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ForumsForum Games*Night Story RPG*

159 17510
1,943 posts

No limit on amount of players that may join, I have time on my hands.

---{Night Story}---


It stopped. One early morning, man woke up, to no sun in the sky. For reasons beyond explanation, the sun ceased to rise in the sky and only the moon remained to glare at this world. Over time, 99% of life as we know it died off, only few creatures that managed to adapt to the never ending night still live and struggle against are worlds curse. What happened to the sun? what force of unimaginable evil could want this for us? How will we live without the light? It is up to you, to take on the great mysteries that have doomed are world. Are you prepared?

Races (the 6 remaining life forms)

A mutated lizard grown to the size of a human. Can morph into ground based objects for 1 minute, Can withstand any level of extreme heat. Cannot climb, can not swim until level 25. Begins game in Desert. Begins with "Guterspeak" as language.

Remains of humanity, have purple and blue skin similar to human ancestry. Immune to poison hazards, Bonuses to productivity when working as a group. Fairly weak. Begins game in city ruins (huge bonus). Begins with "Slang" as language.

A fairly large intelligent amphibian. Can breath underwater, Small and hard to spot, Venomous Fangs. Weakest race if spotted first. Begins game in Lake. Begins with "Meprhine" as language.

A large bushy tree that can walk and talk. Can reproduce sounds or imitate voices, Can accurately read minds (Does not work on other Mendor). Move fairly slow. Begins game in Forest. Begins with "Wind" language and a free bonus language of your choice.

--Half Life--
Plagued human zombies that haunt the very nightmares of it's prey. Originally human but brought back to life by the devil himself. Can not be destroyed, when killed there revived 24 hours later. Move faster then there Kueman counterparts, can not learn foreign language, catch fire easy. Begin game in graveyard. Begins with "Grunt" as language.

Large bird that managed to survive due to it's low nutritional diet. Has large blue wings and a large elegant body about the size of a dinner table. Can fly, have beaks. Begins game with only "3" health. Begins game on mountains. Begins with "Hailforth" as language.

Each race has it's special abilities, be sure to note what race suits you best.

Character Sheet

Level: 1
Health: 5/5 (goes up 1 each level) <- Pindora's begin 3/3
PUL (Posts until level): 5/5
Inventory: Empty (your inventory space is equal to your level)
Location: (see race details)
Language Log: (See race details)
Dungeon Log: (Empty)
Party: (None, To create a party have players approve.)


Language in needed to communicate with players of a different racial background, you will need this in order to form a party, later key to completing dungeons and such. At level "10" you have the right to share your language with another player as long as your in speaking distance from them. Hopefully other players will teach you there language and so on. You might also get lucky and find books, or even start your own language who knows....


If you run out of health and your not a half life your game ends, you may revive your character if you wait 1 week, or start up new again

How to win

There is no way to know for sure, you have herd rumors of danger filled dungeons. Perhaps there the key to bringing back the sun....


  • 159 Replies
1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Race: Hurlocks
Level: 1
Health: 5/5 (goes up 1 each level) <- Pindora's begin 3/3
PUL (Posts until level): 5/5
Inventory: Empty (your inventory space is equal to your level)
Location: Lake
Language Log: Merphine
Dungeon Log: (Empty)
Party: (None, To create a party have players approve.)

942 posts

Name:Tanner oak
Level: 5
Health: 4/9
PUL: 2/9
Weapon: Pic axe(+2DMG W=2)
Armor: None
Inventory: Sheets
Location: Lodging Station
Language Log:Wind, Grunt
Dungeon Log:

I eat as many apples as I can.

4,710 posts

Oh yes and I'm not going to bump night story to tell you guys this but I am dropping "Night story". This game is far better and more set up. I think that any person looking for a solid RPG should join in, all past night story users welcome

guys,this game is dead. i read it in emerald sword.

Showing 151-153 of 159