Here's a thread where you can talk about the armatars. Here's the original thread. Please read the opening post of that thread: Here, I have decided to make a central area for armatar discussion. Just say anything you want about armatars that isn't a) Disregarding any usual rules. b) Spam. c) A spoiler about how you unlock certain armatars. d) Anything else, that, under common sense, is inappropriate. Also, read the last page of that thread where Cenere posted the lock reason. He has allowed me to re-create the thread, but don't let it end up like the original thread.
Now to talk about the armatars. Which ones are your favorite? What would you like to see as future armatars? Would you like for the contests to come back? Would you like to be able to draw your own armatars and use them? Would you like custom armatars, as in armatars you can grab off the Internet?
My favorites are the unicorns, mainly because of the coloring used on them and how they are positioned. The unicorn I'm currently using is my favorite out of that batch. It's a bright white color and the blue eyes look nice. It also appears to be in a noble position.This one is my second favorite out of that batch because it reminds me of the game Robot Unicorn Attack. Also, the colors grab my attention. I don't particularly like this unicorn because of how the body and head are positioned. It looks like its neck is broken. If it were to be drawn like how the other two are, it would be my favorite. I tend to change my armatar occasionally due to me liking most of them, but the unicorns are my favorite.
I don't really have any armatar ideas in mind. Most are already seasonals or in the selection you get. I would like for the seasonal armatars to be a part of that selection, though. You can actually view all the seasonal armatars, just click this. That was taken off of Graham's profile. Which ones in each season are your favorite? Out of those, I prefer the Halloween armatars. My favorites are the fourth, fifth, and sixth in the second row. The clown picture also looks good. Aside from those, I like the eighth armatar in the second row of the winter selection.
As for contests and being able to draw them, that'd be nice. It'd be neat being able to have the contests back for people to submit their own drawn armatars and being able to draw them would make them unique to you.
I'd like to be able to use a custom armatar, there are a few I would use. Such as Altair and Rorschach
I don't know why, but I tend to enjoy more simplistic, yet colorful Armatars. The people and animal related Armatars aren't as appealing to me, for whatever reason. I guess I'm more of a math and science guy at heart, so I like lines and colors.
Anyways, I also like landscape or object-oriented Armatars. Come winter, I may actually switch my Armatar to the snowy field...
...should it choose to make itself available to me.
Oh, I completely ignored the winter set when choosing my favorite seasonal armatars. Well, that snow one you posted is a favorite of mine, as are these:
Also this one: I couldn't find it in any of the sets listed on the first page.
The seasonal armatars? Well, you can't currently get them, but hopefully they'll make them available in AG3. That'd be good; most people will probably stop complaining about the lack of armatars if they put them on there.
The tiger is the only one really like, minus the shields. I think there should be more feminine ones. The range they've got is good, but a few more girl ones wouldn't go a miss :]
Uh well in my opinion the "ninja pony" looks kinda like one of those egyptian statues u know. The ones with like dog heads and such. Or I kinda looks more like a samuri.
Look at this cute pink box! Or socket, not sure what it is. It's nice of AG to put a new armatar up, but they should've put up some others along with this, possibly some Armor Games logos, such as the ones before games and at the top of the site; the shield with two swords.
I wonder how long until people change from this pink box/socket after it's taken off the selection.
Uh well in my opinion the "ninja pony" looks kinda like one of those egyptian statues u know. The ones with like dog heads and such.
You're thinking of Anubis, and there is some resemblance.
Look at this cute pink box! Or socket, not sure what it is.
From what I've seen on Nitrome's site, I think it's supposed to be a socket/face.
It'll be nice that on AG3 the armatars will all be free (so they say). I think they could do with some dinosaurs, dragons, machines, and maybe some elementals. (Please excuse any duplication with reality - I haven't leveled very far, so I'm just going by what I see everyone else has.)
You're thinking of Anubis, and there is some resemblance.
I will show this to Strop. And forever mock him.
As for the size, considering it is a custom made one, I kinda assume they uploaded it at the size the creator provided. Most of mine are made at 300x300, and then scaled down so no one can see how ugly it really is. I think Strop might have done one at a greater scale to show the art properly, while also providing one at a smaller scale to show how it would look scaled down.