As the thread name says, I'm here to talk about YouTube downloaders.
It was on YouTube forums where I asked about these. Needless to say it was rather unpleasant. *shudders*
Anyway, everyone on the forum there was all over me saying things like, "It's against copyright laws and YouTube has forbidden it in their T&C."
I know it's against copyright laws, but you can get the same video from your temp folder in your computer.
So, here's the debate; In your opinion, is it right or wrong to "download" from YouTube?
My opinion;
Yes and no. The copyrights are there to protect people's ability to make money. On the other hand, it's just like when the VCR first came out and everyone was recording movies and TV shows illegally.
I apologize for the double post but an example what be that I HIGHLY disagree with the preorder bonuses of Battlefield 3. To the point where I decided I'm not going to buy it in any form.
Am I going to pirate it? No, I'm not going to be unethical to combat their lack of a moral standpoint (which is basically the same thing) - people should be better than that.
Sorry for double post again, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Pirating something that costs 69.99$ is different to pirating something that costs, if I'm correct, .3$. I watch the video, (so I pay them) and then I download it.
Who cares anyways? The people that make the videos don't notice, because it's like a fraction of people that actually download the video. The video itself is always almost free, and in some cases, they are free.
I personalty don't download Youtube videos, because I watch them once or twice anyways, but I don't think somebody should be fined or send to jail for doing this.
I don't download videos, but i'll rip the songs and convert it to mp3. I see no problem with it. Everyone goes on about stealing money from the people who make music. I don't have money to buy a $3million house, they do. I'm sure they're not going to miss the $0.50 they'd make from me buying the song. I don't rip local bands music - that i buy, because they're up and coming and need the money.
I don't download videos, but i'll rip the songs and convert it to mp3. I see no problem with it.
Jefferysinspiration, that is the COMPLETELY wrong way of thinking >_< Stealing is stealing, and there is a big problem with it, regardless of whether you see it.
The problem with your view is when you consider what happens when millions of people take your viewpoint, which they have. It starts to tank on the money that these people rightfully make for their hard work.
If enough of this continues, eventually the piracy will be so great that it simply won't be worth it to go into the creative industry, due to the small revenue. In other words, no more musicians.
Stop being a jerk and give the people money for their services to you. If you want it free, watch their Vevo vid; the ads don't cost you anything (except 15 seconds tops), and it gains money for the artists.
Pirating something that costs 69.99$ is different to pirating something that costs, if I'm correct, .3$. I watch the video, (so I pay them) and then I download it.
Quantity never matters. It's the principle behind it. Also, since when does the companies have a YouTube account with enough subscribers to be paid?
Youtube is not their forwarding to sell, it's their forwarding to advertise, if anything.
Who cares anyways? The people that make the videos don't notice, because it's like a fraction of people that actually download the video. The video itself is always almost free, and in some cases, they are free.
Again, quanitity doesn't matter - it's the principle behind it.
I personalty don't download Youtube videos, because I watch them once or twice anyways, but I don't think somebody should be fined or send to jail for doing this.
It does feel stupid to put someone in jail for doing this, and it kind of is, but I think at least it should be culturally frowned upon.
Yes, I am aware of how unlikely that is.
I don't rip local bands music - that i buy, because they're up and coming and need the money.
It doesn't matter about the situation in this case (I like how those four words are kind of contradicting, in this case, it doesn't matter*). The thread saying "is it right to steal for survival" -- my take on it is no, but I would despise someone who doesn't need it and would not help another person live.
In this case you do so without the permission of the person and also with no need for it - you're worse in this case.
It's subjective, but once the principle is established, unless you go into more detail (why exactly would that be necessary?) it's the same principle.
However, objective facts or sound reasoning can safely pinpoint a good subjective point, what I brought up wasn't necessarily the case for everything, it was a higher moral standard (if you ask me) but not the lowest you can get before it becomes unethical. If it were, then it does become more detailed, the immoral act by DICE in their preorder bonuses scheme does in a way call for the right to pirate.
This is ground I'm not really very steady on, because quite frankly I've stopped bothering to look at the boundaries of morality, because I've been looking at it for 8 years now, and I don't need to try and shed the closest morality can go before I (essentially) become a bad person.
Especially in the case of entertainment, in the case of survival, going to the bleeding-edge of unethical behaviour is acceptable, but any further and... well no.
I don't have problems with it if. 1you don't put it on iPhone,mobile or anything else. 2you don't spread it. 3it stays on your pc,laptop
They always stay on my PC.
I tried it, once. That was on a video that I made. It had been deleted from my computer (somehow) and I needed it back.
I do (sometimes) use the temp files. Then, I convert them with a YouTube Downloader. I haven't downloaded, but Adobe flash player has.
Here's a thought I'll throw in. Real Player has a YouTube/flash player downloader. Because people use these downloaders to do illegal things, what should happen to Real Player?
I heard Canada has no copyright law but even if I have a choice I probably wouldnt. People work hard to make movies and music videos but anyways thats my opinion though I doubt its going to stop people from downloading on youtube,
i'm downloading from youtube very often. if i said i was against it i was a hypocrite but i never download the videos only the audio. so video copyrights don't have to fear me =P
anyway if i didn't use youtube i wold use 1 of the many other ways to get the music.