ForumsThe TavernWhat's the worst way to die?

125 21174
1,405 posts

Be creative.

Mine would be being shot out into space and not being able to breath.

  • 125 Replies
22 posts

Crucifixion is usually done with rope straps not nails. They would usually die of suffocation not blood loss. But the worse way to die is to die without knowing JC.

800 posts

Well I'd say the Aztec human sacrifice ritual. Being tied to a slab with tons of people watching as a guy just rips through you're chest until he takes out you're heart. Then I think you have about thirty seconds until you die if you have you're heart out so the last thing you'll see is a guy holding you're heart in his hand.

2,261 posts

I think that the "Cupcakes" story would be a pretty bad way to die...

My vote goes to Cupcakes.

923 posts

Well I'd say the Aztec human sacrifice ritual.

I was going to say something else, but the second I saw this, I saw no need. I completely agree with that. Plus, all those people get to watch you die...
181 posts

I believe I saw this in a SAW Movie.
A Machine where your body parts are strapped in. And your arms first start to slow turn 360 degrees, breaking them. Then both of your legs. Then finally your neck!
Sounds painful.

38 posts

stabbed in the leg, frozen in the arctic, and the buried with no coffin

2,906 posts

the guy who got buried alive in 1000 ways to die

958 posts

Waterbed. If you watched 1,000 ways to die you'd know.

433 posts

Um tied to 20000 lbs and threw into the water

2,157 posts

Probably dying alone without anyone there to comfort you. Thank would really be awful.

26,677 posts

Warning, this is going to be very disturbing and may scar you for life.

First, be blind-folded and stretched taught by each of your limbs, just barely dislocating the joints. An ear piercing, horrible shrieking noise is played at incredibly high decibel levels during the whole torture. Then, have a heavy weight put on your chest, enough so that you can't take a full breath, but not enough to suffocate you. Next, have bamboo grown through each joint other than vertebrae and those close to vital organs. After that, be brought to a low level of hypothermia and branded until your entire torso is covered in a thick crust. Now, the crust is slowly pulled off. Salt crystals are drug across your exposed flesh, cutting like sand paper. In order to prevent bleeding out, an electric current is arced across to cauterize the wounds. Now, the bamboo is cut at the base and pulled out so that the branches and leaves tear the flesh. The blind-fold is removed to reveal a searing light. Now, being little more than a limp, blind, starving lump of flesh knowing nothing but pain, you nearly die of dehydration only to be given parasite infested water. Next, the parasites slowly eat holes through you until. Feeling merciful, your captor now boils you alive from the inside out while freezing you from the outside in.

I did warn you.......

6,257 posts

Warning, this is going to be very disturbing and may scar you for life.

First, be blind-folded and stretched taught by each of your limbs, just barely dislocating the joints. An ear piercing, horrible shrieking noise is played at incredibly high decibel levels during the whole torture. Then, have a heavy weight put on your chest, enough so that you can't take a full breath, but not enough to suffocate you. Next, have bamboo grown through each joint other than vertebrae and those close to vital organs. After that, be brought to a low level of hypothermia and branded until your entire torso is covered in a thick crust. Now, the crust is slowly pulled off. Salt crystals are drug across your exposed flesh, cutting like sand paper. In order to prevent bleeding out, an electric current is arced across to cauterize the wounds. Now, the bamboo is cut at the base and pulled out so that the branches and leaves tear the flesh. The blind-fold is removed to reveal a searing light. Now, being little more than a limp, blind, starving lump of flesh knowing nothing but pain, you nearly die of dehydration only to be given parasite infested water. Next, the parasites slowly eat holes through you until. Feeling merciful, your captor now boils you alive from the inside out while freezing you from the outside in.

I did warn you.......

Pffffft I've been through worse.

First, one by one your fingers and toes are cut off at their base while you try to wiggle them. Second, to prevent bleeding you are burned to heal the wound a little bit. You are then forced water through your nostrils until you are highly uncomfortable. You are also in a place where the echo is easily created and thus you hear your own screams. After that, you are then removed of one of your eyeballs and feel the pain of not being able to see with one of your eye. You are then exposed to a high decibel of sound to one of your ear drums that it starts to bleed and burst. All of a while, there are constricting bands that become tighter the more you move. After that, more water is poured into your nose. After you scream so much that you almost lose your voice, a heavy weight is put on your torso that you are not able to breathe like the above post. You are then shocked multiple times leaving you in a death-like state. You are then forced to wear a crown of thorns. To help revive you a little bit, you are forced to drink vinegar and water. Yet again, more water is poured down your nose. After you think you cannot take any more pain, you are then strapped down to a bed of hot rocks, while you are crushed from the top slowly with a flat-like metal surface pushing down on you. Before you die, you are removed of your other eye and lose hearing in your other ear, making you in a useless state. Your tongue is then cut off and you are drowned in a never-ending water fall while a heavy weight crushes down on you and as you lie down on a bed of hot-rocks. Lastly, your spinal cord is ripped out and you are now just a empty shell of a body. Your dead body is then fed to worms and maggots, and your friends and family forget about you.

Thinking about it makes me be grateful about my current life...
26,677 posts

Not bad for a beginner, but replace the water in the nose with vinegar. Also, the flat metal plate should be a rough, uneven plate.

Good to see another creative entry, though.

6,257 posts

Thanks, and I just thought of some more. While all that happens, your teeth are then forcibly removed and a really really bad odor causes you to breathe through your mouth while you bleed out your gums. I find it disturbing that I would think up about this though....

3,371 posts

What about being paralyzed with dull surgical tools. Then being dropped into the forest. And you have to sit there and starve/ be attacked by animals until you die. But you are given small amounts of food and water. enough at a time to keep you alive for a month.

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