This thread was made to share the songs you think are the most beautiful (or emotive). 3 rules for this thread: _Write the title and the autor of the song. _A link to the song _Why do you like it
For me, it's Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley because it's simply a wonderful song, with superb lyrics and guitar harmonics. I think Thank You (for "Thank You", go to the 130th minute- 200); I love the solo, the lyrics and the end, calm but beautiful.
As You Are by Garfunkel and Oates is really nice too listen too and the lyrics are great..... there are too many beautiful songs out there too narrow it down though :O
Save You- Simple Plan the reason i like the song is because i lost somebody very close to me who died of cancer.. and this song is about the singers brother having cancer
Save You- Simple Plan the reason i like the song is because i lost somebody very close to me who died of cancer.. and this song is about the singers brother having cancer
[quote]Life on Mars by David Bowie. I like it because I just thought it was one of the best songs ever. [url=]