ForumsPopular MediaDealiest Warrior Seaon 3 Premiere

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85 posts

I hope everyone is ready like i am tonight is the premiere of Deadliest Warrior Season 3 and tonight's match up will be George Washington vs Napoleon Bonaparte who will be the winner? and be sure to leave your thoughts after the show enjoy it everyone

  • 120 Replies
529 posts

Just started watching this show! my friend told me id like it! and i love it! cant wait for zombies vs vampires

85 posts

If you missed last Wednesday's Episode of Joan of Arc vs William the Conqueror the full episode is up and available on and while your there if you wish check out the first 14 minutes of this Wednesday's episode of U.S. Army Rangers vs. North Korean Special Operations Forces

430 posts

Was anyone but me surprised that George Washington beat Napolean Bonaparte?

I picked Napolean, and here me out, I love the USAm but think about it. Napolean has a trained army, a better cannon, better weapons, doesn't have to worry about ammo, I was really shocked George Washingotn won. He was working with an improvised cannon, limited ammunition, such a tiny army, I really thought Napolean would win.

But I'm happy the US and Washington won. Take that France!

1,761 posts

I had guessed joan would win, i was right! Also, she was a skilled warrior, not a little girl hideing in the war tent, and telling the warriors "GO MAKE BIG BEWMS ON WALL KILL BAD MEN". Plus, she had better armor, better cross bow, and better cannons.

9,439 posts

I am really surprised that Joan of Arc won, like I know she had a better cannon and crossbow, but William had better tactics and he was way stronger then her. Also William had 50 years of battle experience.

Well, it was a close match (less than 2% win). Usually whoever has the best long-range weapons wins.
2,911 posts

I lost almost all respect for the show when they gave the edge to Joan's cannon because it was loud. This Deadliest Warrior, not Most Effective Sieger. But besides that, Williams catapult got a head shot, spread the bubonic plague, and got two other instant kills.

417 posts

i am in love with deadliest warrior. I have all of the episodes from all three seasons so far on my iPod. I watch them every night. I love it. As for the new season, It is phenomanal. I think it is way more realistic and i love the new way tey evaluate the warriors. I loved washington vs napoleon, and joan vs. william is my favorite from any season. I can't wait for rangers vs. NKSOF, gonna be sooo good. Also, i saw a preview of vampires vs. zombies, it looks really freakin good. Give it a chance if you are one of the sceptics about that episode. One of the episodes though that i dont really want to see is hussein vs. pol pot.

Episode list. (no particular order) these have been confirmed.
1. George Washington vs. Napoleon Bonaparte
2. Joan of Arc vs. William he Conqueror.
3. U.S Army Rangers vs. North Korean Special Operations Force
4. Hannibal Barca vs. Genghis Khan
5. Vampires vs. Zombies
6. Crazy Horse vs. Pancho Villa
7. Saddam Hussein vs. Pol Pot
8. Lawrence of Arabia vs. Theodore Roosevelt
9. French Foreign Legion vs. Gurkhas
10. Ivan the Terrible vs. Hernan Cortes

These are not my suggestions, these have been confirmed matchups for season 3

347 posts

I cant wait til tonight, its gonna be a good match up, North Korean Special Operations Force vs.the U.S Army Rangers. I think the U.S Army Rangers are probably gonna win because the show is sometimes biased when to comes to the U.S, for example, Napoleon should of beat George Washington by far but they made Washington win.

2,911 posts

Washington was a better leader than Napolean. Washington beat the world's strongest army with better tactics. Napolean used the same tactics that the British used: send a giant wall of troops out to die. Washington also had a combination of foot soldiers while Napolean just had the one rifleman. And Washington was also insanely tall and muscular, while Napolean was more on the short side. In a sword fight, size and strength matter.

And in season 1, there was a match up of Green Berret vs. Spetznaz and the Spetznaz won.

85 posts

Thats right everyone Deadliest Warrior is on again tonight for the third match up between the U.S. Army Rangers and the North Korean Special Operations Forces who do you think will win also the show goes live for the first time ever should be a good show

2,917 posts

WTF.... I am slowley losing my patience with this show. Zombies vs. Vampires? For serious? How are they going to test that? Will some nerd be the "expert"? And they can hack picks, cut berf and dent armor till kingdom come, but don't act like that stuff is legit.

85 posts

match up 3 is complete the winner is U.S Army Rangers that was intense what did you guys think?

85 posts

also forgot to mention next Wednesday it is a battle between Genghis Khan vs Hannibal who will win?

417 posts

WOW, rangers vs NKSOF was amazing!!! one of the best episodes to date. 50.08% of the wins to the rangers are you serious. Although i do have to say that i wouldve gone with the combo of hapkito and tae kwon do over the SOC-P, i thought it was more effective. And the PSL sniper i thought was a bit more powerful than the SR25, a bigger round was the reason that they gave the edge to the AK for the Koreans so i dont see why they wouldnt do that for the snipers. Next week, Hannibal vs Genghis Khan, can't wait. I have to give my pregame prediction to Hannibal for the sole reason that he has an elephant and Genghis only has a horse, horses cant kill you by stepping on you. Although i will be quite pissed if they give Hannibal a sling for long range to be pitted against Genghis Khan's bow and arrow (which i know for a fact they will give him.) It's going to be a good match though. And for all of the skeptics i keep hearing about Vampires vs Zombie, please give it a chance, I saw a sneak peek of it and it looks to actually be very good. I was a skeptic myself until i saw it.And the whole "American Biase" thing, stop. You all know dang well its not true. But whatever. I'm pumped for next week.

347 posts

That was a great episode, it was soo close but I still have to say that they are a bit biased. When it came to the anti-personnel mine for NKSOF, all they ckecked was the ballistic leg and they didnt even look at the chest or head which was blown off so they said "oh his leg is blown off but he can survive", but with the Claymore, they ckecked the whole body and saw that he was dead because he was wounded in his head and chest. Also, when it came to the HAND ON HAND combat, that means only your hands, why would they allow the rangers to bring a gun into a fist fight, and theres no way the rangers could of bet the NKSOF because they know tae kwon do, and I dont know why they made it even on hand to hand combat, the NKSOF shold of got the edge. Im pretty upset at this episode.

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