Which can be problematic when you live in countries where the month of ramadan falls in a time where the sun doesn't set for weeks^^ I guess they need special regualtion there.
This has always confused me, too. Switching to Mecca's time sounds probable, but the fast would then fail to correlate with prayer times. My guess is that what would happen instead is that the population there would time their fast with cities in much lower latitudes, find the sunset/sunrise timing for that, ... and yeah.
Witnessing or acknowledging? Or do you view those as the same thing?
I asked the same thing when I was a kid. Now in a way the wording doesn't mean as much to me, because if you believe in something, I just see it as an acknowledgement of its existence.
They fast each day from sunrise to sunset, during the time of Ramadan.
In like two years it'll be crossing into the July period. ._.
Fasting in December was so much easier the days were like half the freaking length, lol.
Wouldn't this mean you don't eat any meat at all, since it's kinda of hard to eat something still alive and have it still be so at the end of your meal...
By outlawing dead animals he meant not going vulture status -- IE: Roadkill.
Is this written somewhere or an arbitrary number? Not a very clean percentage.
Percentage wise, its pretty clean, its 2.5%.
I actually don't know. Nearly everyone I've asked / questioned has always told me that the required Zakat, AKA Nisab, is 2.5% of your income when you own an equivalent of 85g of gold or more as a yearly income of a lunar year. [Like 1700 bucks in today's world]
Like, litterally unclean, or spiritually unclean? Why does God care where you pray to him at all anyways?
He cares because many people who've taught Islam to me, even my dad I think, have told me that cleanliness is half of your religion. Islam does a good job of telling us to keep clean, I think. So of course requiring that the time and effort be put in to keeping your prayer area clean makes some sense. As to why he cares, I don't think I really know what he thinks? Whatever the case, it pretty much follows his rule of keeping clean to begin with, and the idea of standing up in front of a supreme lord surrounded by filth doesn't sound to comforting anyway.
What do you do at mosques, the general rituals?
Just wanted to add to this. Mosques, aside from the praying part and the prayer room, are pretty much community run places and community spots. Some a bit less than others. In the one I go to, there's always a few charity events, sunday schooling, people meeting, setups for events, etc. Its not really all that serious. You can really chose to spend 5 min. - an hour there, really.