ForumsForum GamesImpending Zombie Apocalypse

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I know that there are many Zombie Survival RPGs out there. What makes this thread different from others is that you will have time to prepare for the apocalypse!

This game takes place exactly one week before the zombie apocalypse. You should use this time to prepare (e.g. barricade, gather supplies, etc.).

Here is the character sheet that you will use:

Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Now divide 20 points between these three skills:

I'll post more stuff later if I think of anything else.

Have fun!

  • 409 Replies
1,626 posts

I think I put this before, but the game Rebuild is a good zombie game.

1,626 posts

If I were to be playing this game, here is what my character sheet would be:

Name: Mr. Stuff
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Bio: I work as a scientist in a small town.
Occupation: Scientist
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self
Inventory: Zombie Manual
Primary Weapon: AK-47
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 6
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 7

Too bad I can't play my game...

Or can I? >

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

i check my weapons and ready them than i go to the girl with the gun i try to be cerfull so if the girl infected kill it

1,255 posts

Name:general jack maccalister
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Bio:united states america general has controll of 3 military bases
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend and attack f... the zombies !!!
Group:self.20.000 soldiers.artillary bankers.air force !
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

if my char sheet was that i would tottaly kaboomerise the zombies !!!

i just made it like that cause it would make you laughe ...

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

You go and rescue the girl. Good for you!

You bring her back. She seems unusually calm.

Suddenly you hear a shotgun click.

"John Anderson. Come outside NOW!!!"

Confused, you go outside.

There, you see the man from your dreams, holding a shotgun at your chest!

What do you do?

i just made it like that cause it would make you laughe ...

It did...
1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

i shout what the hell you real ??? put that thing away from my chest what you want ???

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

"Yes, I am real," he says, "and I've come to kill you."

"Why? You ask."

"Because you know too much."


"I am the leader of the I.Z.A. I entered your dream to lure you to the place. We offered you stuff so you'd become a member, a mindless slave. But you left, and we can't let anyone escape with knowledge."

"But why?"

"I want to start a new era on earth, and be the new ruler of mankind!"

"But why bring zombies?"

"To kill everyone, of course. But I saved you for myself."

Uh-oh. This doesn't sound good.

What do you do now?

P.S: Is this starting to make sense?

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

cause of my super training in SWAT il quickly take the gun from his hand and point the gun in his head and stand back and i say to him : f... you and your company a..ho... il kill you now and after that your company is mine than i shoot him and take the girl to home and say to the survivels to be carefull and dont let any zombies or I.Z.A to come close house and kill them ... and than i try to go to parts of city finding survivels ...

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

You successfully disarm him, but he escapes before you can shoot him.

You take the girl back to your house. She goes and plays with a few toys.

Suddenly, 50 zombies come headed for your house. That I.Z.A. Leader must not like you very much. Looks like your stuck for a while.

What do you do now?

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

i say all on the MGs and sniper rifle towers and the tech swat team member on security camras and others on windows i say to them to kill the zombies ... and to the kids go in basement and the woman too ...

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

OK. You kill all the zombies after a while.

Now what do you do?

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

well i try to find some survivers and some ppl to join my men cause i want to gather ppl as much s i can than we will strike Z.I.A OR I..Z.A OR A.I.Z WHAT EVER ARE THEY ! than i got to military bases and find some surviving soldiers and go to military base storage and gather newest equipment of army and bring them home for survivers ...

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team, Bodyguards, Distressed Family, Little Girl
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

You gather about 10 soldiers and three survivors.

You then go to the I.Z.A. The place looks disgusting now.

As you enter, everyone flees except for the manager. He stays and fights.


Name: Commander John Anderson
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5


I.Z.A. Manager
Status: Healthy
Primary weapon: None
Secondary weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Combat Knife
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 6
Endurance: 8

What do you do now?

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards(2), Distressed Family, Little Girl,survivers(3),soldiers(10)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

il take cover and kill the manager using the m4 than i take the soldiers and survivers to my house and i plan for taking over a reserch facility and finding a way or cure to make stop of this mdaness

(i made the group section better)

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards(2), Distressed Family, Little Girl,survivers(3),soldiers(10)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5

Since his dexterity is higher, he goes first.

He shoots at you, but you duck behind a desk and return fire.

Just before he dies, he says, "good luck. Now you must kill all the zombies."

(This is a class 2 outbreak, by the way)

Then you take the employees (whose minds where controlled, remember?) and go to your house.

What do you do now?

Showing 181-195 of 409