extinct animals would be unextinct
So, the dinosaurs would come back??? SQUEE!!
And what about that lizard that couldn't catch food as well as that lizard with the bacteria-teeth? He comes back too? Evolution and special progression is reversed?!? GOODY! =_=*
I'm not digging all the anti-humanism on this thread. Humans do some bad stuff to the environment, and yes, using fossil fuels is not the best way of turning on our lights, but its called progress. In a capitalistic-dominated human population, where supply-and-demand run the world, when the supply of fuel starts going down, the oil and gas companies are going to need to look for new supply to fit the growing demand. This means renewable sources, enabling these companies to never have to look for new supply ever again.
its (humans benefiting the earth) possible, but most likely won't happen due to the high amounts of greed that most humans have.
In the above scenario, the power of Greed would stop humans from using fuels that harm the environment. >8^)
I've seen posts that "Racism causes wars, wars hurt Earth" DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY MONKEY WARS HAPPEN IN A DAY??? I know "Monkey Wars" sounds hilarious, but in perspective, groups of animals fight other groups of animals every day.
And we continue...
the human is a parasite.
Elephants destroy trees with their tusks, as do beavers with their BITING POWER. nearly every living being is a parasite. The EARTH ITSELF is a parasite in perspective. What does it do? It feeds off of the energy given by the sun as the sun burns up its Hydrogen and slowly DIES. Imagine a vampire sitting below your corroded artery, slurping up your blood as you slowly die. Imagine the vampire as The Earth and the sun as you, and the energy it gives off from burning Hydrogen as the blood. We get a very similar, gruesome, scenario of parasite and provider.
Even if humans have messed up Earth, there's never a point of no return. Humans are smart, we can expand our reaches across the realms of existence. We can't use fuel for that, we'll need renewable resources. We can't destroy those planets either with pollutants, we're trying to find healthy living space for our growing population. I mean, you probably got food all over your first bib too, right?
And one last thing...
nobody would fill the earth, the sea and the air with poisonous substances/waste
Before humans, the Earth was inhabitable. It was filled with naturally-occurring pollutants and dangerous wastes. The sea was red with iron, the earth was molten-hot, it was, literally, "Hell on Earth". All without people. The galaxy's a weird place, a lot can happen.