ForumsWEPRQuestions for a Jew

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1,627 posts

Inspired by "Ask A Muslim," I am creating this thread to answer any questions about Judaism. I will only answer questions about the religion, not why I believe in it, or how I can prove that it exists.

  • 159 Replies
4,104 posts

I just wanted to point out that I like this line of questioning better instead of if Jews approve of everything God does. Please ask more questions like this. Maybe about the different holidays or something.

That's the only reason i didn't make a thread like this, because some of the super atheist would turn it into the generic religion thread, arguing the same thing over and over in different places. When they finish the argument, they go find another thread to bring up they same argument in.
3,817 posts

I will not pretend to know, but that is irrelevant because the mob thought the angels were men.

Whatever. Didn't they **** Lot's daughters instead? Or did Lot just offer his daughters up for ****? I can't remember, and I don't have time to look it up.

The Torah does not provide an explanation for that. Sorry to disappoint.

Then your being inconsistent.

The word "flood" is interpreted to mean destruction.

So did Yawheh destroy the world with a flood, or with destruction? If he destroyed it with a food, then it sure sounds like he means flood. If he destroyed it with destruction, then ...what does that even mean? Or do you change the meanings around as you feel fit?


Why hadn't they recorded it then? They had the ability to. That is the reason why I stated that they would be better messengers. Im sure something like a burning bush talking would make a page in the Greek's library.

Because there is now no need to. The center of Jewish prayer has become the synagogue, basically a mini-temple without all of the rituals. It took many decades to reach that point, and would not be practical in todays society. Also, the Israeli government would have to knock down some historical sights of religious value and that might not go over too well.

Rebuild it somewhere else then. And if you could replace this temple with synagogues, then why are the rules now out of effect? Could you not just do the same thing, except for with synagogues instead?

No, because the school building was not wicked.

But it needed to be refreshed, it was old and rickety. So are you saying that every man, woman, and child of the world at that point where all "wicked" except for one man and his family, who preceded to get drunk and sleep with his daughters after he was done with the whole "Boat" thing? (If memory serves, that is what he did"
9,439 posts

They are angels, do angels have gender?

I think they're ambiguious, they can take any form they want. Usually men, but may choose to take the form of a woman if they want to.

Im sure the horse head would have done just fine.

And lo God hath made him an offer he could not refuse: He assured the Pharaoh that either his brains or the Isrealites would be scattered across the lands.
1,627 posts

Whatever. Didn't they **** Lot's daughters instead?

He offered them up to the mob. The Torah does not mention if they actually were *****.

Then your being inconsistent.


Why hadn't they recorded it then?

I do not know.

So did Yawheh destroy the world with a flood, or with destruction?

He destroyed it with a flood, but in that passage flood is interpreted as destruction.

But it needed to be refreshed, it was old and rickety.

Then go about the legal way of tearing down a building, getting a permit to rebuild, etc.

Rebuild it somewhere else then.

Jerusalem is the holy city, and the only home for the Temple.
3,817 posts

He offered them up to the mob. The Torah does not mention if they actually were *****.

That would explain why I couldn't remember if they where ***** or not.


You said that Yawheh wanted the Pharaoh to let the Isrialites go. But then he turns around and makes the Pharaoh send his army after the Isrialites. That is inconsistent.

So why did he do it?

I do not know.

So why do you assume they where eligible to have this information?

He destroyed it with a flood, but in that passage flood is interpreted as destruction.

Why? When I see the word "flood", I think it means "flood" not destruction.

Then go about the legal way of tearing down a building, getting a permit to rebuild, etc.

So basically you are telling me that I should go about it in a non-violent non-psychotic way? So why didn't your Yawheh take that advance and do it a less painful way, like the ones I had suggested earlier, such as sending them to an open planet?

Jerusalem is the holy city, and the only home for the Temple.

What I meant was rebuild it somewhere where there isn't holy relics blocking your path, like a few miles to the right where that big desert is. So if it is now everywhere, why don't those old laws still apply?
9,462 posts

I just wanted to point out that I like this line of questioning better instead of if Jews approve of everything God does. Please ask more questions like this. Maybe about the different holidays or something.

That's because the questions force you to face a cognitive dissonance in your beliefs.

Why don't Jews preform animal sacrifice and stonings like it says in the Torah?
4,104 posts

That's because the questions force you to face a cognitive dissonance in your beliefs.

Or because they can be argued out forever and not the intended purpose of the thread.

Why don't Jews preform animal sacrifice and stonings like it says in the Torah?

I can't remember an exact reason, but i think it was because the place has to be chosen by God to allow sacrifices to be given there, and the last place chosen by God was the temple in Jerusalem. When it was destroyed, Jews had no where left to offer sacrifices so it has been replaced mostly by prayers.
1,627 posts

You said that Yawheh wanted the Pharaoh to let the Isrialites go. But then he turns around and makes the Pharaoh send his army after the Isrialites. That is inconsistent.

Well, that is what it says in the Torah, so...

So why do you assume they where eligible to have this information?

Because the Torah says so.

Why? When I see the word "flood", I think it means "flood" not destruction.

