ForumsWEPRIrony and Hypocrites

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You may put the worlds Irony and Hippocrates on this Thread.


John Stewart has Hilariously pointed out that Dr. Bachman (Michelle Bachman's husband who try's to "cure" gay people.) Is a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL. Jerry Seinfeld is quoted saying.... "He buys Brawny paper towel for the packaging." that is IRONY AND HIPPOCRATIC.

These can be from the news and from life exp.

*don't post a story if you have not learned what irony or Hippocratic means.*

  • 80 Replies
5,061 posts

But it's easy to say why you believe science, it's logical, it's a progression of events that follows some sort of order. Religion requires blind acceptance which has no logic behind it.

5,552 posts

faithâ â/feɪθ/ Show Spelled
[feyth] Show IPA

1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. belief in god or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.


You don't have "faith" in science, because science is based on factual observations and interpretations of said data. It has a backing.

Faith, on the other hand, means you have no proof whatsoever, nothing to back it, you're just spouting whatever. The only way you can have "faith" in science is as listed in the definitions, you have faith that a hypothesis will be accurate.

Religion IS blind acceptance. If it wasn't, if there were actual evidence for it, then we wouldn't be having this little conversation.
3,139 posts

Religion requires blind acceptance which has no logic behind it.

Which is why for the majority of people, faith is hard to understand.
5,061 posts

Yet theists out number atheists by a vast majority. I could give you numbers, but they would be made up.

2,301 posts

Just like people who do believe can never understand why people believe in evolution (Even if they're a new Christian)
I understand where you're coming from. I know what you mean when you say the unfaithful don't really understand: Armor Games demonstrates that every day, with atheists armed with borrowed logic and little understanding and theists not really helping their case.

But evolution is a thing. It is a well-established scientific theory, proven again and again. To believe in God is faith. To not believe in evolution is foolishness. It's like not believing in the color red.

Religion IS blind acceptance.
No it isn't. As long as you refuse to accept that there is more to it than that, you'll never understand what you're arguing. If you just was to use a few bits of logic to feel good about yourself because you can destroy other people's beliefs, you're on the right track. If you want to actually understand the religious perspective, an open mind is required.

People aren't stupid. They wouldn't follow it if it was as empty to them as it is to you.
5,552 posts

If you want to actually understand the religious perspective, an open mind is required.

I was raised to be Christian. I think I know what it means to have an open mind, as I experienced that for the first 6-7 years of my life, with having no conflicting thoughts to it yet. It simply doesn't add up. The bible contradicts itself, there's 40,000 different christian denominations claiming the same sources, not to mention muslim/jewish faiths which claim to believe in the same god.

To believe in God is faith. To not believe in evolution is foolishness. It's like not believing in the color red.

What is faith? Believing something with no proof? If you're asking for faith, you're asking for blind acceptance.

It's funny how easily this turns on itself. I could claim a great purple dinosaur which lives withen all honey bees made the universe, and I would be called crazy. I could also claim that a man in the sky created everything, but that's perfectly acceptable? Bull, the only reason is because so many people believe in it. Mass belief /= truth. If Christianity were to spring up today, when we know so much more about how the world works, it would be called a crazy cult. The only reason religion still exists is because people are raised from birth being told it's true, and then when they have a reason to question it, they see there's the other 1 billion people who believe it, so it MUST be true. Yeah, no.

Here's a hypocratic thing I see all the time. Religious people who tell everyone what they believe and how other religions aren't true, and then some atheist comes in and points out the things wrong with their religion, and get's called a hater and be told to leave them alone, they aren't harming anyone, which is the biggest load in the history of mankind.
37 posts

You don't have "faith" in science, because science is based on factual observations and interpretations of said data. It has a backing.

Faith, on the other hand, means you have no proof whatsoever, nothing to back it, you're just spouting whatever. The only way you can have "faith" in science is as listed in the definitions, you have faith that a hypothesis will be accurate.

Religion IS blind acceptance. If it wasn't, if there were actual evidence for it, then we wouldn't be having this little conversation.

Kasic, I completely understand what you are trying to say, but what I do not understand is why you imply that it is bad to have faith.

Religion is not a sordid construct of capitalism or any economic system for that matter. It is a series of beliefs that inspire and guide people's lives. Yes, for some, religion is constrictive. For those: no one is telling you that you have to believe.

The power of religion is that it is a lifestyle choice unique to the individual. It is not a "one size fits all" philosophy; religion is a unique force to each person. No religion is more "correct", more "right", or more &quoture" than another. Regardless of its specific name, style, or ideas, all religion belongs together as a force that people can believe in to help them throughout their lives.

And I disagree with the idea that a non-believer cannot "understand" a believer. I am a atheist and I fully accept the religious affiliations of others (from agnostics to orthodox Jews).

Finally, yes, science can provide us answers with a "backing." Can't that backing be challenged by future experimentation and scientific discourse? Science is not perfect; it requires faith in currently-established methods and knowledge and thus it can be overturned. Blind reliance on science is just as bad as calling religion ignominious.
9,462 posts

Kasic, I completely understand what you are trying to say, but what I do not understand is why you imply that it is bad to have faith.

It's because it's accepting something without proof that makes it bad especially when as you said.

It is a series of beliefs that inspire and guide people's lives.

The power of religion is that it is a lifestyle choice unique to the individual.

They are being guiding by completely unfounded often irrational beliefs. This has lead to many issues over the course of history.

It is not a "one size fits all" philosophy; religion is a unique force to each person. No religion is more "correct", more "right", or more &quoture" than another. Regardless of its specific name, style, or ideas, all religion belongs together as a force that people can believe in to help them throughout their lives.

No religion can be more "correct because of it being unfounded.

Science is not perfect; it requires faith in currently-established methods and knowledge and thus it can be overturned.

No it doesn't require faith in currently established methods and science is knowledge. In fact the methods used by science have changed and improved since it's inception. It can be overturned because we keep some doubt that we might just have it all wrong and continuously strive to correct and refine that knowledge.
113 posts

K GUYS GET BACK ON TOPIC...... common.

give me some examples.....
Irony and Hippocites!!!

5,552 posts

give me some examples.....
Irony and Hippocites!!!

It's ironic that the person who made this thread has no idea what either are...
113 posts

uggg why do i keep spelling wrong!!!!!

Examples of Irony and HYPOCRITES.

5,061 posts

It's irritating how every thread derails into a religious debate that has been stated over and over a thousand different times.

1,143 posts

It's irritating how every thread derails into a religious debate that has been stated over and over a thousand different times.

Yes it is, I'm sad I joined in, anyway guys there are already far too many threads about religion in the WEPR go to one of them.
It's ironic that the person who made this thread has no idea what either are...

Don't be quick to judge when it was you who said this:
Here's a hypocratic thing
37 posts

Yes it is, I'm sad I joined in, anyway guys there are already far too many threads about religion in the WEPR go to one of them.

Sure it is, but it is the easiest subject, apparently, for many people to proclaim "hypocritical." I can see why there are many of these threads on WEPR.

What other topics can you say have not been discussed ad nauseam, sproos?
5,061 posts

But there was no need to derail this thread into one of the those topics, this should have nothing to do with religion unless you're using it to provide an example of irony and hypocrisy.

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