This just in, PETA wants to basically remove the word "fish" and replace with "seakittens" because apparently fish will be harder to eat if everyone is calling them "seakittens".
Exactly! It makes it sound better. I want fish & chips.
More like SeaKittens and chips now, and I swear, I don't see any similarity whatsoever between a fish and a kitten? What connection are they making? Both have their mouths open constantly? Both poop where ever they happen to be? Both purr? Both have scales on them? Both are pets? The only connection I seem to find is they are both pets and both animals.
Since when are PETA environmentalists? That's an affront to all environmentalists! PETA's all about saving animals, then killing them and getting the money. They don't actually care for the environment.
Since when are PETA environmentalists? That's an affront to all environmentalists! PETA's all about saving animals, then killing them and getting the money. They don't actually care for the environment.
PETA-ites fall into the broad category of rabid environmentalists, the kinds of people who chain themselves to trees, burn car lots because cars give off CO2, torch residential areas under construction because we're "encroaching on the forest," want to ban cars, planes, and breathing because we give off "greenhouse gases," eat a food substitute called tofurkey, hand out buckets of blood in front of KFC, and try to rename fish "seakitten." All of the above can be substantiated because it has happened. There was even a liberal talk show co-host who agreed with his conservative counterpart that tofurkey isn't food so much as tile patch.
If you can be reasonable about the environment while accepting that humans are in charge and have every right to use it, that's one thing. But the people who put the mental in environmentalist, they have long since jumped off the deep end. And lest you think I am a type that doesn't care about anything and just wants to ruin the world, I do recycle, 'cause I'm one of the reasonable people. I'm just not about to give up my way of life to save some obscure, purposeless fungus or some such thing.
By the way ComradeWolf, if "anything that is food is your friend," how do you get around eating them?