ForumsWEPRGod - Myth or reality?

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132 posts

Obviously my screen name says what I believe but I encourage all ( Buddhist, Atheist, Christians, Taoist, Muslims, etc) to give me a good clear cut answer on if god really does exist. I would sincerely love to know what all of you think. That does not mean I won't argue with your idea or belief.

  • 192 Replies
100 posts

Questions, that a Atheism can't answer, are not automatily an arguement for religion! And sry, but when I see your post, I know that you've got not that much wisdom, you're thinking.

You've got to read much more about todays science, before posting such things.

5,552 posts

the odds of having a planet like ours that is in such a narrow area that allows for life to form is almost impossible.

And do you know how many planets there are? It's inevidable that a planet with life sustaining conditions would form.

how did life start in the first place?

Abiogenesis, look it up.
2,487 posts

sry, but since these questions can't be anwsered, I'll stick with the one that can tie it together in a neat little bow

100 posts

In the big bang, all of the debris was scattered. some of the debris formed stars, while the rest formed planets. the odds of having a planet like ours that is in such a narrow area that allows for life to form is almost impossible.

If there are nearly infinite trys, that a possibillity can happen, then it will happen (Multiverse theory, or the fact, that a quantum goes every way = Multiple realitys?).

How did life start in the first place? evolution only explains how it progressed, not how it started.

Read more about Stanley Lloyd Miller, for example.

And btw. I don't wanted to say that youre silly!
5,129 posts

like they said in south park:

it doesn't matter if god is real or not real. if god is not real, it surely has more influence on people for over millennia. while you are realy real but by far has not as much influence on the world as god had.

5,552 posts

sry, but since these questions can't be anwsered, I'll stick with the one that can tie it together in a neat little bow

Good for you for not choosing magic sky fairy. Because religion contradicts itself left, right, up, down, back, behind, inside and out. It makes little to no sense, and all religions claim different things, showing that there is no basis and it's based off the whim of random people who think they know the answer.
132 posts

i am christian and i believe God is real
i also have nothing against any other religion but atheism says one day for no reason everything came 2gether for absolutley no reason and made life
i think the only way everything could be made is by God
LOL ok... So our belief that a universe was spontaneously created is a crazy idea but the thought of a magical man appearing out of nowhere to create life is logical. Haha
132 posts

you know another thing that ticks me off is that a lot of people claim atheism is a religion. The very idea and basis for this argument is weak. " If atheism is a religion then bald would be a hair color and not collecting stamps would be a hobby. Atheism is just a belief without god. Just like Christians don't believe in gods like Zeus or Thor" - Richard Dawkins... I think that was him who said it. Not too sure though

9,462 posts

First off forget this 100% prove disprove deal. In this case we want to use science, which we neither can not or do not want to have 100% certainty. So with that what if any evidence do we have supporting the existence of god? To answer this we would first need to define which god, given how ambiguous this is from one religion to the next. Even between denominations of the same religion we can find vast differences. This right here is a red flag of god of any sort not being real.

We can then go on to our question "What evidence is there for god?" You find ever scrap of evidence ever given for god (any god) is completely subjective. This means this evidence is just opinion that can not be verified. Further more more specific claims of a god often can be disproven, with every or nearly ever aspect of that god being proven wrong or superfluously this too indicates such a being isn't real.

You'll also notice the requirement of faith in religion. Such a requirement is just gullibility. Any god that is real wouldn't require faith, and no "free will" is no argument for the reason for having this requirement, especially when many holy texts show said god interacting and proving his existence.

You can't 100% disprove god because there's always the, "God is everything that you see" point to fall back to.

Saying "God is everything" seems like just an expanded version of taking something that has known and defined properties and just relabeling that god.

god can't be proved or disproved because it's all based on belief, and technically so is evolution.

Jefferysinspiration pull your head out of your ignorance and educate yourself.

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Well for Christians, it's useful as the Word of God.

Given it's previous qualities stated by Avorne "the Word of God" would seem to be a lie.
9,462 posts

Just would like to point out the definition of myth.

I couldn't help noticing definition 3
: a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence

The first definition here also caught my eye.
: a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature.

So do these definitions fit God?

132 posts

So do these definitions fit God?

Yes they do BUT they do not apply to the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Obey his awesome noodliness and all shall be forgiven! Or Optimus Prime (: He's a cool machine fighting robot. Who doesn't want to worship that?

9,462 posts

http:// ⦠sus-christ

Link fix.
105 posts

I've always found the idea that life is just some sort of waiting room to eternity to be quite a depressing idea. I much prefer the idea that life is a one-shot deal and that you shouldn't squander or waste your potential but instead share it with the world while you can.

I rather look at it as if we should cherish the time we have here on earth. And inform even more people about the afterlife so that they can take part of it as well. We don't wait in unnecessarily.
I think waiting for something great is better than waiting for complete darkness and nothingness.
3,085 posts

I rather look at it as if we should cherish the time we have here on earth. And inform even more people about the afterlife so that they can take part of it as well. We don't wait in unnecessarily.
I think waiting for something great is better than waiting for complete darkness and nothingness.

But you're making a gamble there, a gamble founded on faith and not fact, by 'informing' people - you're usually just bugging them. Let people go their own way and believe what they want to believe. Anyway, what's so great about the idea of Heaven? Eternity is an awful long time and you'd be spending most of that praising some insecure and jealous deity. If life just ends then you won't even know that you're dead seeing as all brain activity ceases upon death.
3,817 posts

I rather look at it as if we should cherish the time we have here on earth. And inform even more people about the afterlife so that they can take part of it as well. We don't wait in unnecessarily.
I think waiting for something great is better than waiting for complete darkness and nothingness.

I don't live to die, unlike what you seem to be suggesting you do. And why, exactly, would you "cherish" this time when you could end up in your afterlife without this unnecessary test? And if you need to tell people about the afterlife for them to take part in it, does that mean your god sends people to hell for not knowing about the religion at all?
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