ForumsThe Tavern[dup] How did you meet armorgames? (or: latpasko's exciting story of shields and swords;)

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how and were did you first get introduced to the armor games site?

NOTE: if your time is precious, skip whats below!

here is my story:
back in 2005 (or was it 2006?) i saw my big brother (8 years older than me) play a game on a game site. i asked him whats the name of the site, and he told me; armor games.
for about a year i was playing on the site, and for no certain reason, stopped (oh yea, our computer broke down). only in late 2009 i was looking for a good game site -remembered the site my brother played- but did not remember the name. so, after a bunch of Google searching and many nights pondering in my sleep, i suddenly remembered:

...just joking...

so, after i remembered the name of the site, i got in. and a hole lot had changed.
basically, what i remember from AG1 was this bunch of games all together in rows, and now, we got AG2.
so after a while i signed up and here i am.

  • 46 Replies
370 posts

Random Google searches for a decent site. I sat for about three hours one night burning through one site after another. Until, I fell upon this. One of the nicest gaming sites I have ever seen and I decided to stay.

2,226 posts

I remembered that some people played games on the site from elementary school-middle school (either or) and after a while, I started visiting the site (back when they had the tower on the side, probably AG1) Then finally after a few years, I made an account.

15,595 posts

I started playing games on here a year or two ago. But I never created an account because I didn't own the computer. So I could play the games every now and then anonymously.

In August of last year I was looking for racing games online and I found Exit Path. I played the uniplayer mode, then I clicked on multiplayer and it told me that I could only play multiplayer on Armor Games. So I came on here and started playing Exit Path anonymously.

Then a month later I created my account to keep track of my data with my account and rate the games I liked. After a month or two I started to get involved in the community more by posting around the forums and commenting. I've been here ever since.

2,597 posts


I laughed so hard.

I was searching for a good gaming sight and came across AG2 and then I was hooked.I stopped for a few months while hospital stricken but when i got home the first thing i did was play on AG.
2,261 posts

Back when I didn't have an Xbox or a Wii, I wasted all my time on my computer. Almost like I do now. :P

Anyway, I had an obsession with free online flash games back then. I just searched Google for them, and it eventually led me here.

It took me around 2 or 3 years to finally make an account. I guess that's a good thing, considering I'd be underage if I made an account much earlier.

26,677 posts

This past school year, I had virtual Spanish. This class consisted of Google Translate being used on tests and playing games on what ever sites weren't blocked.
After going through three gaming sites, we somehow wound up on playing games (no idea how that happened) and we came across a game by the name of Sonny. I noticed that it would always show Armor Games when it loaded up. When I decided to play at home, I also decided to try out this site.
Unfortunately, I could only play at home since we couldn't play any games at Armor Games at school (even if we went through three proxies and switched over to https instead of http [yes, that does get you past school filters]).

13,344 posts

I was playing some game on addictinggames on November 22, 2008, and I noticed the logo. I'd seen it on many different games in the previous years, but somehow it never occured to me that it would be an actual site.

So here I am.

When I first saw the top 10 list, I realized there was a point system. Knowing myself well, I knew that one day I'd be one of those people with his name on the front page. It didn't matter to me how long it would take or how I would get there, I was just determined to get there eventually.

So here I am.

When I noticed that there was a community, I knew it was inevitable that eventually I'd become an active member. It had never occured to me that I'd never be able to leave, or that people would actually have a decent amount of respect for me or that I'd have some amount of influential power. That actually came as a surprise to me, but I've grown used to it.

So here I am.

3,517 posts

Last year, we had Technology class, and our teacher gave us free time to go on any website. Most of the kids went on something called Armor Games. I've heard of Armor Games because most games on Addicting Games (my former favorite game site) were sponsored by them. I figure, what the heck. I'll give it a shot. I logged on and started playing "Continuity". Very fun game! I go, "Addicting Games doesn't have games like these. When I got home I started playing it for a long time. I fell in love with Sushi Cat, CTC, and so many more! This was maybe the beginning of 2010 (February or something) and I've been playing ever since. I finally got my account early this year, and it has been one fun ride!

452 posts

I found this site from addicting games when I was playing The World's Hardest Game, and I kept playing and playing and finally, I clicked on the Armor Games site when the game was loading.

88 posts

How i found ArmorGames is i was playing bunny flags on and it showed the swords saying armorgames and addictinggames didnt have that much fun in it. So i decided to check out the site and it had better way better games than addictinggames.

295 posts


i just want to clear somthing:
i do not play on Miniclip.
a kid in class told i should check it out, but other than the old [i]on the run[b] nothing was worth time.
50 posts

There is the game Red, an arcade shooter by Ivory, I saw my friend playing it to pass the time. So I got really attached to Armor Games! It has a lot of great games by great "game makers" (I don't know the right word :P)

2,487 posts

I originally got hooked up to playing games durring elementary school (before the district supervisor started going nuts and blocking everything). at that time I was playing addicting games. when that site got blocked, I went to another one called antzil (it's really hard to get on that site for whatever reason).

one day, my friend discovered a proxy that I could use to get on anything I wanted. so I asked people which game site they preferred, and I tried all of them. none of them satisfied my game addiction (to be fair, WoW gave me that addiction) until one kid I asked said he played armor games. I went to this one ever since. I only recently became a member (I couldn't go on because I accidentally landed a trojan on my parents old computer. in fact I'm still surprised that they let me back on) and I still love this site. none of the other sites are as fun as this one.

12,319 posts

Before coming on Armor Games, I was playing games from several other websites (I still visit some of those for the games) and some of the games had links to Armor Games, so I decided to check that site out. I played games on AG for several months, then decided to create an account when Elephant Quest came out.

1,564 posts

I used to be an active Miniclip player (don't blame me I was like 10), but then I realized something. It was an epiphany, and as the white sparkling glow behind me sparkled and the angelic music playing in the background angelic-ized, I realized Miniclip sucks donkey ****.
So I jumped from site to site for a period of time. I stayed on StickPage for a while (that's how I discovered Stickwars) and I had a phase with I even came back to Miniclip, but I realized it still sucked donkey ****, so I quickly left. And in my quest of finding an awesome game; correction the awesome game I found Armor Games. And it continued from there.

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