I heard a supposition today from an expert in artificial intelligence, Dr. David Levy. He stated that by 2050 robots will have become so advanced and lifelike that people could possibly form relationships/friendships, date and even marry them.
I personally think that the idea of dating a robot would be a little weird, even if it did look and feel lifelike. But it seems like a good way to get desperate people out of their money, so I wouldn't be shocked if this happened.
Well i dont know,but i dont care since il be like 60 at that age,haha,well i guess if it would hapen desperate peaple will at least have some one in their lives,also,how could they mate?I mean,robots cant seriously have kids,nor,well,you know..private spots lol
Well does this mean that robots will have feelings? If so, they shouldn't be up for "sale." I also don't really think that it would work either. How could a robot be the same as a woman or man? There is no way that this could be "true" at least for 2050. Maybe a couple hundred years later than that, but I don't think it will happen in our lifetime.
Suppose the intellegence were possible. People today are very used to dealing with electronic items. Think of the toy babys that cry until you feed them, or the artificial pets that bark and meow. It seems impossible at this time because AI is still primative, but it has improved dramatically over just the last 2 decades.
First off, ROBOTS are way ahead in all life and if we achieved the level that robots could love, we created artificial life-forms, such as "The Last Mimzy" and "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" the world might be in utter peace, things would be great, my best friend would be taking a vacation on some planet, say planet 4J5KUHFG8876JERT8 and humankind would have met other life forms that probably taught us nimrods how to make artificial life. With artificial life, we can just make life, and the life God gave us wouldn't mean anything, we could just make some life. This also could lead to the world's doom, as robots are most likely stronger and have harder bodies then us, and they would take over the world. Also, I don't think any programming skills in the galaxy would be sufficient to make artificial life. It would be a chaotic world if we actually did. Some ideas are as follows 1- Our computers talk to us 2- Kids go to school with our kids (why shouldn't they have education) 3- Robots do everything for us and we all become non-healthy couch potatoes, easy to rule and be destroyed.
So you think that by creating convincingly lifelike robots, there would be no need for human/human interaction? Humans would simply go to their local "ick a partner" shop and program a perfect dreambot and spend their time on the other side of the looking glass?
well its expected that robots already some emotions, i read somewhere i long ago (about 3 years ago) that there was a robot playing the trumpet for a large crowd in a hotel or something, and before it had started someone had heard it say "im kind of nervous guys"
This is a great question which brings up a plethora of issues about identity, consciousness, even "rights" Right now I have a ban headache, but I would like to explore these concepts.
What I found most interesting was the idea that although most people would probably be against the idea because "they're robots". However, I'm quite certain that people identify with their pets. They associate very human emotions with these animals without really knowing what Mr. Piddles is really thinking. Could the same not happen with a robot that not only looks very human, but acts very human as well?
if robots had the capacity to do so, they could make friendships with other robots and overthrow us, i really don't want to be a slave to a hunk of metal
I'm not certain that I agree with that scenario. I believe that there is a huge misconception that if robots displayed emotional response/traits, then they would recognise human inferiority and zap us into dust. The "emotion" that robots would be showing would be imput, simply data. I suppose the next question would be if robots would develop concience, truly independant thought and what they would do with it?
Want to see our next robot overlord? Then, when you have some free time, go to youtube and search for [b]Big Dog Boston Dynamics[b]. Better yet, here is the link:
You can search for more videos on this as well. So simple, yet... so strange. No guidence needed, this robot just "knows" what to do in each situation.