ForumsThe TavernThe Japanese and whales should they whale or not

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64 posts

Ok im into whale wars and totally support the Sea Shepards because they are saving whales which are an endangered species.

What do you think or believe?
Who do you support?

  • 38 Replies
3,086 posts

It's one of the few things I disrespect about the Japanese, that they're intelligent enough as a nation to know it's wrong, but do it anyway. There is no point to killing whales anymore. Also, whales feel pain just like we do, like all animals. Not having the same mental structure/capacities does not make it weak.

It's strange though, all this horrible treatment of endangered animals that don't need it, but ridiculous amounts support for the panda and other similar species, a species that contributes nothing of value to the ecosystem, and doesn't even need idiot hunters to become extinct.

What a ****ed up world.

6,800 posts

Ok im into whale wars and totally support the Sea Shepards because they are saving whales which are an endangered species

What about the Japanese Fishermen? They're just out doing ther job, when some crazy lunatics try to drive into their boat, launch teargas and smoke bombs at them, and then board their ship illegally. All while being filmed for American Reality Television.

Yeah, I totally support the Sea Shepherd. -_-
349 posts

I support the Japanese because whaling is a big industry in Japan, and since it's an island nation they rely on fish products for a lot of things. I think that the Sea Sheppard should leave the Japanese alone and let them keep fishing and make their lives easier. If the Japanese hunt the whales into extinction that's their problem.

1,405 posts

Well i'm japanese. and I've never seen whale wars or sea sheperds. I do think it's wrong to hunt whales, but it is like taking a part of their culture from them.

It's like saying we can't eat lobster, or cows. I know they aren't similar to whales and they aren't endangered, but it's basically the same thing.

349 posts

Efan, God put animals on earth for us to use. animals shouldn't have rights because the only function they have in society is to be on someones dinner plate.

3,371 posts

Well hunting whales into extinction affects everyone. Also When they kill the animals they do it very brutaly. They often pass off dolphin meat as whale and it has a lot of mercury in it, so it's also bad for you. The coperation that's doing this is doing it out of greed that hurts everyone and I think they should be stopped.

3,086 posts

Efan, God put animals on earth for us to use. animals shouldn't have rights because the only function they have in society is to be on someones dinner plate.

OK, as an Atheist, that cuts my argument to a pretty short tone, usually, but I'm going to take my time on this:

#1: God isn't anyone's name, so it doesn't need that capital there.

#2: Say if god did put animals there for us to use as we will. Would he really want us to eat the ones that are dieing out? I don't think so because he'd want humans to stay alive and not eat every animal on the planet, because that would cause starvation.

#3: Animals aren't a part of society if they're just food. Which they aren't because they went through the same evolutionary biological steps as we did, but their outcome was different in the fact that humans can digest them, and they have differently formed brains for processing, contemplating and reacting to certain information given to them.

#4: Eating every species one by one of the face of the planet has got to be one of the stupidest things someone born with the ability to understand intelligent knowledge can do. Species on earth are wiped out very regularly on earth, but whale hunting is pointless because (A) We can gather oil, meat, and other products through other means than whales, and (B) No one uses oil lamps anymore in modern society.

#5: The fact that you believe in your hypocritical desert tribal god is hypocrisy in itself. Didn't your god create all things on earth to live in harmony?

I expect you to reply with a better argument, if you can't, then I've won.

oh, and if you want a better, longer argument from me, just ask.
6,800 posts

Why so off-topic Efan?

Well i'm japanese. and I've never seen whale wars or sea sheperds.

Trust me, you're not missing much. Summary of every episode in Thirty Seconds:

Fat Sea Shepherd Man: If we don't save the whales, we're all going to die! D:

Sea Shepherd Driver Man: Lets drive the boat at the evil, inhumane Japanese! May be that will scare them away.

*Japnese yell in panic, begin squirting hoses at the boat*

Sea Shepherd Woman: They're attacking us! Thats a sign off war! We can know legally board they're ship, damage it, and launch tear gas at them!

Crew: Hooray!
3,086 posts

Why so off-topic Efan?

Sorry, it's very early in the morning. Which is when I'm at my least coherent, and most grumpy state of being.
I don't think it's entirely the workers faults, it's their job for one, and jobs are probably very hard to find in Japan nowadays with so many leaving for asylum. But before the earthquakes it was all about consumer demand for the rich. The corporations funded and operated the hunting, the rich bought the goods. The poor Japanese worker wont give a crap about some animal if it feeds his or her kids.
8,051 posts

The Sea Shepherd stops them, but they use terrorist tactics.

Every episode they run out of fuel, when they go back into port, what do the whaling boats do? Circles around.. and kill more whales.

You know what mission accomplished is? It's that they threw poop on the other people's deck. What they do, is that they throw sulfur on their decks.. sulfur taints and destroys whale meat. So what does that incentivise? We gotta go get more whales!

They will indiscriminately attack any boat, even ones with Research.. and ones with the coast guard on it.

Plus they're a bunch of clowns, they don't know how to sail, but pretend they do. I haven't ever seen one where they haven't either been encircled, lead into fog, or some iceberg.

They're just a bunch of hippies.

3,371 posts

In a documentary I saw most of the workers didn't know about the job they were doing. They thought they whales and dolphins were overpopulated and they were being paid to reduce the population.

9,462 posts

Efan, God put animals on earth for us to use. animals shouldn't have rights because the only function they have in society is to be on someones dinner plate.

If we have been put in charge of these creatures we should show some responsibility towards their maintenance.
4,689 posts

Well Ive seen Whale Wars but the Sea Shepherds are pretty incompetent.
They just throw tear gas on the boats and shoot some water. While I dont like what the japanese are doing the sea shepherds are too dumb for me to like them either. Maybe they both will be smashed by icebergs.

349 posts

Efan, as a Christan I belive evolution dosen't exsist, and yes God's name is capitalized because he is the creator of the the world and everything on the earth. Yes god did make the world to live in harmony but he knew men would be evil and disruptive (the whalers are disruptive to the Japanese peace at work). Also were not going to eat every speices on earth. I mean ya we do eat a lot of animals and thats why there are farms to raise livestock to eat, and ya the world is my KFC I can eat as much as I wan't.

3,139 posts

Oh yipee, this is good.

Let me catch up - whale wars, sea shepherds, bad, good, religion, efan, bravehawk. Oh and i mustn't forget that efan is grumpy in the morning.

@Bravehawk - you said God put animals on the earth for us to use. Efan argued back and you answered with as Christian you don't believe evolution exists.

If you've read the Bible kid, you'll see a huge emphasis on loving animals. Were you never taught, as a christian, to love all of God's creatures? You could argue for instance that God put such an important emphasis on the welfare of animals that he made Noah take both male and female of each species of animal onto the ark when he was brutally drowning the worlds population ;]. In this case he chose to save more animals than people.

I'm not stating this to be a religious freak, i'm just proving your argument is so contradictory.

I think the brutal killing of whales is wrong, not as a Christian, but because i don't think any animal deserves a brutal fate. I understand the cycle of life and animals need to die and all that but this is just seriously wrong.

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