Is it ever acceptable? Is it cowardice or a cry for help? Some cultures accepted it as something of honor (namely the Japanese military in WWII). Others condemned it (namely the ancient Spartans). Share your thoughts and opinions here.
I was furthering ur words not calling u a weakling
good, and suicide is the least weaklingest thing anybody could ever do.if it was the weakling way then everybody would do it.not just the strong,lucky, and the brave.they are the only ones who commit suicide.the strong,brave,and lucky.
good, and suicide is the least weaklingest thing anybody could ever do.if it was the weakling way then everybody would do it.not just the strong,lucky, and the brave.they are the only ones who commit suicide.the strong,brave,and lucky.
killing yourself because you can't struggle through yoiur life is weaklingish
then u r crazy & stupid along with being a weakling
I wonder how many people who judge suicidal people so harshly, have actually been suicidal. Have you thepunisher? Have you been in such a strong depression that you've become suicidal? And if not, how can you call someone a weakling, crazy, or stupid for feeling that way?
killing yourself because you can't struggle through your life is weaklingish
there are two completly opionions to this.killersup firmly sticks by his and thepunisher strickly stands by his......whatever.....dair5 posted a good point though
I wonder how many people who judge suicidal people so harshly, have actually been suicidal. Have you thepunisher? Have you been in such a strong depression that you've become suicidal? And if not, how can you call someone a weakling, crazy, or stupid for feeling that way?
Yes Ive been in such problems but I coped with them
]my reason: im an emo,my life sucks,i suck,no friends,no life= no misery *slit to the artery,or neck*
no,no,no.first rule as a person who cuts are supposed to cut yourself in the wrist.if you cut yourself in the neck then it would be a unintenshonal suicide.the wrist are much more pleasing as well.and easier to hide.if you cut yourself in the neck it is much harder to hide.duh.rule 1 to cutting yourself.
and you seem a little preppy to be emo(then again the same could be said or killersup)
Yes Ive been in such problems but I coped with them
So you used to be depressed and suicidal? And so you're saying that you were a crazy, stupid, weakling. For what? For having feelings? For being sad? How does that make someone a terrible person? And did you cope with the problem with help, or alone? Some people don't know how or where to get help. Some people just don't know how to cope with the intense, depressing emotions that they have, and that does not make them stupid, weak, or crazy.
by beating the people bullying,,.,,,,,,,,nice.
U think bullying is the biggest problem? there are other problems too ppl die ppl fight ppl get in seriouse trouble with other ppl ppl of higher status and power try to get u to do something bad, u don't do, they make ur life living hell.
So you used to be depressed and suicidal? And so you're saying that you were a crazy, stupid, weakling. For what? For having feelings? For being sad? How does that make someone a terrible person? And did you cope with the problem with help, or alone? Some people don't know how or where to get help. Some people just don't know how to cope with the intense, depressing emotions that they have, and that does not make them stupid, weak, or crazy.
Being sad is not bad but cutting yourself or killing ur self is stupid I did not try to kill myself or cut my self I Assessed the situation and made strategy and then I worked according to it. Alone At first I was afraid i was terrified Then learned to get along started thinking about solutions. And I fought back
" the permanent solution for temporary problems"
Now some,social worker wannabe will say "People like you disgust me.Some people go through their entire life in misery and torment... yadda` yadda`...." But.....Every problem has a soultion....a reasonable one. Patience is the most...shall I say...."Holy" of all virtues. thepunisher93,you`re a complicated lad aren`t you? Well......mind if you tell do you see depressed people...from a third person view?
as in straight a's get everything right,naw i get straight f's (true) and were black,I beat up the chicks in my school if they pick on me,then go cut myself
thepunisher93,you`re a complicated lad aren`t you? Well......mind if you tell do you see depressed people...from a third person view?
Depends from person to person Some are men fighting their problems but cant get over them Others well they just see the problems start weeping bout them and third kind is who like to be depressed every small thing is a tragedy for them.