This thread was made to share the songs you think are the most beautiful (or emotive). 3 rules for this thread: _Write the title and the autor of the song. _A link to the song _Why do you like it
For me, it's Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley because it's simply a wonderful song, with superb lyrics and guitar harmonics. I think Thank You (for "Thank You", go to the 130th minute- 200); I love the solo, the lyrics and the end, calm but beautiful.
Thats a good song. Sadly, it seems that its the only one people listen to by them. They're a very talented group, and deserve some attention for their other songs.
Metallica is alright. I only listen to the first parts of their song, because their Intro's are awesome. Other than that, I could care less about the rest of the song.
I'd like to point out that the thread's not ''your favorite song''. If so, I'd never have answered that.
I know, but I meant it in the way that it is, in fact, one of my favorite songs, due to how beautiful the solos in the beginning at the end make it. I forgot to add that part. I'm really bad at finishing thread po
I would venture to say that it's also my favorite song if for no other reason than its beauty. I often find my life a battle between my logic and emotion and I feel that's expounded upon in the lyrics. Combine that with the piano and it still blows me away when I listen to it.
I was born from the sound oft he strings for someone to give everything to be a song just for your feeling close your eyes and I'll try to get in to waken your heart like the spring 'cos I was born to touch your feelings...
Serenity by Godsmack I'm not sure what the appeal of the song is but it is very beautiful and calming. My mind is swept away and calmed when I listen to it. It allows the mind to just wander free.