ForumsGamesKingdom Rush thread

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605 posts

This is the offical Kingdom Rush thread. Here you can talk about the pluses about Kingdom Rush, and you may talk about the problems with kingdom rush... all disscution about kingdom rush is welcome...

Kingdom Rush already in top games?

i myself am not suprised by the fact that Kingdom Rush is the highest ranked and already in top games so quickly... here are some reasons:

1) great graphics
2) gameplay is extrodinary... it actually feels like your' actually controling the army
3) you have to plan out a strategy and have to think more in depth than other games

please reply and tell what you think about Kingdom Rush!!!!

  • 81 Replies
605 posts

Which unit do you think is the strongest? Say why and for what purposes....

Here's my list:

Big Bertha 500mm: they are good for clearing out groups of enemy units and are exellent for taking out high health units

Archane Wizard: Very usefull unit, when teamed up with a Paladin or a Barbarian Hall

Sorceror(level 4 unit): good for support units such as the Rock Elemental... And good for making units into sheep when paired up with a strong unit.

Rangers Hideout: Good for long range dispatch... Also good for guarding the gate.

Paladin Hall: A unit with good health in armor, good for defending key points... Best used by a unit that can take out units easily.

Barbarian Hall: Good for an offence, but no armor... Needs a friendly unit that can protect them.

Snipers(guys with guns): good for long range, one shot one kill missions... A deadly foe when upgraded all the way.

Those are the perks and things about the higher level units in Kingdom Rush!

5,881 posts

Hm...I think you forgot about the Tesla thingy or whatever it's called.

605 posts

The telsa tower?

Ok here it is:

Telsa Tower: Good for if you have everything else maxed out and if you want to SEE SOME LIGHTNING!!!!!

5,881 posts


Goblin: Normal, typical enemies which can be taken out pretty easily.

Orc: They are like 'upgraded' goblins, slightly stronger and can bring some trouble to your barracks when it is not upgraded. The best way to handle these would be ranger towers. Keep in mind they have a little bit of magic resistance too but it's not a lot so magic towers are a-okay.

Shaman: They're quite annoying when you think about it. They can heal. And nobody likes healers. Shamans have crazy highs in magic resistance. Magic towers would be nothing compared to it. Rangers would be best for these little brats.

Orge: Orges have really high attack. Barracks aren't very useful in this kind of situation. Unless, you want to slow them down they would prove to be useful. They're slow so they shouldn't give you many problems. Rangers and mages will be okay for it.

Bandits: Yeah, bandits can dodge melee attacks and once again, barracks wouldn't agree with these. After a little test, I saw that magic towers did the highest damage. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Brigand: Wow, nothing agrees with the barracks. Rangers or mages will be fine.

Marauder: Yeah, pretty much mages or rangers.

Giant spiders: Giant spiders are fast, one thing is, they have low health, just make sure all of your ranger units are ready to go.

Spider Matriarch: Their special ability is to spawn out little mini spiders. They aren't so much of a challenge.

Gargoyle and Demon Imp: You should know what to do.

Shadow Archer: I literally hate shadow archers, they bother your barrack units while they're in combat. I realized their weakness was magic. If you know shadow archers are coming, build magic towers around your barracks.

Wulf, Demon Hound and Worg: Wulfs and worgs usually come all at once, have plenty of ground units to reduce their speed because too much of them can be a problem but otherwise, rangers will work.

Golem head: Goldem heads are spawned all over the map by the boss, juggernaut. They're basic enemies like the goblins. And you should have everything fully upgraded to their highest point. They'll be simple to eliminate.

Winter wolf: Winter wolves have decent attack and defenses. They're balanced out with an advantage against the barracks. Rangers are fast enough so they'll work against them.

Trolls: I don't like trolls since they heal their selves one by one. If you aren't fast enough in taking them out, they will become a big threat.

Troll champion: Yes, they are champions who can throw axes like the barbarians that are upgraded. Rangers and mages should be alright.

Troll Chieftain: They can enrage the trolls. Increases all their stats. Watch out and take them out.

Yeti: They will literally annihilate your barracks. They're slow so you can eventually beat them with rangers and mages.

Rocket Rider: Their turbo rockets are really nothing. Rangers and mages. Period.

Dark Slayers: Really really really great barrack defense. Have arcane wizards and sorcerer mages chip away all of their armor.

Demon Spawn: Their annoying thing is that they explode dealing area damage. But paladins can take a lot of damage. If you're still early in the game, really though, rangers will be totally good for them.

Demon Lords: Demon lords are like the troll chieftains. They can enhance the demon spawns that are near them. They have medium magic resistance. I highly recommend rangers.

Skeleton: Weak, slow, low health, additional enemies that come from those little graveyards on the map. You have a variety on what you want as a show, arrows, purple rays, orange rays and a little after effect, sword hitting, explosions, snipers, lightning, and the rain of fire with a upgraded added little effect of the ring of fire.

Skeleton Knight: Average health, weak physical armor, slow, average attack damage. Nearly the same as skeletons, just more health and slightly more attack.

