ForumsForum GamesImpending Zombie Apocalypse

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I know that there are many Zombie Survival RPGs out there. What makes this thread different from others is that you will have time to prepare for the apocalypse!

This game takes place exactly one week before the zombie apocalypse. You should use this time to prepare (e.g. barricade, gather supplies, etc.).

Here is the character sheet that you will use:

Status: Healthy
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Now divide 20 points between these three skills:

I'll post more stuff later if I think of anything else.

Have fun!

  • 409 Replies
126 posts

Name:Andrew James
Bio:Special marines,Navy seals member,from U.S. and was leader of the elite group known as Navy Seals
Occupation:Navy Seals Commander
Status:Very Healthy
Strategyefend,Conquer,And fight to the death
Group:Navy seals team (12)Group of survivors,Wife,Two sons
Inventory:Supplies,Compass,Map of the region,and Ammunition
Primary Weapon:M-240,M700
Secondary Weapon:M1911
Melee Weapon:Kukri
Zombies Left:Undefined

1,626 posts

Name: Andrew James
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Bio: Works for the Navy Seals
Occupation: Navy Seals Commander
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self
Inventory: Nothing yet
Primary Weapon: None yet
Secondary Weapon: None yet
Melee Weapon: None yet
Strength: 15
Endurance: 3
Dexterity: 2

You don't start out with anything. You have to get items throughout the game.

You wake up one morning from a very weird dream. Here is basically what happened:

In the dream, a man came up to you, and told you that you had one week to prepare for the impending zombie apocalypse.

"Zombies!?" You exclaimed. "They don't exist! How can there be an apocalypse?"

"See for yourself." The stranger pointed to several zombies lumbering towards you. "Prepare." Then the stranger vanished.

You turned towards the zombies. You looked around, but there was no weapon of any sort. You tried to run, but you were stuck to the ground. You could only watch in horror as they got to you.

Then you woke up.

"I wonder what it means." You say to yourself as you get ready for work.

As you are walking down the road, you come across an ornate building with "I.Z.A. Co." written on the front. You look around, and see that no one else is paying attention. You wonder why. Then you remember that you have to go to work.

When you are finished with work, you remember that strange building you saw. You wonder if you should look around. On the other hand, however, you are pretty tired.

What do you do?

a) Enter the building

b) Go home to rest

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 63

i shout hey dont shoot we are humans !!! we dont mean any harm we will help you clear the area want to come and help us and live with us ??? we have food house guns and ...

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 63

You go up to the tower and say what you said.

"Why should I join you?" He says.

Now what do you do?

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 63

i shout we have every thing you want to have guns bombs shelter food soldiers and if you join us we can kill zombies much faster

1,626 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 61

"Fine." He says, taking out two zombies that were behind you.

You take him to your place. It's getting late.

What do you do now?

232 posts

Okay, MrStuff, I have read all 22 pages of this forum so I know the story. Also, you should add different stories to each player once they start the Apocalypse so that new players don't know what'll happen. This game is awesome! But I've been noticing that most players haven't been showing up. I feel sorry that your people are losing interest in your hard work, but that's life for ya, always bites you.
btw, your friend that had a profile in this game, which his player had a medical condition that made him really hairy, is so creepy. amorboy is just, f... the forum rules, KILL THE ZOMBIES!

Anyway, here's my stats:

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend (I don't want to just keep wandering through the unknown (flee) and I just want to try to stay alive (attack))
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8 (from lifting all of those heavy containers of cooking oil and coca-cola)
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

I know the story, so I choose
(b) I go home.

(p.s. MrStuff, how old are you, I'm just curious?)

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 61

il take the men to home with the bus we got ... and sleep tommorow il attack zombies

1,255 posts

hey watch it gameboy i still play this game !!

1,626 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5
Days until apocalypse: 6

Okay, MrStuff, I have read all 22 pages of this forum

Wow, you must really like this game!

Also, you should add different stories to each player once they start the Apocalypse so that new players don't know what'll happen.

Good idea.

This game is awesome!

I'm glad you think so! ^_^

But I've been noticing that most players haven't been showing up. I feel sorry that your people are losing interest in your hard work, but that's life for ya, always bites you.

