I've been thinking about this for a long time now...
Everyone seems to view "God" as some great guy who created absolutely everything and loves each and every one of us individually and equally. Hell is where everyone "EVIL" goes when they die, under certain circumstances.
We are Imperfect creatures. If God made us, he purposely made us imperfect. He blames us for our sins and makes us ask for forgiveness for our sins but we sin because we are imperfect because he made us imperfect o.O
God is omniscent. He decides what happens yadda yadda yadda... So he decides beforehand if someone will go to heaven or hell, meaning we have no control of our lives? So since I'm atheist I was decided long ago that I would be an atheist and I would be ****ed to hell but I had no control of it? Sort of Fatalistic and nasty.
We are Imperfect creatures. If God made us, he purposely made us imperfect. He blames us for our sins and makes us ask for forgiveness for our sins but we sin because we are imperfect because he made us imperfect o.O
Before anyone uses it, "God had made us perfect to begin with and it was us choosing to sin that caused us to be imperfect" doesn't work as an excuse as if we were perfect to begin with we couldn't possibly have made the wrong choice to sin making us imperfect.
meh, the bible is cool and all, but i don't agree with over half of it. personally i believe in god, but i don't believe him to choose to have full control over any one person's life. i don't even fully believe he has full control over what happens on large scale. i think he made the earth, made people, made all the processes that happens, and doesn't interfere, rather he watches and judges at the end.
so i don't think he's there as the angry god who's destroying, plaguing and killing all mankind for his amusement. i think he's just there, to be believed in by those who choose to, and to be talked to by those who choose to. so he's like a neutral friend.
my 2 cents. i'd cite my sources but just kidding i don't have any that crap is way too formal.
depends. i believe that the sins are out decision BUT there ie a huge difference of the sins i believe are really sins and the sins others beliieve are. in christianity there are many things i disagree with (and i almost know nothing about christianity XD) because many of the sins there are connected to being different or being born in a way. for example being gay. its not a decision and you are born that way. does that mean god creates people who are doomed to go to hell? when i asked that a guy told me he did that to test faith and that the gay person wont go to hell if he wont.... "do it" with someone else. and then i thought, so he creates people who are doomed to be lonely? another thing is about people who arent christians. from what i learned here non-christians will also go to hell. now first thing: if you had a son who doesnt believe in you, would you throw him to hell? and another thing. why are there people who are born streight to the most catholic christian family and other people who are born in a way that will obviously wont let them go to heaven? think about poor tribes somewhere in the world. they have no connection to the rest of the world and they could know nothing about the existion of christianity. its not about faith because they never even had the chance to get to know that religion.
another thig i noticed are people who "warn" people to convert so they wont go to hell. i appreciate those people because they care but if they act like that it means they follow their god not because they love him, but becase they are afraid of him. they usually sound like he is a monster that you have to follow so it wont kill you.
i dont think that in judaism there are any sins that are connected to something you cant control and usually the god in the tanah is very forgiving. that is why in my opinion the christian god would be my foe (and that could be a very nice story for a video game XD) and the god from the jewish belief would be my friend
In the Christian doctrine, we were made with the free will to choose our own way in the world. But I'm afraid that I don't quite understand your question; are you asking if the idea of God is a good one to have or are you asking whether or not God Himself is good or evil?
that is why in my opinion the christian god would be my foe (and that could be a very nice story for a video game XD) and the god from the jewish belief would be my friend
yes but there is a difference in the blief. the rules in the christian belief are very different then the rules in the jewish belief. so although they believe in the same "erson" they believe he has a different "ersonality". for me different personality =different person so that is what i meant
THis is an example ofhow the makers of god were stupid because anyone with half a brain can see that god could't exist. And anyway, what happened to forgiveness.
As I Christian I ask that question and I get no answer. My personlley I belive in God but I don't belive in the bible, I also belive there is no Hell because God can forgive, so he can forgive you for your sin's.
Ask yourself, you only get the bible's opinion on who is good and who is bad, god or satan. We never have veard what satan has to say to that. Maybe the bible's is god's propaganda to teach us he's good and make us his lambs, and in the same time picture the good guy, satan, as a bad one so that he loses power? All of that is purely hypothetical of course.
yes but there is a difference in the blief. the rules in the christian belief are very different then the rules in the jewish belief. so although they believe in the same "erson" they believe he has a different "ersonality". for me different personality =different person so that is what i meant
Isn't the Jewish holy text just the Old Testament where God does a good majority of his monstrous acts such as wiping out cities, all of humanity accept a few?
Mage,there is a claim that the old tribes were punished intensely because of although seeing all miracles they wanted,they turned back from ther vows or killed their prophet instead and refused God anyway.Thus today we are protected in order to not seeing obvious miracles. What do you think?
He already have us as you consider that He is the God.One wish would dominates us of His. The church is doing that you mentioned.
I don't get what you're trying to say. I believe you didn't quite get what I was saying either. What if the bible is false propaganda and satan isn't the evil guy? God would be the dictator and manipulator, satan the rebellious cast-away fighting for truth, taking away church's blindfold and open people's eyes. Or sumfing like that^^.
I don't get what you're trying to say. I believe you didn't quite get what I was saying either. What if the bible is false propaganda and satan isn't the evil guy? God would be the dictator and manipulator, satan the rebellious cast-away fighting for truth, taking away church's blindfold and open people's eyes. Or sumfing like that^^.
The church is the dictator and manupulator and the Jesus is the castaway technically.As you see the real God must be awsome and the best.Thats why we call Him God.