Necromancer: Gah, I really hate these brats who summon the dead out. They are a huge threat towards me, once they spawn enough skeletons and you don't kill the necromancers off swiftly. You will be in for a really long run bro/sis.

Magma Elemental: Same attack damage as the yeti just more health. These aren't much of a threat. You'll eventually kill them off. Since they will show up one by one. Your towers can easily knock them off the map and make you say, bye-bye..


The Juggernaut: Honestly, I analyzed it on the map where it appears and looked at it's stats, and there's really nothing special just that his rocket thingy flies all over the place and spawns golem heads or hits your enemies.

You should be fully upgraded and prepared to go. Paladins will help you be its punching bag which slows it down much more. The paladins can take a few hits, I believe. You can see the juggernaut's health beep beep beep go down as you hit hit hit him.

J.T: He will just literally chew up your soldiers, it doesn't matter if they are paladins. He will just eat you, seriously. But it does take a few seconds for him to chew your units up, lol.

Vez'Nan: Apparently all these bosses just annihilate your barracks. Once, Vez'nan is intensely low on health. You transforms himself into this annoying, ugly-looking, fat demon. He has no weaknesses or resistances. You don't have to worry about him much. All of the bosses in this game aren't so much of a challenge.

But when he 'seals' up your towers and you have to constantly click to unseal every 10 seconds can prove to be...stressful. And tiring.


Rangers hideout: I love the design. It's cool. The rangers hideout has really good overall range and if you build it around the middle of the battlefield, it can basically hit all the enemies and its surroundings.

Holy Order/Paladins: I also love these guys. They're like your defensive walls. Pushing the opponents, back and back and back. Well, their attack isn't that much of what you want to say good. But the holy order is holy. Defensive walls help out your strategies.

Arcane Wizard: I like putting these towers within the range of my barracks because of the shadow archers.

500MM Big Bertha: To be super honest, I don't use the dwarven towers a lot. They're expensive. So, I wouldn't bother to use them. But feel free if you think they prove to be useful in the field.

Musketeer: Sexy snipers, that are on the shot, accurate. With a test, I found out the they can one hit KO shamans. And once again, correct me if this is wrong and off. Also, Musketeers have awesome, great range.

Barbarian Hall: I don't know why but I prefer putting them with the paladins as little backups who just jump in the fight.

Sorcerer Mage: My favorite tower not because it's good looking but it can summon the elemental. I highly highly highly recommend you if you have the money, get the elemental. It has really high defenses and will take hits. It's take 3 paladins combined together. It's beat like that. And about the tower, it's very useful and will chip away part of the enemies defenses and deal slight damage.

Tesla X104: Again, I don't use the dwarven towers, but like kingofwar said, if you want to light show there, it will be waiting for you my friends.

288 posts


i like rangers hidout better than snipers because u dont need to wait for it to be fully upgraded to be usefull
barracks, i normally dont even bother upgrading these unless there in a key location but in some lvls it can be usefull if put paladins in frontof babariens and upgrade there throwing axes, its the most usefull in iron challenge mode when u have limited optins any though
my facorite tower is the sorceror tower because of rock elemental, but do not use polymorph, it sux so much, because u can transform a lava giant into a sheep and then it will still cost 5 lives have full helph and defence,but now its not forced to stop and fight every melee unit because its not considered a strong unit anymore, also it goes faster :/
i like big bertha better cause ive alway found that tesla is weaker, its specil ability's rnt all that good, and its rlly worth the price, its only affective agaisnt air units, while bertha has awsome upgrades and is stronger than the tesla tower

1 posts

Just finished the game (all levels heroic and iron) and I have to say it's an awesome game. It mix strategy with tower defense and adventure in a very interesting dynamic.

Congrats to Ironhide and let's see if I can get all the achievements! [:

605 posts

well what i think is unfair is that you have to follow/friend on facebook and twitter.... not fair

1,529 posts

Kingdom rush just reached the first page of most played games ever! Incredible! In only some weeks, it got almost 6.000.000 plays!

288 posts

actually u dont actually have to follow it to get 2 extra points, just click on the link and ull get them

5,881 posts

Kingdom rush just reached the first page of most played games ever! Incredible! In only some weeks, it got almost 6.000.000 plays!

I'm pretty sure a lot of people look on the popular games section on the home page. That's probably why it's getting its plays.
605 posts

I'm pretty sure a lot of people look on the popular games section on the home page. That's probably why it's getting its plays.

XD... that prob shut him up
502 posts

[/quote]I'm pretty sure a lot of people look on the popular games section on the home page. That's probably why it's getting its plays.[quote]Well, it had to have a high rating in order to get there, and games with high ratings get alot of plays because they are good. So............ yeah.

1 posts

I like the upgrading, that you can actually control soldiers, and the bosses.

5,881 posts

Well, it had to have a high rating in order to get there, and games with high ratings get alot of plays because they are good. So............ yeah.

But still though, it deserves a 9.6 rating because it's well-designed, well-made, and overall just a great game.
10 posts

i love kingdom rush.

that is all. Im struggling on level three heroic mode.

Showing 61-75 of 81