Oh well. ._.

btw, your friend that had a profile in this game, which his player had a medical condition that made him really hairy, is so creepy.

Yeah, I thought that was weird, too. But he's my friend, and one often makes exceptions for friends.

amorboy is just, f...

You should be careful what you say. Amorboy is still active.

I know the story, so I choose
(b) I go home.

You're pretty tired, so you just decide to go home.

That night you have another dream.

"Why didn't you go to the building!?" The man says to you.

"I-I was tired. I just wanted to sleep." You reply.

"Go tomorrow. They will be able to help you." The guy hands you a gun.

The zombies from last night come again, but you dispatch of them with your gun.

Then you wake up.

It is early in the morning the next day.

Do you go to the mysterious building?

(p.s. MrStuff, how old are you, I'm just curious?)

It's a secret.

Don't worry, I'm not underage.

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 61

In the middle of the night, a group of ten zombies swarm your house!

What do you do?
232 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Fl)ee (I'm a coward)
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

I go in, just to see what it is...Hmm...

also, I want to change from Defend to Flee (Yeah, I'm a coward, even though I've played MILLIONS of zombie based games (In fact I'm playing Zombocalypse right now), my life is at stake here.)

You know MrStuff, if we try to barricade up our house, how would we do it if the player lived in an apartment, or in the suburbs, how could we avoid zombies if there could be some upstairs from the apartment (but they also can't make barricades outside the apartment either) or what if their neighbors look at the player barricading the house? Wouldn't they be weird-ed out? Or what if we go to college and live in a dorm, like Johnny Johnson Jr., how could we protect ourselves? You should've thought that through. (Sorry I didn't say before that he lived in a dorm) And we should be given status on food and defenses etc. and we should be given unusual occurrences, (like an ally gets a little greedy takes more food than allowed)

And Armorboy, I meant that in a good way, you got a bada.. attitude which is cool.

P.S. I emboldened all the important things to know in my player info.

1,626 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

If you're going to flee, you won't need a barricade. :P

You enter the building cautiously, wondering what the inside will look like.

The interior is just as ornate as the exterior. You wonder why such a serious-sounding company has such a fancy building.

You make your way to the front desk.

"Can I help you, sir?" The lady at the counter asks.

"I was just wondering what this building is." You reply.

"Well, this company is called the Impending Zombie Apocalypse company, shortened to I.Z.A., as shown on our sign. This company is dedicated to the prevention of that. We're willing to help anyone who believes in us. Are you interested?"

This reminds you of your dream.

Do you believe them?

a) Yes

b) No

232 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

b) I believe them, but I don't join them yet. I ask 'em how the heck do they know about the apocalypse.

1,626 posts

Name: Johnny Johnson Jr.
Age: 20
Bio: Born in America, been asthmatic since age of 3, wears glasses, game-geek, now in college, works at the grocery store for a part-time job as a checkout clerk.
Occupation: College student/Checkout clerk
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Flee
Inventory: Empty
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Melee Weapon: None
Strength: 8
Endurance: 7
Dexterity: 5

"Our leader said so."

1,255 posts

Name: Commander John Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: A great SWAT commander and soldier. Saved the president once.
Occupation: SWAT Leader
Status: Healthy
Strategy: Defend
Group: Self, SWAT Team (7 members), Bodyguards (2), Mother & Son, Little Girl, Survivors (3), Soldiers (10),teenage male(1)
Inventory: Zombie Manual, grenades
Primary Weapon: M4
Secondary Weapon: Uzi
Melee Weapon: Katana
Strength: 10
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 5
Zombies left: 61

hey man i am sooooooo sorry i almost forgot about this game but i am back now

il send all the ppl around the house one of the body guards on one MG and one swat member on other one ... ONE BODYGUARD on the sniping tower the new sniper on the other tower and the SWAT team sniper with them too ... all the swat team on the windows to defend ... the soldiers to il send the children and the the regular survivers in underground then send all the soldiers on windows to ... than start shooting at the zombies till they all get finished and oh one of swat members goes to camra room as usuall (security room)

Showing 211-225 of 409