
61 10898
19 posts

U know a lot of ppl in the USA r racists and its very stupid coz y do ppl judge others accordin 2 their colour,i mean its like treatin a kid differently 2 an adult.So,my question is,do u think im rite?

  • 61 Replies
3,139 posts

It isn't as if small, jokey stereotypes will lead to hate and confusion.

This can hurt people a lot more than you intend to because other people say the same thing but in a very racist way.
1,482 posts

Isn't that how it all started?

I wouldn't say so, these jokes that just about everyone uses aren't judgements, they aren't final declarations that, when used, another person has to do something to prove against. It isn't as if anyone Jewish has to give loads of money away for him to be free of anything derogatory, because it isn't. Chances are, they know that. So I guess your right that it only makes sense to do so with friends/family members and not with people you don't know. Then again, why else would you talk to someone you don't know unless you were fighting with them/meeting them for the first time?

This can hurt people a lot more than you intend to because other people say the same thing but in a very racist way.

Yeah, so I guess it comes down to your intent, not entirely what you're saying.
1,761 posts

In my opinion, this is how i feel.

No matter what, you really cant beat down racism. Sure you can make everyone equal with rights and all that(perfectly fine) but no matter how many protests (and other things) that you do, people will still try to be better then others. Lets think for a minute here that humans will go and terraform planets and all that junk about leaveing earth. Then, people on earth would be like "The people liveing on Mars are weird", or "People over on Venus are murderers" and so on and so forth, back to now aday's. While racism may go to just race right now, say we do go to other planets, its just giveing us a chance to group up things in singal giant sterotypes. So my point was, as long as there are humans, they will always try to be superior amongst each other, and thus, raceism to beat down those different.

My opinion, dont act like im saying the truth. You go ahead and believe what you want.

1,747 posts

What's worse, racism or people who randomly hit the keyboard?

ROFALOLMAO! (Roll On Floor And Laughing Out Loud My A* Of)

Here in Sweden there were for so years ago a group called BSS. It stands for some swedish you guys may not understand, on English it is Keep Sweden Swedish. Now have some of them got more political power.
16 posts

i think racism is very very stupid and has lead to many deaths and just makes no sense
sure every now and then i will tell a stereotypical joke or laugh at one but that does not mean i am racist cuz i hav friends that are white, black, asian, and hispanic
i am white and some times i tell stereotypical jokes about white people cuz i know its a joke i dont think its true

2,027 posts

Now have some of them got more political power.

Yeah, there's been a lot of controversy about that. First, the newspapers were all "OMG, they got votes, WTF? Equality fail!". And then none of the other parties wanted to cooperate with them (you see, we have a bunch of parties with different amounts of power based on the amount of votes they got, and parties with similar interests often work together, and that's why despite the fact that there are several parties in our parliament, there are pretty much just two sides.) and the newspapers were all like "OMG, they're being bullied, WTF? Freedom of speech fail!".

Anyways, that's not the first time a xenophobic party has sneaked into the government, nor are we the only country where it has happened, and is happening today, but these parties usually don't last long. Their arguments are usually very flawed, blaming immigration for whatever problem is in the world during their campaign, and while some of the more gullible are fooled by it until the election, their arguments are usually proven wrong, or the problem is solved through other means, and they end up losing support.

Anyways, if that was too much to read, here's the summary:

Political parties based on racism rarely have much success in the long run.
159 posts

I agree with all of you, I pretty much thing that racism is 'Stupid'...

153 posts

racism is bad because were all human even though were different races.I say racism should stop

8,256 posts

I don't know if this has been brought up before already, but..
Don't you think it's possible that too much anti-racism can lead to racism? I know it sounds stupid, but just consider it. It's good that we are confronted early with the fact that there are people with different skin colors or ethnics. But if you overdo it, everytime a kid sees someone with a different skin colour, instead of noticing and going back to it's business, it might get all shaken up and tries to not be racist at all cost. It could go as far as avoiding them in order to avoid possible trouble..

I'm not sure if I could put the point across, but in short it's something like, if you're not frequenting other skinned people regularly, constantly hearing about stigmatization, be it only to warn you from it, may change your perception, not necessarily in a good way.

...I don't think I'm making things better, I make less and less sense. I need sleep.

8,256 posts

racism is bad because were all human even though were different races.

That's not even true (the second part). We are genetically so close that if you take a native African and a native Asian, the genetic difference between them is statistically smaller than between, for example, two orang-utans from Borneo. There are differences but they are not worth mentioning, there is no genetic basis for any sort of race differentiation between humans.
2,027 posts

I agree with HahiHa, if you're too worried about screwing up and offending the person you're talking to, you're probably going to try to avoid doing it again, and by avoiding people of other ethnics you're not going to be able to see them as just another person.

Personally I've met plenty of people from other ethnic groups, some of which were teachers or class mates and thus meant I spent a lot of time around them, but I still tend to worry about saying something that could be misunderstood as racist when I talk to people I don't know, so I can only imagine how nervous you'd be if you lived somewhere with less diversity.

1,482 posts

there is no genetic basis for any sort of race differentiation between humans.

Yes there is.

Wikipedia time!
1,482 posts

My link failed. Just copypaste it to your address. The way I do it on another Forum is exactly the opposite and it gets me every time.

8,256 posts

[quote]there is no genetic basis for any sort of race differentiation between humans.

Yes there is.[/quote]
Oh wow, oh em gee, so now we can genetically differentiate some populations from others through lineage. What a breaking news.. hehe sorry^^ the article is interesting really. But those haplotypes, while great for following lineage, are no good to determinate if we are different races or not.
What I meant is that the genetic difference between each of those populations is so small we can consider all of humanity as too similar to separate us down into races. Just look at the characteristic that is most often used to discriminate people: skin colour. You don't need to change a single gene in order to change from black to white skin. You only need to regulate gene expression so that the melanocytes in the skin produce less melanosomes. In general, the differences we see between populations are most often due to gene expression and not in the genes themselves. If we were different races, we'd have quite a few less correlations.
1,482 posts

In general, the differences we see between populations are most often due to gene expression and not in the genes themselves. If we were different races, we'd have quite a few less correlations.

Yeah, but different genes express themselves differently, which is why those of a darker skin color would produce more Melatonin. There's no way to make a gene express itself more. All that I'm saying is is that there is a very small, miniscule difference between all humans. Which is obvious and expected considering our theories of evolution and gene mutation. I'm not saying these changes between us make us any different as humans, they just change some of our key outside features that happen to change the most with the passage of time, which, in turn, leads us to make ethnic groups.
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