The question is why are there bad things from a loving God?
As I said, God doesn't love
How does having 4 witnesses justify it? The bottom line should be the punishment be carried out if you can prove it.
Still don't get it, do you? First, it's impossible to find 4 witnesses. Second, it's impossible to find 4 witnesses, who are reliable. Let's say you have found 4 witnesses. How do you know they are 100% reliable. Nobody on the world is 100% reliable. At last, I didn't see any.
What does Islam believe happens after you die, then?
Firstly, people enter the pangs of death.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "Every soul shall taste death". Meaning that we all have to go through this initial pain, death. However, that will vary upon each individual. Secondly, each soul will be in an interspace, called the Barzakh. This is an intemediary place before the Day of Judgement. This place can either be the best place someone can rest or the worst.
Two stern Angels will come to each person (called Mukar and Nakir) and they will ask you question. Like;
1.Who is your God?
2.Who is your Prophet ?
3.What is your religion?
Depending on how someone lived their life, they will bear some consequences in the grave. On the Day of Judgement, every one will be resurrected from their graves. It is reported that man will say "Woe to me, if only I had believed the messengers..."
People will stand behind those that they followed.
Muslims will stand behind Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Christians stand behind Jesus (pbuh)
Some people may stand behind Hitler etc. etc.
Everyone person will be judged on every action they did in their lives. Nothing will be left unturned and the whole of humanity will witness this. Finally, people will either be admitted to Heaven or Hellfire.