
74 16413
42 posts

Yes a Topic about fatness...well im not fat myself but i really want to say some reasons why people are fat!

well the normal reason is that they eat much.. and some times they eat much because: they feel sorry for themselves or they have lost someone and eat because ur unhappy and that.....

one other reason is that they have a sickness and like that but i don't know anything about the sicknes...that can you other who read this post...

but the whole reason is that....(this is nothing with armorgames to do but)i searched around youtube about all kind of things until i come up with a little clip about a fat kid was falling from a tree (it has fallen over a river) he felled into the river and got wet.... well i felt a little sorry for him and when i saw the comments i just felt more sorry for him.... the comments where like "hahah that fat kid did fall!" "haha" "lol" "rofl".....well ill just say "THINK BEFORE YOU ACT" like dont laugh at them, or be a bully against them.....

-Im not from an English/American talking country
-Im not good at english
-Well i think many will come to this bost with like "this topic were just bullshit" and "this is no serius topic" well just "think Before You Act" like ive already said......

  • 74 Replies
140 posts

Something is wrong with my above post. What is supposed to be quoted isn't and who isn't is. Sorry. To clear things up, thsi whole part:

[Many of my friends and acquantences are health nuts, and say 'you should never drink soda, eat those fatty foods,' blah blah blah. Fact is, I am in better shape that all of them.

Unlikely, or you have a faster metabolism is all.

Now, I am not saying eating healthy is a bad thing. I eat, for the most part, a balanced diet myself. However, it is not a killer to eat fast food (or 'junk' food) every once in a while.

We're not referring to those who eat a balanced diet such as you. We're referring to those who DON'T.

On the topic of obesity, it is not necessarily a person's own fault if they are slightly overweight. It could be genetics, or possibly a common problem with the thyroid. Either way, I also believe most folks judge overweight people with too much of a critical eye.

Agreed. I've seen many teens bullied and "outed", because they're obese. Stereotypical actions are the most stupid in my opinion. Being obnoxious is worse than fat.]

is wrong. They have to be reversed in which of them are quoted. Sorry.

273 posts

if ur fat u might need to extercise because i ran 57 miles and lost 2 pounds.

297 posts

Im not fat yaay~~

641 posts

what about the actual scale, im not sure the measures they use are that accurate, like what about someone who is 5'9" and they are supposed to be 150-175 lbs to be healthy, but that particular person is a body builder, and as we all know muscle weighs more than fat, so that person ends up being like 230 lbs, the doctors and nutritionists tell him hes obese, but he has no fat, his bmi is 14%. just wondering

1,751 posts

* Ethnicity- different races actually put on fat at different rates, likely related to historical locations of the original people of each ethnicity.

This is the only point I'd like to add to. It is not only in big groups, namelly race, but also in families and in individualls. For example, a direct male denendant of a long line of clan chiefs, will extert much more energy in the bathroom than a regullar person. The amount of energy a person wastes is genetic.
10,816 posts

but that particular person is a body builder, and as we all know muscle weighs more than fat, so that person ends up being like 230 lbs, the doctors and nutritionists tell him hes obese, but he has no fat, his bmi is 14%.

I think you mean adiposity where you've said BMI there. Doctors should be the first to say that the BMI is only approximate, as it is purely an index of mass and height, not adiposity. Also it'd take a pretty unobservant doctor to look at a fit bodybuilder and say his BMI means he's fat, so you needn't worry so much. Population-wise, the proportion of bodybuilders to obese people in countries like Australia, US and the UK are extremely low anyway so any skew in population data as a result would be minimal.
53 posts

I'm not fat, but this topic it's real interesting! It's a complicated argument...

1,133 posts

Obesity is the number one cause for basicly all of Americas health problems.

304 posts

You people obviously do not know the meaning of fat

Fat is does not mean having a lot of fat cells

It means having "no" muscle

This "no muscle" is compared a lot to the fact that they have a lot of fat cells

common social misconception

928 posts

America sucks, and I hate my own country:

The fat lady says, "I'll have a number one." "What kind of drink will you have with that," says the person behind the microphone. "Well since I'm on a diet, I'll have a Diet Coke." The fat lady said. "Okay that'll be 649 pounds..ooh uh I mean $6.49."

I have heard this before, and yes while I too am overweight, I DONT ORDER FAST FOOD. Then just because IM ON A DIET, take a diet drink. NO F'n way. I eat my food, and then go on a run. I wont lie I got careless a long long time ago.

1,360 posts

3 different body types determine your weight for the most part, unless you have strict dieting and exercise suitable for your body type to change it, this is usually how you will turn out if you eat 'normally':

Endomorph: The naturally fat body type. If the three different body types were in some kind of diet and workout High School together, the endomorph would be voted "Most Likely To Kill An Ectomorph." These are the people who could eat half as much as what an ectomorph or mesomorph eats and still gain weight. The endomorph is naturally "big boned" and has what some people might describe as a body that is roundly shaped.

The endomorph has the slowest metabolism of the three different body types and can therefore gain weight the quickest and easiest. This is great for gaining muscle and strength, but terrible for losing and keeping off fat. It's basically the complete opposite of the ectomorph.

Mesomorph: The luckiest body type of the three different body types. The prototypical athlete, fitness model and bodybuilder. Where the ectomorph and the endomorph both have a positive and negative side, the mesomorph has pretty much the best of both worlds. They gain muscle almost as well as an endomorph, yet can lose fat almost as well as an ectomorph.

Ectomorph: The naturally skinny body type of the three different body types. Unlike the mesomorph and the endomorph, the ectomorph is the person that has probably been very skinny their entire life. It's not because of a great diet or workout, it's because they are born with a super fast metabolism. This gives them the "ability" to eat pretty much whatever they want, pretty much whenever they want, and pretty much never get fat and never gain weight.

I know, a lot non-ectomorphs are probably pretty angry to hear that such GREAT genetics actually exist. But, for those of you with one of the other different body types that might be a little jealous of the ectomorph right now, you should probably know that these genetics aren't quite as great as they sound.

The same quick metabolism and genetics that keeps the ectomorph naturally skinny and lean are the same quick metabolism and genetics that makes it extremely hard for an ectomorph to gain weight, and more importantly, gain muscle. I told you mesomorphs and endomorphs, it's not quite as great as it sounds.


So, it's not really as simple as 'Don't go to McDonalds'
Ectomorphs and Endomorphs have to diet and work extra hard to gain/lose weight, over the 'normal' Mesomorph which can do both with ease.
All the skinny guys say that they can't gain weight, eat whatever they want and don't think that eating healthily matters and they are 'fitter' than the fat guys, well obviously.. but it will catch up with you at one point, and you will get problems if you just eat crap, you can never see what's happening on the inside of your body, so don't ignore it just because you can't gain weight.

928 posts

Way to make this boring.

641 posts

lol, not boring i found out that im a mesomorph, awesomeness. ive been at the same weight since i was a sophmore, couldnt explain it, and my wife hates it. i put on muscle and lose belt sizes, but never gain, or lose any weight. now i know. that post needs a merit!!

1,360 posts

Way to make this boring.

Well if the OP wanted a comical reply he'd have posted it in the tavern, no?
5,838 posts

I'm a awful Ectomorph (and people hate me for it lol) I've always been "underweight" and eat loads of fatty and sugary foods... I'm just fearing the day my metabolism starts too slow D: lol

I like to think I'm a tolerant person but I ahve soooo little patience for over-weight people (when it's blatantly their fault).... it's the facepalm moment when they're talking about how much they hate being overweight..... while shovelling in chips D:

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