ForumsGames[Necro] Paying for premium content thats unjustly corrupt.

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58 posts

I have only two games that have bonus content that you must pay for on armor games. You may think only 2 games with bonus content that you must pay for too get thats nothing to get worked up about. I created an account on armor games because i was under the impression that this site was incorruptible and wouldn't charge for anything on this site except merchandise.Im not worried about the 2 games ( castaway 2 and the last stand union city) having premium content its that Armor games is becoming like Mochi games. pretty soon a lot of games will have premium content you must pay for Which would completely contradict the idea of [quote] free online games

  • 49 Replies
4,107 posts

Armor Games itself does not charge for the premium content. Most of the time its the devs themselves doing that.

I'm pretty sure AG get's a portion of it, but it's not their decision.
58 posts

So your basically saying AG is getting paid by the devs and its not their decision? this is confusing.

192 posts

I dont think its really that big of a deal i enjoyed both the games without the premium content

6,804 posts

You're not forced to buy the content, and you still have access to 99% of the game.

Look at it this way. Game Developing is only profitable if you can make a popular game. That way, people click the page, see the ads, and the ad comany pays you on how many people see the page. So to balance the books, the Developer throws in a little bit of extra content for a cost. The Developer makes more money, and s/he can buy better equipment to make better games. So its a win-win.

58 posts

Yes technically but better programming doesn't always make better games. Plus on one game you unlock a completely different storyline if you buy the premium content. Premium content also has a negative affect it tempts people to hack the game and then post it on a different sometimes changing the name you notice these sites sometimes on google searches . Premium content is plagiarized or stolen more often that other games. If you cant play a game with full content than its just not as good. Its more like you can have access to 80-90% of a game the p2p idea is what i have a problem with.

106 posts

Yes technically but better programming doesn't always make better games. Plus on one game you unlock a completely different storyline if you buy the premium content. Premium content also has a negative affect it tempts people to hack the game and then post it on a different sometimes changing the name you notice these sites sometimes on google searches . Premium content is plagiarized or stolen more often that other games. If you cant play a game with full content than its just not as good. Its more like you can have access to 80-90% of a game the p2p idea is what i have a problem with.

What you are poking at is piracy, the pirates that do so simply think that the content isn't worth the price. If you think so go ahead and support them, its illegal yes but if you really think having that extra item or an extra bit of game play is so important than support the wonderful people that make them go ahead, honestly the flash games here that provide paid content have only %10 at most of the game.

This argument is more towards a game like club penguin where its a flash game and you have to pay "80-90%" of the content. It doesn't belong here.
1,308 posts

You also forgot to mention that Shell Shock Live has packages that you can purchase.

15,622 posts

free online games

The games are free. You don't have to pay to play them, do you? Only for the extra stuff. And that isn't on many games. I've seen about twenty-thirty games with premium content on Armor Games, and there are over 2k games on here.

As for the premium content, how do you expect the developers to get money? Ad revenue will bring some money in, but they need money to live. They create flash games for a living, so I don't see a problem with premium content.
1,322 posts

It always gives me a greater sense of satisfactions to beat a game without having purchased the premium content. Gemcraft Labyrinth would have been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier with the extra levels, play styles, and power ups. Getting through some of those levels without (I apparently started playing after the pylon leveling had been taken away :'''''( ) the extra content was pure hell. It makes me feel great to have completed the game (save the 2 bonus levels that aren't attainable w/o premium) without premium content. Premium content is for the weak.

2,233 posts

You can still play the games for free, just some games get extra things for money is all. It's a way for the developers who make these games to make some money is all.