Then that is your own interpretation. However, the rabbis think of it as destruction.

What I meant was rebuild it somewhere where there isn't holy relics blocking your path, like a few miles to the right where that big desert is. So if it is now everywhere, why don't those old laws still apply?

That big desert is actually outside of Jerusalem, and it is also mostly uninhabitable. And if you mean synagogues, then it is because the old laws are not performed by a Cohen (priest), who has followed all of the rituals of sacrifice.
879 posts

I could ask this in the Islam thread too (and maybe I will), but why do you need to circumcise little babies? Shouldn't they have a choice? To me it's bodily harm and it should be forbidden.

1,627 posts

why do you need to circumcise little babies?

It is to show our pact with God that we are God's people. Also, at the young age, the babies will have absolutely no memory of the pain, rather if they are circumcised at 18. Also, the health benefits of circumcision are another reason that we do that today.
26,390 posts

To give you a small break from Das Horsemen...

I don't know what they're called, but what are the long curly sideburns that the men wear called? I think they only wear them on special occasions. And why are they worn?

What is the purpose of the kibbutzin?

Could you list the holidays and what you do on them? I know a few(Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Purim, and Chanukkah).

879 posts

It is to show our pact with God that we are God's people.

Couldn't you just wear a bracelet or something like that?^^

Also, at the young age, the babies will have absolutely no memory of the pain

Which doesn't mean that they don't feel the pain.

rather if they are circumcised at 18.


. Also, the health benefits of circumcision are another reason that we do that today.

I think that was a reason when they started doing it. But now (at least in the West) you don't have really many health benefits. Even if you have some: Shouldn't a person be able to choose if he wants these health benefits?
I'll translate two interesting points from the German Wiki article:

The health benefits of circumcision are mostly relevant only at the beginning of sexual maturity, so that an irreversible intervention in infancy is regarded as superfluous by critics, unless an acute medical need exists.
Infant circumcision is considered by Jews and Muslims under the rule of freedom of religion, but full religious maturity is only reached with 14 years. Whether surgery at under 14 years old is justified through freedom of religion is therefore questionable.
1,627 posts

I don't know what they're called, but what are the long curly sideburns that the men wear called? I think they only wear them on special occasions. And why are they worn?

They are called long, curly sideburns . I think only Orthodox Hassidic Jews wear them and they also grow out their beards to show devotion to God.

What is the purpose of the kibbutzin?

It is basically a big farming community, where people help out with animals, crops, irrigation, etc. They can also do other things like make clothes, shoes, etc. They are sort of like a communist nation, where everyone gets the same, but it actually works.

Could you list the holidays and what you do on them?

Rosh Hashana-Head of the New Year
Aseret Yemei Teshuvah-Ten days of repentance where we examen our sins
Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement (fasting holiday)
Sukkot-One of the pilgrimage holidays where we set up sukkahs (shacks) to remind ourselves of how the Israelites lived in the desert
Simchat Torah-The day that we finish the reading of the Torah, and we celebrate the beginning of the new cycle of Parashot (Torah portions)
Hannukah-Jews remember the miracle of the Temple where God kept the Menorah (seven branches) lit for eight days with one days worth of oil
Tenth of Tevet-Not observed by most. It marks the start of the first siege of Jerusalem
Tu Bishvat- The birthday of the trees. All trees are listed as one year older on this day
Purim-Celebration of the day that we were not destroyed by Hamen
New Year for Kings-Actually one of three new years, it is the technical beginning of the Hebrew calendar
Pesach-Passover, where the Jews celebrate their freedom from the oppression of the Egyptians. It is not known that we also mourn the Ten Plagues, as we recognize that others were harmed for our freedom
Sefirah-Counting of the Omer. A 49 day period where joyous celebrations are restricted
Lag B'Omer-The 33 day of the Counting of the Omer where the restrictions are lifted
Shavuot-A pilgrimage festival where Jews celebrate the Giving of the Ten Commandments and traditionally eat a vegetarian meal
Seventeenth of Tamuz-Marks the first breach in the walls of Jerusalem and is a minor fasting day
The Three Weeks and the Nine Days-Marks the collapse of Jerusalem
Tisha B'av-A minor fasting day which marks the destruction of both the first and second Temples. Saddest day of the year
Rosh Chodesh- A monthly celebration celebrating the start of the new month
Shabbat-A weekly holiday marking the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath

Phew, that made me tired...
3,371 posts

Which doesn't mean that they don't feel the pain.

It doesn't really matter. I was circumcised and I have no problem with it. I don't recall any pain and there are health benifits. I'm glad my parents choose it for me. Being cicumcised or not won't really change your life so its not that big a deal.
1,627 posts

Couldn't you just wear a bracelet or something like that?^^

No, because that was how Abraham made his covenant with God.

Which doesn't mean that they don't feel the pain.

You will probably blast me for this, but the babies are given a sip of Manischewitz wine to dull their senses.


They will still feel pain. After a surgery, one still feels sore from the incisions. This is somewhat worse because the cut is on their, well, you know.
Showing 31-45 of 159