Who cares as long as you believe in Christ and allow him to clear your record and do what you can to please him afterwards then its basically two big religions Believers,and people who don't.
That's supposing christianity is right. Without that assumption, you are just a christian, and others are followers of their religion, or not religious at all.
Wouldn't your answer be more properly refered to as atheist?
JoeBlade is right, atheism is simply and only about not believeing in any deity. You can be religious or share some kind of faith, and still be an atheist as long as you don't believe in a deity. That's what he meant.
Yes, I know. But I was talking about religious meditating.
Sorry about that xD In future you may want to point things out, adding "religious" before it would've helped someone like me looking like a fool and pointing out a flaw :P
Why are you arguing on whether or not I'm] atheist? Shouldn't one's religion or view on religion be affected by themselves?
Enviromental influence - especially that of young age has effected you, me, and nearly everyone else in ways we can't possibly imagine. The idea that you form yourself is, whilst a very good philosophy given the right sources, quite inaccurate.
I learnt to take the good traits of people, I learnt of morals in Fable, I learnt of oration in Mass Effect II and I learnt about history in Age of Empires. I learnt moderation from listening to my annoying father
And I do believe that your arguments are digressing from the topic of this thread. If I may ask, what do you believe in?
Wait... what? That's a lot of hypocricy ... right?
I know what atheism is. I will stop there because there is no point in arguing with you.
Oh, that's arrogant.
What the hell? You escalated this discussion VERY fast O.o
Wouldn't your answer be more properly refered to as atheist?
Err.. yeah, I'm an atheist. If that's what you're asking...
We'll use the loose sense since it covers nearly all ideas of Atheism.
JoeBlade is right, atheism is simply and only about not believeing in any deity. You can be religious or share some kind of faith, and still be an atheist as long as you don't believe in a deity. That's what he meant.
So then Pastafarianism isn't actually a valid thing for "Atheists"? Considering they believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster which is the deity of said faith. :P
@MasterC2012, I do see a point in the discussion, even if it goes nowhere; it's important you realize being an atheists doesn't automatically mean that one is completely lacking of any faith whatsoever. Of course the militant atheists probably are; other, for example esoteric, atheists might just not call themselves so.
So then Pastafarianism isn't actually a valid thing for "Atheists"? Considering they believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster which is the deity of said faith. :P
Pastafarianism is clearly a religion. I mean, they have a prophet, a gospel, a doctrine, and a clear conception of the after-life.
...joke apart, since it's a parody on creationism, I guess a lot of pastafarians actually are atheists.
Alright fine, if your all going to go saying the same thing, I might as well say why I refuse to be called an atheist. If afterwards you still wish to call me that, I will retire from this thread.
The reason I refuse your argument is that I choose not to have a label or a name. This allows me to continuously try to raise my current level of awareness, intelligence, state of mind (as in beliefs), among other things. I do accept what your saying to be technically correct, however I would rather not believe in it as that would limit my potential progression and how I see myself.
Now, if we could end this division of thought, we would all benefit from it and still retain our friendship as AG users.
I can perfectly understand that. Just be aware of it's meaning when applying it on others.
Might just as well answer the thread too; I consider myself an atheist, and retrospectively can safely assure that I have always been; although, due to religion courses in school and the fact we didn't discuss religion between schoolmates, I wasn't really aware of the possibility at all for a long time :S
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) or better known as Mormon, if anyone cares since you all are arguing over being atheist and what that is.
Gahh, whether you like the label or not, you are currently an Atheist. Being labelled something like 'Atheist' isn't a label for life, it's part of a shifting spectrum of beliefs and non-belief, a label that serves for permanency but also for transition.
As for my own beliefs, I'm not religious at all, I'm an Atheist - I was born an Atheist and I shall die an Atheist.
The reason I refuse your argument is that I choose not to have a label or a name. This allows me to continuously try to raise my current level of awareness, intelligence, state of mind (as in beliefs), among other things. I do accept what your saying to be technically correct, however I would rather not believe in it as that would limit my potential progression and how I see myself.
And I actually like that attitude - I don't think anyone likes being categorized in such a manner but loosely put I think you and I are equally atheists. The way you put things was the worst of it if you ask me, "no point in arguing with you" generally applies from what I find an aggressive or as I said arrogant attitude, whilst I am partially to blame for misconstruing it I think you could have picked a better choice of words
With that, we both win - we have our points clear, hopefully agree with them, and I think you may have been able to expand on yourself a little XD
Gahh, whether you like the label or not, you are currently an Atheist. Being labelled something like 'Atheist' isn't a label for life, it's part of a shifting spectrum of beliefs and non-belief, a label that serves for permanency but also for transition.
I'd rather be called Christopher and not an Atheist. :P
Why? Because that's my name and that's who I am - one of the points of Bruce Lee is that he was simply an Atheist but that does not mean that's what I think of him at first glance, his life to me was philosophical and martial prowess -- that's what I think about first.
However being thought of on here as an Atheist wouldn't surprise me given my expressions on here have been related to philosophy, morals and religion.
im jewish. im pretty religion but i see judaism as one belief that might be true. also i dont let religion control my life and what i personally think is right (in the moral way)