The title. But I can't base a thread on just the title, because Mods and Admins can change it. OK, original title: Would the Earth be better without humans?
im going to say no, but if humans didnt have human nature then it woud be beter ... if people wernt so focased on the social status of other people thenthe worldwould be better... religion would of died out along time ago... and tech would be up... the muneyaspect would be gone... crime, war,,, pollution would be gone ...
i think that humans have ruined the earth i meant how many animal do we hunt? i know you might say that animals will kill each other but humans kill more it is needed for animals to kill each other to keep balance to the world and humans are just unbalncing the world so yes i think it would be a better place without them
i think that humans have ruined the earth i meant how many animal do we hunt? i know you might say that animals will kill each other but humans kill more it is needed for animals to kill each other to keep balance to the world and humans are just unbalncing the world so yes i think it would be a better place without them
We don't ruin the Earth eco-system by hunting animals, it's mostly by us simply inhabiting areas that are already inhabited. We mostly kill animals by tearing down forests, etc.
I see it like this; humans are simply animals, and we are the dominant species. I don't see how the Earth would be better without us. Yes, we are polluting the Earth, but the Earth will just keep on changing, regardless of our pollution.
Technology wise, no. Resource wise, definitely yes. More than one occasions humans have endangered many animals through pollution, and even made a few extinct(namely the dodo bird D. However, there aren't any living things on earth that are smart enough to even make something as simple as clothes. Sure, we hurt the Eco-system. But in the long run, maybe it has paid off? Maybe one day, we will invent something that will help the earth.
Of course it would. Everyday our planet is getting more damaged, polluted and animals getting brutally murdered and abused because of all of the dumb ***** who need to wake up and see what they're actually doing. We destroy the environment more than 10x faster than natural disasters do too greediness. The only ways we do help is saving endangered species, but we have killed more than we have saved.
to answer the question, yes, the world would be better without humans. extinct animals would be unextinct, forests would be untouched and nobody would fill the earth, the sea and the air with poisonous substances/waste. the human is a parasite.
The answer to this question is an opinion not a fact. If you honestly believe that humanity is a parasite than that is a totally legitimate opinion to have; but I have to disagree. Humanity is capable of making good things. Nature doesn't love, nature doesn't have reason. Sure, human pride has caused horrible things: War, extinctions, enviromental destruction...etc. But lets be real here, humanity is different than anything else. Humanity may be earth's greatest feature.
The issue of destiny and free will brought up earlier is interesting. I believe both. God gave us free will but at the same time his plan is always at work. That plan is what people commonly refer to as "Destiny".
I think if we all just go back to being poeple who live off the land then we wont. But then we wouldn't have AG so forget that. think we are hurting alot of animals and mining the earth for ores but I think the actual rock of earth is not loving or hating us for being here.
[/quote]to answer the question, yes, the world would be better without humans. extinct animals would be unextinct, forests would be untouched and nobody would fill the earth, the sea and the air with poisonous substances/waste. the human is a parasite.[quote] You say parasite, but what if we're just folowing the evolution track and weeding out some of the unfit animals? There might soon be formidable oponents to the human race and the earth gains a new balance.