58 posts

Okayy then everyone here is supporting the p2p idea. Several things to say I dont support piracy whenever one of my friends started plagiarizing text from a website I would practically yell at them and get real mad piracy is illegal [b]I dont condone support or in any way have anything to do with piracy exept to stop it from happening and saying it sucks and should not be done. premium content is not for the weak there are several games online you can play that say they are *f2p (free to play)* they arent to actually playthrough the game you have to buy premium content to not die every 10 seconds ( I have never bought premium content because I think its an absolutely ridiculous way to waste money). Premium content annoys me just because its there and certain sites which I wont name have tons of premium content content some even to see the end of the game. Its easy for devs to make money ever heard of donations kongregate does it for its developers. So i am saying there are better ways for developers to make money than too charge for premium content. Did you know that when a developer develops premium content that it takes time away for them to create other games ergo making new games get delayed.

9,507 posts

Premium content around here is just extra gizmos to enhance the variety of what the standard game has. You won't find games that require you to pay money before being able to access areas of the game, such as the storyline. Games like Adventure Quest and the gang are guilty of this.

Its easy for devs to make money ever heard of donations kongregate does it for its developers.

Buying premium content from the flash game developers is better than a standard donation, because the player gets something in return. It is not just a gratuitous statement, it's giving money to receive extra stuff that enhances your gameplay.

Did you know that when a developer develops premium content that it takes time away for them to create other games ergo making new games get delayed.

Proof of claims? Adding new content, especially things like new weapons and abilities, are a cinch. Developers may withhold the additions until a full, new version to compliment bug and glitch fixes are added, but adding new content into the mix isn't exactly as hard to implement as, say, new game mechanics and triggers.
4,211 posts

more money usually equals to more and better game. It's a way for the devs to get more money. Anyways, the games itself are free, so it doesn't contradict at all. It's not unjust (to who?) and it's not corrupted (of what?)

I've seen about twenty-thirty games with premium content on Armor Games,

Wow! Really? I only saw two, maybe three...
58 posts

Good point I still despise premium content the devs seemed fine even before they added premium content m feeling very philosophical. I would be gratuitous for an explanation of the point of premium content. They make it very coruscate and embellished in the games with premium content it feels as if the game is mocking you saying you should buy this content ADHD mode. I agree with you on adventure quest comment. But ... would you like it if your favorite online game suddenly took away the items you were using and asked for money to get it back no you wouldnt and would try argue reason. you may say why are you bringing up this topic it doesnt have anything to dow it the topic being discussed It has everything and nothing to do with it. I am trying to bring the truth even if it means bad consequences for me. I am not a normal person I think outside the box always , never go with the flow thats my motto. I love to clash with people on many ideas and why are people quoting me i dont quote you that bothers me a great deal. Does anyone know how to read between the lines here [b]I keep saying i'm against premium content but my examples are interpreted and read much too closely open your mind people and think I am not a person who does questionable stuff I question but do not do questionable stuff. I am clashing with you Freakenstein people may say thats stupidly dangerous to metaphorically lock horns with a mod but I must. I will reveal my thoughts on premium content which is I am satisfied in saying premium content is what I loathe in games.

4,211 posts

piracy exept to stop it from happening and saying it sucks and should not be done.

Piracy is probably the best thing to happen to the Internet since...Internet sliced bread. How is having information for free bad?
Most of the money you pay your music with usually doesn't go to the artist. Most of the Hollywood actors/producers are richer then you, much richer, and watching a movie for free is not the same thing as buying a board game or something. Most piracy actions are done on entertainment products that aren't real objects. If an entertainment product is good (or at-least to the general public), people will pay for it. And there will never be enough pirates to bank-rob every producer in the world.

plagiarizing text from a website

That is, I think, not piracy, it's plagiarism

absolutely ridiculous way to waste money

So basically, if you bought a really good game, and then months later, the producers make extra content, but it cost something, and you buy it, you're wasting your money. Can you please explain to me how this is a waste of money?

Buying premium content from the flash game developers is better than a standard donation, because the player gets something in return. It is not just a gratuitous statement, it's giving money to receive extra stuff that enhances your gameplay.

...Which makes more people buy it.

So i am saying there are better ways for developers to make money than too charge for premium content.

Sure there are. They could make the whole game premium.
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