Obviously my screen name says what I believe but I encourage all ( Buddhist, Atheist, Christians, Taoist, Muslims, etc) to give me a good clear cut answer on if god really does exist. I would sincerely love to know what all of you think. That does not mean I won't argue with your idea or belief.
You can't 100% disprove god because there's always the, "God is everything that you see" point to fall back to. You can't disprove reality, and if they claim god is reality, what can you really do? The only argument against that is that it's not necessary for there to be a god, but that doesn't disprove it.
God is obviously a reality coz how do u think this universe was made
to a guy who's screen name is "The Atheist" as the obvious counter argument will simply be "Eh, evolution?"
It's one of those things we won't be 100% sure of. A god can't be proved or disproved because it's all based on belief, and technically so is evolution. There may be evidence pointing to either or but it isn't 100% conclusive.
I personally believe in a spiritual being, but i won't know what this is until 'judgement day' as such. I do also understand the reality of evolution, so a mixture of this to me is how the earth was created.
A lot of people argue the bible being 100% myth. To me some of it is very real, but people have to understand a lot of different factors including metaphors and different cultures. For instance, those who argue God isn't real because the Bible says people lived for 600 years etc are simply mistaken. They were on a whole different timescale to us.
So hey, some will believe it's myth, some will believe it's reality. But none of the two will actually know.
Inspiration, feed not the Troll for that is the path of wickedness.
I do also understand the reality of evolution, so a mixture of this to me is how the earth was created.
Competence? In a religious thread? I'm utterly amazed!
To me some of it is very real, but people have to understand a lot of different factors including metaphors and different cultures. For instance, those who argue God isn't real because the Bible says people lived for 600 years etc are simply mistaken. They were on a whole different timescale to us.
My response to this is this: The Bible is a metaphor and not to be taken literally.
God is obviously a reality coz how do u think this universe was made.Christianity says God created the world in 6 days,so God is a reality 2 me
Christianity also says that Pi = 3 and that homosexuals are abominations unto the world - I'm not particularly inclined to listen to what some 2000 year old dusty book says. As for how the universe began - we have a multitude of theories but the most 'supported' so far are the ones that revolve around the idea of a Big Bang or some similar theory.
the obvious counter argument will simply be "Eh, evolution?"
Evolution doesn't deal with how the Universe started.
It's one of those things we won't be 100% sure of. A god can't be proved or disproved because it's all based on belief, and technically so is evolution. There may be evidence pointing to either or but it isn't 100% conclusive.
Evolution is a fact, it is proven and scientifically supported, we've even observed it (in a roundabout sort of way).
To me some of it is very real, but people have to understand a lot of different factors including metaphors
I hear this off of almost every single Christian and none of them has been able to give the same answer about how you distinguish between 'fact' and metaphor.
Inspiration, feed not the Troll for that is the path of wickedness.
I was simply involving myself in the thread ;o
Competence? In a religious thread? I'm utterly amazed!
Well, i am amazing. Jokes.
My response to this is this: The Bible is a metaphor and not to be taken literally.
Not a metaphor as a whole though, i'd like to think "Thou shall not kill" isn't a metaphor. A lot said in the bible is literal, there's a lot of historical fact in there. It's a better book for history than it s in spirituality terms.
I don't believe in God. I haven't put too much into it, I haven't read a lot about the matter or contemplated it very often, but it seems very unrealistic that a God truly does exist. I mean, there are statements inside the bible itself that contradicts the whole thing.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus
"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do... And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ...but He loves you." -George Carlin
Honestly, since there is no evidence that there is a 100% absolute god, it seems more like a conscience in my opinion. Don't take this the wrong way if I'm not explaining it quite right, but you set yourself to believe in some god and abide by the set rules and attempt to sin in the least you possibly can and beg for forgiveness when you do; all of the things cannot be proven that there is actually a god that is watching over you or listening to your prayers. So if it's more of a conscience, then there is no "right or wrong". You believe what you want and it is what it is. Unless there is evidence that God does exist, its more your own morals because who's to say the Bible actually originated from God? None of us were around when the Bible was first being written.
Like I said, 'conscience' was the only word I could think of to explain what I was thinking. :l
Oh and sorry about the double post, but I forgot to include that I don't really know anything about other religions. My family and friends are Christians, so Christianity is about all I can actually talk about.
its more your own morals because who's to say the Bible actually originated from God? None of us were around when the Bible was first being written.
No don't get me wrong, i'm not naive enough to argue there's 100% a god. People are entitled to their own beliefs. As a christian i understand the total contractions in my region, and as a theology student i understand the complete contradictions in every other religion.
However you can't argue that we live solely by our own morals - we don't know that God wrote them, but man did. We live by his morals. (As in those who follow the bible)
Also my last post was meant to say religions* **** auto-correct.