Yes, those some seem to be all Muslims. I don't see other religions killing over their prophets even though they love them as much as Muslims lover theirs.
ithere is a difference b/w insulting and not agreeing sir if u dont agree with me thats fine critcize islam thats fine but if u draw pictures of holy prophet or u call him names or relate bad things to him or islam than thats offensive
Punisher, there's something here you're doing wrong. I bet the Prophet(pbuh) wouldn't enjoin you for killing someone who insults him. I hope you know what has happened to him by several people, but he didn't do anything against them?
For example, people were throwing stones at him. It was so bad that at a moment, his feets were bleeding and he couldn't walk anymore, and took shelter in the vineyards. God send him an angel. The angel said: "I'm ready to do whatever you wish; if you want me to bring these two mountains together, so the Meccans will be crushed between them, I'll do." And the Prophet(pbuh) responded, "No! I don't want that, the only thing I wish from God is that the descendants of these people will fully believe in God."
So, who gives you the right then to kill these people(and I'm not saying it just to you, to all muslims who kill people who insult their Prophet)! The Prophet even forgave them, so who are you not to!?
u r wrong go and kill a cow in india and see what they do to u
And that would be just as stupid, if not more so considering it would be killing someone because of a belief that someone had just interrupted another persons natural cycle of life. Though I'm finding this a bit questionable as I'm seeing reports of jail time instead.
Also You don't get to justify your bat **** crazy belief by pointing at others bat **** crazy beliefs.
@ reiki u r right and my point is this offends people,some to the extent of violence thats why this is considered as mischeif in land and usually punishable by death or exile.thats a states duty not an individuals same is about person turned from islam @ wolf u r right jail time is in their constitution but if u do it in a hindu majority town or city probabilty is that things wont reach up to police or judge cuz an angry mob will take care of u before that
wolf u r right jail time is in their constitution but if u do it in a hindu majority town or city probabilty is that things wont reach up to police or judge cuz an angry mob will take care of u before that
Then they would be guilty of the very thing they killed that person for.
Punisher, as a fellow Muslim, I'd really like you to think about what you're saying.
You can't just assume everybody is like you. There are loads of quotations that can assert that killing people isn't the way to go, and there are loads of quotations that can assert that Islam does show religious tolerance. It isn't about being insane.
Blasphemy laws pretty much go against Islamic doctrine.
Oh, and I saw this fallacy earlier on.
So if a Muslim tells you it's a religion about peace then they are using Taquiya and lying to you.
Taqqiyah is doctrine in Shi'a Islam. So narrow that to 30% of Muslims. Furthermore, it actually means when a Muslim can hide/conceal their faith in times of persecution, danger, etc. Meaning, if someone is trying to kill all the Muslims, then all the Muslims can cut their beards and pray at home.
It doesn't just mean you can BS everyone. I mean come on, some people might think that religious people are stupid or whatever, but there has to be a degree of rationality. You can't just assume that 1.3 Billion people are thinking of lying to people or something.
reiki u r right and my point is this offends people,some to the extent of violence thats why this is considered as mischeif in land and usually punishable by death or exile.thats a states duty not an individuals same is about person turned from islam
so insulting is general is wrong? insulting is very subjective and a person can kill you because you tell him he is chubby. if what you are saying is ok then its ok for him to kill you because after all... you insulted him. and by what you said insulting and disagreeing isnt that different because if you start having a chat with someone who disagrees with you he will obviously start telling you why he disagrees with you which will obviously offend you.
and about the cow thingie theres a difference. you KILL a sacred being while in our chat we just insult people who believe in a sacred being. if youd go and kill an animal that is protected you will get punished and if youl go and destroy a church you will also get punished just like destroying any other building. but in your situation those are just words and no actions. there is a huge difference between words and actions.
so insulting is general is wrong? insulting is very subjective and a person can kill you because you tell him he is chubby. if what you are saying is ok then its ok for him to kill you because after all... you insulted him. and by what you said insulting and disagreeing isnt that different because if you start having a chat with someone who disagrees with you he will obviously start telling you why he disagrees with you which will obviously offend you.
Insulting is wrong. Insulting is forbidden in islam. And no, there's no punishment for insulting. What he meant is; there are people that, when you insult them, they can kill you for whatever reason. And that's why it's cosidered in the land as mischief. And so, that's why - in some countries - people are being executed. Not just because they insult. Understood?
Yes. With insulting I mean words(and sentences) like: fu**, mofo etc. etc.
That's good to know I would've found it kind of strange to see constructive criticism being a blasphemous act (essentially).
No insults? Not really a bad ideology - granted the punishment is not what I would go for, it seems a bit too harsh (not in all cases, but most), but the general idea is pretty awesome. ^^