ForumsWEPRAnonymous Plans To Take Down Facebook

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203 posts

I was listening to the radio this morning and heard that this group of "hackivists" is going to take down facebook on November 5th. This date is exactly the same as when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament (failed) and the "big day" in V for Vendetta (succeeded). They're doing this because Facebook is allegedly selling information to governments.
Article On This

Video Announcement By Anonymous

I just want your thoughts on if will actually happen and if it did what would be the effect on the world?

  • 48 Replies
110 posts

I believe they want to hack FaceBook because FaceBook is trying to end internet anonymity or something along those lines. I believe they are trying to expand beyond their site to make sure everyone is attached to a name.

I don't think Facebook has some grand scheme to link everyone together. If a website requires a Facebook account to sign up, it's the website's fault. Besides, there is always the shutdown account button.Pr
4,689 posts

Heres what will happen:
Facebook messed up, possibly downed.
Facebook starts backup with no real damage.
Anonymous thinks they did something.

148 posts

(This post can contain accidental misspellings)

My thought is:
I hope that they become able to take down Facebook.
And heres why:
I use Facebook myself and I know that alot of other people do so.
Any when someone "loses" himself in Facebook (e.g. because in his reallife he has no friends (no offense to people who actually live so)) they may or may not be thinking less about the security and share more data, and more data, and so on. They just make themselves "open-source" so to say, everyone can see what they do, and that leads to more problems.
Yesterday I looked on the Wikipedia article about Facebook, and I stumbled across something I was shocked about.
Fact is, Facebook is free and you don't have to pay to use it. Never, there are no hidden premium features.
The Wikipedia article says, that Facebook had an estimated revenue of US$2 billion in 2010.
Now everyone can think about this what he wants, but I think: They sell our data! I mean, it is not so easy to make a revenue of US$2 billion just by offering a free service. Thats why its called "free". Just to compare this revenue: The Mozilla Foundation (best known for Mozilla Firefox) had a revenue of $104.3 million in 2009 according to Wikipedia. Their products are also free, but they had a less suspicious revenue than Facebook.
Ok that should be enough talking about revenues.
I also use Facebook, I dont deny that, but when I see how much of the stuff that I do and that nobody should care about are shared, I just ask myself "Why the f does Facebook share THAT with my friends?" I am just adding a new quotation and everybody has to know that? Jeez...
The world will get more privacy without Facebook!

This was my statement about the hacker attack and why they should do it.

But my post isnt completed yet.
Until this point, every stupid person will already be writing a reply with: "Why do you use Facebook then you idiot?"
To all of them who are thinking this: I use Facebook to talk to some friends and meet with them for parties. I nearly dont share and real data of myself. I am not one of these boons who share their telephone number on their Facebook profile. (Again: no offense to people who do so, but if you do so, DONT do it

Oh one more thing: Dont believe now that I belog to any of those attacking groups or anything related to this.
The things that Ive said represent my opinion, facts or stuff that might be so, because I think that this is so.

And for every troll answering stupid to this post: I will ignore what you say about me!

Greetz PrideRage

1,143 posts

there are enoufg other free ways to contact people beside calling them.

True, but my point is lots of people use facebook for genuine reasons other than staring ata screen.
1,143 posts

From the sound of it we use facebook in much the same way, but i disagree with you, your point that it will be good to stop people wasting/ruining their lives by getting sucked into facebook, in my opinion is silly, if people want to waste and ruin their lives, they should be allowed to do so in peace.

Anonymous are plain dumb, they say to hate oppressive, omnipresent regimes, when they themselves are trying to act like one, by taking away people right to look at, do, say, talk about. they are against their own mantra of working for freedom of speech by taking it away and dictating what the general population can do, idiots!

56 posts

If they even get facebook down, im sure it will be back quite soon.
I dont use facebook just so you know and even if something happened to it, it wouldn't affect me.

110 posts

They sell our data

There not selling your data... anyone who wanted your data you let Facebook have could just look at your Facebook page...

The extreme revenue comes from advertisements, and other companies Facebook has bought.

If there is a Pr at then end of this message, that means my internet is screwing up again when I try to post.
If anyone knows how to fix this, please leave a comment on my page.Pr
1,608 posts

I kind of have respect for Anonymous. They hack things without them being arrested and thrown in to jail.

1,143 posts

They don't sell data. well they do but not yours. Well they are yours, but no one KNOWS its yours. They would tell a company 700 people over 40 who like ps3 official page live in London, but they wouldn't say WHO those people were.

1,143 posts

I kind of have respect for Anonymous. They hack things without them being arrested and thrown in to jail.

Do your respect murders who get away with it?
3,139 posts

I kind of have respect for Anonymous. They hack things without them being arrested and thrown in to jail.

Do your respect murders who get away with it?

Probably the best point. Well done sproo.

At first, the anon hacks were impressive. I think the majority of people can agree to that. But there's showing a company how unsafe they are, and then there's taking it to a whole new level.

I think the fact someone can access so many peoples information is scary.
1,143 posts

I think the fact someone can access so many peoples information is scary.

Not to mention hypocritical to the point they are trying, and failing to make.
1,608 posts

Well that's a extreme one but what I ment to say.
It is really nice how a bunch of people with to much time show everyone how good the security is on the Internet.
I really don't care If they hack as long as they don't use the information.

And btw in the past when Internet didn't excist policeman had respect for a bank robber who got in and out undetected and without the police having proof he did it.

508 posts

I respect what Anonymous is trying to do.

Social Networking sites, especially Facebook, have a huge amount of access to the private information of millions of people, and to me Anonymous is just showing them that users and outside organizations can have access to Facebook's private information.

You could say its a taste of your own medicine thing

5,129 posts

so in a few year facebook will get a nice new button under "agree whit bla bla. that will ask you if you want or dont want any if your information used by 3rd partys even when they get sold.(or something like that(i dunno the problem good enoufg cause i don't care)) problem solved.

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