will burn in fire/suffer a painful doom for all eternity which doesn't seem like something a loving deity would allow.
Actually, I don't think so. I've wondered a lot about that too, and many times in the Quran, there are passages that not only say bad people will burn in hell for eternity, but they also add something that is like 'until Allah wishes', or 'until the Earth endures'. For example:
"Eternally they abide therein (Hell), for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, in accordance with the will of your Lord. Your Lord is doer of whatever He wills. As for fortunate ones, they will be in Paradise. Eternally they abide therein, for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, in accordance with the will of your Lord-an everlasting reward."
Does this make it any better? Do you (Reiki and Armed) really want to make such bad excuses? Is it fair to punish "adultery" (e.g. sex in the forest) with 100 lashes?! You must be kidding...
I'm not speaking for him but no, I don't think its fair to punish anybody in that manner. That is only because things are much different now and there are better ways of dealing with things like that. I just don't see any reason as to why this should make Islam look any worse, though. The Quran isn't compelling us to lash anybody, it is giving us an option to do so, or see it as a punishable act. In our society, I would say things have changed and lashing isn't what we'd go for first. That's all.
Also, I think we're all confused about what 'Kafir' means. The word is used to define those people that have been given the opportunity to have a clear and full understanding of Islam, and those who openly reject it. It doesn't mean 'Infidel'. Or 'Christian'. That being said, its pretty much open to interpretation, and so nobody really does know who'll go to Hell or Heaven.
When Islam started out, it wasn't an easy road, if you accept any of its history. That being said, many people hated Muslims just for being Muslims. The word Disbeliever comes from Kafir/Kafiroon, which, as I have stated already, isn't just someone that says 'Oh, I'm not Muslim'.
How important is being muslim in the judgement?
I don't think this parts ever been addressed. The way I look at it, everyone in this world has their own test, and hopefully they can live up to it. But I wouldn't mind being on the safer side.
Also, to address this:
I know many Muslims who don't know any Arabic, and read English Qu'ran. So i think the majority of Modern Islam is kind of inaccurate. Just my two cents.
That's kind of new to me. Most non-Arab state living Muslims I know learn to read Arabic [The Quran has helpful pronunciation markers, or something like that] that allows you to read it even if you don't comprehend. I don't know if its required to read it in Arabic or not, but I've never heard of just reading English. What I do is I read the Arabic set and then I understand it reading English, but I do pick out different translations.
How do you feel about your religion being associated with terrorism? Other religions bomb a tone of stuff, but yours seems to be the most famous for it.
Its only famous for it over here. Ever since the Crusades we've been marked as Christianity's eternal enemy. I don't really care though, I'll get over it. Besides, in other places, Americanism is associated with drinking, gambling, bad family life. In America, though, being American is seen as a good thing. Idk, I don't really care about the problem, I just ignore people like that.