Is it ever acceptable? Is it cowardice or a cry for help? Some cultures accepted it as something of honor (namely the Japanese military in WWII). Others condemned it (namely the ancient Spartans). Share your thoughts and opinions here.
however... as a agnost you still "believe" in some sort of god. and most agnosts believe in a god that does belong to some religion of wich they former were part of.
and yea, atheism is just: no believe in a god(s)
A - without/none Theism - belief in god or gods.
and thats is all thats to it. no praying, no faith, no fairy tales, no religious BS. also are atheists no group of people. atheists are individuals that simply do not believe in a god. they share nothing els whit eatchother then that 1 sentence. "no believe in a god"
so atheism is impossible to be stated as a religion. if a creationist comes whit the argument that it is... then he already lost the entire discussion because all atheists would know he is not right, but only in his own mind.
You know, we should probably get back on topic before this is locked.
usualy i''m the one going off topic not the others i thought i was in 1 of the many religion/atheism/evolution/creation topics.
btw, you know, that it are those little posts that do not add anything to the conversation that make tha topic go dead/locked. and not the off-topic posts. aslong there is a discussion going on. you can beter add that line under a post that is actualy usefull for what the other person has said. like this:
You know, we should probably get back on topic before this is locked.
The only true non-religion is Agnoctisim, which I am a member of.
As I am, although I do believe you mean to say "agnosticism". I also do believe that people should be ashamed of bashing another persons religion. "If you have nothing nice to say then just don't speak". Ever heard of that saying? There is no need to bash another persons religion in a suicide thread...
how does that make suicide worth it? killersup is really wanting a answer If you can take someone else's life then you can take your's too But if you can't then you deserve to live your miserable life.
where the hell did you get that idea!!!this is not call of duty dude.if somone commits suicide then they are deppressed.they blame themselves.they are their own eniemy.
where the hell did you get that idea!!!this is not call of duty dude.if somone commits suicide then they are deppressed.they blame themselves.they are their own eniemy.
where the hell did you get that idea!!!this is not call of duty dude.if somone commits suicide then they are deppressed.they blame themselves.they are their own eniemy. Blaming urself is stupid.
*starts rubbing temples* listen,when you are deppressed enough to commit suicide then your mind is not straight and thats what happens
*starts rubbing temples* listen,when you are deppressed enough to commit suicide then your mind is not straight and thats what happens then u r crazy & stupid along with being a weakling
killersup will get banned if he responds to that the way he wants to.killersup is crazy,killersup is stupid.but a weakling is not are abliviously a bully and see only from your clouded vision.
killersup will get banned if he responds to that the way he wants to.killersup is crazy,killersup is stupid.but a weakling is not are abliviously a bully and see only from your clouded vision.
I was furthering ur words not calling u a weakling