Obviously my screen name says what I believe but I encourage all ( Buddhist, Atheist, Christians, Taoist, Muslims, etc) to give me a good clear cut answer on if god really does exist. I would sincerely love to know what all of you think. That does not mean I won't argue with your idea or belief.
No, i said man created the morals found in the bible. Me, personally as a christian try to live by these morals. However i understand free will and humans individuals, so i understand that morals are subjective.
So - we've established that the Bible isn't necessary for garnering morals and also that it has little value as a historically accurate text. What is the Bible good for? It certainly doesn't prove that a deity exists - it seems like a somewhat useless old book.
Well for Christians, it's useful as the Word of God. Although this is subjective to belief, it does give people hope and educate them in a way, so i personally wouldn't take that away from everyone.
Although a lot of the historical value is debatable, i do believe it provides a good background to early church history.
Well for Christians, it's useful as the Word of God.
After going through so many translations and having additions made by different authors throughout history - can you really say it's the word of God any more? It's the word of Man.
it does give people hope and educate them in a way,
Fiction books like Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings educate people and give them hope in a way - the difference is that neither of these books has been used as fuel or reason for mass-murdering other people or discriminating against them.
can you really say it's the word of God any more? It's the word of Man.
No, i've argued before that it is the word of man. I'm saying for those who have nothing in the world but belief it offers them the word of god. People believe it is 100% God, and hey let them. Their beliefs don't have a negative impact on me (Most of the time)
these books has been used as fuel or reason for mass-murdering other people or discriminating against them.
- I was so discrimated against for liking harry potter.
i am christian and i believe God is real i also have nothing against any other religion but atheism says one day for no reason everything came 2gether for absolutley no reason and made life i think the only way everything could be made is by God
I have to comment on this one. I think that if God exists or not it is a good thing to at lest believe that he does. By that I don't mean christians but all religions. Just to think that there is a meaning to life and someone to rely on with anything. For me it is a comfort that I can talk to him about anything to get things of my chest. The belief that there is no meaning to life for me is very sad and depressing way of thinking.
Another thing that makes me more confident of his existence is the fact that we can live here on earth. Everything is so perfect with the temperature on earth and distance from the sun, the angle that the earth is rotating which makes the sunlight spread over earth, not making any ever cold or ever warm zones. The way the moon rotates around the earth making it not spin uncontrollable. How our body is built and that the nature is in balance. This makes me think that this isn't a coincidence. It makes more sense that someone or a higher power was involved.
The belief that there is no meaning to life for me is very sad and depressing way of thinking.
I've always found the idea that life is just some sort of waiting room to eternity to be quite a depressing idea. I much prefer the idea that life is a one-shot deal and that you shouldn't squander or waste your potential but instead share it with the world while you can.
Uhhhm... I think you'll find that 'Atheism' says nothing. Atheists aren't a collective group with a pre-set group of ideologies and beliefs. Atheists just don't believe that a deity exists - other than that, it's completely up to them about what they do believe in.
I'm Atheist, too. But I'm thinking, that religion is a good guide for the life. And that everyone can believe in what he or she wants! I've got my oppinion, maybe I'm wrong (I don't think so!), maybe not.
I read earlier as to the fact that evolution is proven and how that is fuel against god. I'm going to have to say something on this.
I believe in both god and evolution (does that make me a heretic?), I say this because I'm an avid christian and that evolution is also a fact. can't evolution be the answer as to how god created us instead of why god doesn't exist?
Why add an extraneous/unnecessary element like God into The Rheory of Evolution? It doesn't make sense to add something that isn't necessary into an already complete circuit.
where you see a complete circuit, I see something that is almost complete. when I add a higher power behind it, it all adds together.
here is my example: in the big bang, all of the debris was scattered. some of the debris formed stars, while the rest formed planets. the odds of having a planet like ours that is in such a narrow area that allows for life to form is almost impossible.
seccond:how did life start in the first place? evolution only explains how it progressed, not how it started.
if you factor in those two points, then you can see my reasoning.