you see He, Him, God, the Lord and all of that in the Bible, that is what they put in there. The original texts use YHWH in each of those instances.
Not in all instances there are also times where El(most high) or Elohim(gods) is used.
To start with, nobody remembers what happens to their genitals when they are 8 days old, it's not a traumatizing event.
Even though it has been noted that babies have gone into shock from the procedure.
i have never heard of anyone getting infected from circumcision. If they did get infected, medical technology today usually can solve this.